Категорія добросовісності у системі приватно-правового регулювання
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Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. - 2023. - № 9. - С. 121-126
Здійснено системний аналіз сучасних тенденцій нормативного закріплення й практичного застосування
категорії добросовісності, як принципу в доктрині цивільного права, законодавстві та судовій практиці. Розкрито нормативний зміст категорії добросовісності, проведено аналіз її реалізації в нормах цивільного законодавства; виявлено проблеми втілення зазначеного принципу у нормотворчій діяльності, судовій
практиці та визначено напрямки їх подолання. Надано пропозиції, спрямованих на тлумачення законодавства
з метою реалізації його основних засад.
The article is devoted to highlighting the essence and content of the category of “good faith” in the system of private law regulation. The relevance of the study is determined by the need for a legal definition of the principle of good faith in the Civil Code of Ukraine. It is noted that good faith, having the possibility of wide application in practice, to date as a category has not been formed either by science or judicial practice. This principle is given a positive assessment as a guarantee of stability and social orientation of the legislation. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the judicial practice of the Supreme Court and the provisions of civil legislation, it was established that the category “good faith” causes numerous discussions. Various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “good faith” in the science of private law are noted. It is noted that justice, good faith, and f intelligence are independent principles of civil law and separate principles of civil legislation. The role and significance of the principle of good faith in the mechanism of legal regulation of civil legal relations, exercise of rights and fulfillment of duties by subjects of civil legal relations are defined. Special attention is paid to the study of good faith as an evaluative concept, which must be considered with an objective and subjective understanding. The objective side means that a person’s behavior must comply with objective generally accepted standards of good faith behavior that are characteristic of all civil legal relations established by law or formed by judicial practice. The subjective side reflects a person’s internal attitude (perception) of their behavior as lawful and awareness that such actions do not violate the rights and interests of other persons. Attention is focused on the determining law-making role of judicial bodies. Emphasis is placed on the trends in judicial practice regarding the expansion of the application of the principle of good faith. It is argued that it is worth clarifying the categories of “good faith” and “good faith behavior” in the legislation, specifying at least their approximate composition.
Осуществлен системный анализ современных тенденций нормативного закрепления и практического применения категории добросовестности как принципа в доктрине гражданского права, законодательстве и судебной практике. Раскрыто нормативное содержание категории добросовестности, проведен анализ ее реализации в нормах гражданского законодательства; выявлены проблемы воплощения указанного принципа в нормотворческой деятельности, судебной практике и определены направления их преодоления. Представлены предложения, направленные на толкование законодательства с целью реализации его основных принципов.
The article is devoted to highlighting the essence and content of the category of “good faith” in the system of private law regulation. The relevance of the study is determined by the need for a legal definition of the principle of good faith in the Civil Code of Ukraine. It is noted that good faith, having the possibility of wide application in practice, to date as a category has not been formed either by science or judicial practice. This principle is given a positive assessment as a guarantee of stability and social orientation of the legislation. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the judicial practice of the Supreme Court and the provisions of civil legislation, it was established that the category “good faith” causes numerous discussions. Various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “good faith” in the science of private law are noted. It is noted that justice, good faith, and f intelligence are independent principles of civil law and separate principles of civil legislation. The role and significance of the principle of good faith in the mechanism of legal regulation of civil legal relations, exercise of rights and fulfillment of duties by subjects of civil legal relations are defined. Special attention is paid to the study of good faith as an evaluative concept, which must be considered with an objective and subjective understanding. The objective side means that a person’s behavior must comply with objective generally accepted standards of good faith behavior that are characteristic of all civil legal relations established by law or formed by judicial practice. The subjective side reflects a person’s internal attitude (perception) of their behavior as lawful and awareness that such actions do not violate the rights and interests of other persons. Attention is focused on the determining law-making role of judicial bodies. Emphasis is placed on the trends in judicial practice regarding the expansion of the application of the principle of good faith. It is argued that it is worth clarifying the categories of “good faith” and “good faith behavior” in the legislation, specifying at least their approximate composition.
Осуществлен системный анализ современных тенденций нормативного закрепления и практического применения категории добросовестности как принципа в доктрине гражданского права, законодательстве и судебной практике. Раскрыто нормативное содержание категории добросовестности, проведен анализ ее реализации в нормах гражданского законодательства; выявлены проблемы воплощения указанного принципа в нормотворческой деятельности, судебной практике и определены направления их преодоления. Представлены предложения, направленные на толкование законодательства с целью реализации его основных принципов.
Ключові слова
добросовісність, добросовісна поведінка, приватне право, цивільне законодавство, цивільне право, принципи, цивільні правовідносини, приватно-правове регулювання, good faith, good faith behavior, private law, civil law, civil legislation, principles, civil legal relations, private legal regulation, добросовестность, добросовестное поведение, частное право, гражданское право, гражданское законодательство, принципы, гражданское правоотношение, частно-правовое регулирование
Бібліографічний опис
Тимошенко, Д. В. Категорія добросовісності у системі приватно-правового регулювання [Електронний ресурс] / Тимошенко Д. В. // Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. - 2023. - № 9. - С. 121-126. - Режим доступу : http://www.lsej.org.ua/9_2023/28.pdf.