Страйк як особливий захід захисту прав працівників
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Право і безпека. - 2013. - № 4 (51). - С. 138-141
Розглянуто правову природу страйку як одного з найефективніших заходів захисту трудових прав працівників. Відзначено що сучасні конституційні положення права на страйк засновані на нормах міжнародних актів. Звернуто увагу на те, що страйк є одним із засобів вирішення колективного трудового спору. На підставі дослідження зроблено висновок про необхідність удосконалення відповідного законодавства.
Legal nature of the strike as one of the most effective measures of protecting labor rights of employees is researched in the article. It is noted that there was not such a notion “strike” in formal legal terms of the former Soviet Union; there was not even a supposition about the possibility to conduct a strike. At that time the government acted as a single employer and any strike would mean opposition of working people against the state. The Constitution of Ukraine in 1996 has provided the right of workers for a strike among social and economic rights of workers. It is noted that the current constitutional provisions of the right for a strike are based on the provisions of international acts and include: recognition of a strike as a legal act of employees, realization of the right for a strike by creating a system of state guarantees, recognition a strike as one of the means of defending economic and social interests of workers, setting limits for certain categories of workers. Attention is paid to the fact that a strike is one of the means of resolving collective labor dispute. However, a strike within this process has its own place. It is noted that the right for a strike has certain limitations, namely national legislation prohibits rank and file and officers of internal affairs agencies to organize strikes and participate in them. Based on the research the author concluded that there is a need to predict in Regulations on Service of rank and file and officers of internal affairs agencies the norms for resolving collective labor dispute within internal affairs agencies, to fix the list of positions among rank and file and officers and grant them the right to use a strike to resolve collective labor dispute, to predict obligatory judicial resolution of collective labor dispute when conciliatory procedures have failed.
Рассмотрена правовая природа забастовки как одного из самых эффективных способов защиты трудовых прав работников. Отмечено, что современные конституционные положения права на забастовку основаны на нормах международных актов. Обращено внимание на то, что забастовка является одним из средств решения коллективного трудового спора. На основании исследования сделан вывод о необходимости усовершенствования соответствующего законодательства.
Legal nature of the strike as one of the most effective measures of protecting labor rights of employees is researched in the article. It is noted that there was not such a notion “strike” in formal legal terms of the former Soviet Union; there was not even a supposition about the possibility to conduct a strike. At that time the government acted as a single employer and any strike would mean opposition of working people against the state. The Constitution of Ukraine in 1996 has provided the right of workers for a strike among social and economic rights of workers. It is noted that the current constitutional provisions of the right for a strike are based on the provisions of international acts and include: recognition of a strike as a legal act of employees, realization of the right for a strike by creating a system of state guarantees, recognition a strike as one of the means of defending economic and social interests of workers, setting limits for certain categories of workers. Attention is paid to the fact that a strike is one of the means of resolving collective labor dispute. However, a strike within this process has its own place. It is noted that the right for a strike has certain limitations, namely national legislation prohibits rank and file and officers of internal affairs agencies to organize strikes and participate in them. Based on the research the author concluded that there is a need to predict in Regulations on Service of rank and file and officers of internal affairs agencies the norms for resolving collective labor dispute within internal affairs agencies, to fix the list of positions among rank and file and officers and grant them the right to use a strike to resolve collective labor dispute, to predict obligatory judicial resolution of collective labor dispute when conciliatory procedures have failed.
Рассмотрена правовая природа забастовки как одного из самых эффективных способов защиты трудовых прав работников. Отмечено, что современные конституционные положения права на забастовку основаны на нормах международных актов. Обращено внимание на то, что забастовка является одним из средств решения коллективного трудового спора. На основании исследования сделан вывод о необходимости усовершенствования соответствующего законодательства.
Ключові слова
Бібліографічний опис
Чавикіна, Т. І. Страйк як особливий захід захисту прав працівників / Т. І. Чавикіна // Право і безпека. - 2013. - № 4 (51). - С. 138-141.