Democracy and totalitarianism. Compromise in honor to democracy. An ideal political system or «between two evils, you should choose the lesser one?»
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Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 14-16
У даній статті було представлено ґенезу поняття «демократія», а також зв’язок даного політичного устрою із появою та розвитком доктрини тоталітаризму. Проведено дослідження головних постулатів вчення, з метою побудови перспектив розвитку проблематики демократії у сучасному світі.
Today democracy and totalitarianism are two the most controversial political doctrines, that have been developing by couple of historic scientists around the world. Someone of them says, that these systems are totally different. Another group claims, that long time ago the totalitarianism was created on the background of main postulates of Plato’s democracy. Where is the truth? How can we find it out after such couple of times and historical occasions, even after the most tragic ones? How could we keep the common sense under such incredible pressure of history and our common accountability in front offace ofthe World’s peace? In this article authors are going to disclose the whole process of creating of two the most controversial political doctrines as well as criticism against them, in the aim of making one great common conclusion, and answer the question: «Are we already have a democratic world? Does the best democracy of Plato really look like our modern world? Are we already on the edge of glory?».
В данной статье представлен генезис понятия «демократия», а также связь данного политического строя с появлением и развитием доктрины тоталитаризма. Было проведено исследование главных постулатов учения с целью выработки концепции перспектив развития проблематики демократии в современном мире.
Today democracy and totalitarianism are two the most controversial political doctrines, that have been developing by couple of historic scientists around the world. Someone of them says, that these systems are totally different. Another group claims, that long time ago the totalitarianism was created on the background of main postulates of Plato’s democracy. Where is the truth? How can we find it out after such couple of times and historical occasions, even after the most tragic ones? How could we keep the common sense under such incredible pressure of history and our common accountability in front offace ofthe World’s peace? In this article authors are going to disclose the whole process of creating of two the most controversial political doctrines as well as criticism against them, in the aim of making one great common conclusion, and answer the question: «Are we already have a democratic world? Does the best democracy of Plato really look like our modern world? Are we already on the edge of glory?».
В данной статье представлен генезис понятия «демократия», а также связь данного политического строя с появлением и развитием доктрины тоталитаризма. Было проведено исследование главных постулатов учения с целью выработки концепции перспектив развития проблематики демократии в современном мире.
Kupriianova L.S. Democracy and totalitarianism. Compromise in honor to democracy. An ideal political system or «between two evils, you should choose the lesser one?» [Електронний ресурс] / Kupriianova L. S., Kupriianova D. S. // Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 14-16. - Режим доступу:
Ключові слова
Держава і право. State and Law. Государство и право, Історія. History. История, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, democracy, totalitarianism, Hanna Arendt, Erich Fromm, Carl Popper, Socrates, Plato, демократія, тоталітаризм, Ганна Арендт, Єріх Фромм, Карл Поппер, Сократ, Платон, демократия, тоталитаризм, Анна Арендт, Эрих Фромм