Проблеми запровадження концепції флексік’юріті при використанні нетипових форм зайнятості
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Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. - 2023. - Вип. 5. - С. 50-54
Звернено увагу на ключові аспекти, які слід враховувати при запровадженні ідеї концепції флексік’юріті для вдосконалення використання нетипових форм зайнятості в Україні. Окреслено кроки, які необхідно здійснити законодавцю з метою забезпечення належного втілення тих ідей концепції флексік’юріті, які передбачають соціальний захист трудового населення, зокрема тих громадян, що реалізують свою здатність до праці через нетипові форми зайнятості. Зроблено висновок, що для забезпечити належного втілення тих ідей концепції флексік’юріті, які передбачають соціальний захист трудового населення, зокрема, тих громадян,
що реалізують свою здатність до праці через нетипові форми зайнятості, необхідно: – створити необхідні умови для належної реалізації принципу «трипатризму», тобто конструктивного діалогу між сторонами соціального діалогу, а саме працівниками, роботодавцями та державою.
The article, based on the analysis of the scientific views of scientists and the norms of the current legislation, draws attention to the key aspects that should be taken into account when introducing the idea of the flexicurity concept to improve the use of atypical forms of employment in Ukraine. The steps that must be taken by the legislator in order to ensure the proper implementation of those ideas of the concept of flexicurity, which provide for the social protection of the working population, in particular those citizens who realize their ability to work through atypical forms of employment, are outlined. It was concluded that in order to ensure the proper implementation of the ideas of the concept of flexicurity, which provide for the social protection of the working population, in particular, those citizens who realize their ability to work through atypical forms of employment, it is necessary to: – create the necessary conditions for the proper implementation of the principle of "tripatrism", i.e. constructive dialogue between the parties of social dialogue, namely employees, employers and the state. In the conditions of the development of atypical forms of employment, solving this issue is a particularly important step, since quite often hired workers, included in the production process precisely because of such forms, bear increased risks of violation of their labor rights and legitimate interests, in particular due to gaps in labor legislation. The specified principle is designed to prevent violations of the balance of interests of employees and employers, regardless of the forms of employment used. That is, it is the method of social partnership, active and meaningful dialogue between the participants of relations that mediate the production process, that is one of the key tools of influencing the above-mentioned flexibility, determining its reasonable limits. In such conditions, at the institutional level, a special role is assigned to professional associations that protect the rights and legitimate interests of workers, and at the regulatory and legal level, contractual regulation of labor relations; – introduction of an effective strategy for overcoming unemployment both at the national and regional levels; – guaranteeing proper financial support of the economically inactive population. However, at the same time, such provision should not compete with a person's labor income. That is, the state is obliged to protect a person's income in the event of his temporary incapacity for work or due to his loss of work for other reasons, at the same time, this guaranteed income should not undermine the motivation to work; – giving priority to long-term employment, regardless of the forms of implementation of the latter; – creation of conditions for accessible and unhindered professional training, retraining, and advanced training of the working population.
Обращается внимание на ключевые аспекты, которые следует учитывать при внедрении идеи концепции флексикъюрити для улучшения использования нетипичных форм занятости в Украине. Обозначены шаги, которые необходимо предпринять законодателю для того, чтобы обеспечить надлежащую реализацию тех идей концепции гибкости, которые предусматривают социальную защиту работающего населения, в частности тех граждан, которые реализуют свою трудоспособность через нетипичные формы занятости.
The article, based on the analysis of the scientific views of scientists and the norms of the current legislation, draws attention to the key aspects that should be taken into account when introducing the idea of the flexicurity concept to improve the use of atypical forms of employment in Ukraine. The steps that must be taken by the legislator in order to ensure the proper implementation of those ideas of the concept of flexicurity, which provide for the social protection of the working population, in particular those citizens who realize their ability to work through atypical forms of employment, are outlined. It was concluded that in order to ensure the proper implementation of the ideas of the concept of flexicurity, which provide for the social protection of the working population, in particular, those citizens who realize their ability to work through atypical forms of employment, it is necessary to: – create the necessary conditions for the proper implementation of the principle of "tripatrism", i.e. constructive dialogue between the parties of social dialogue, namely employees, employers and the state. In the conditions of the development of atypical forms of employment, solving this issue is a particularly important step, since quite often hired workers, included in the production process precisely because of such forms, bear increased risks of violation of their labor rights and legitimate interests, in particular due to gaps in labor legislation. The specified principle is designed to prevent violations of the balance of interests of employees and employers, regardless of the forms of employment used. That is, it is the method of social partnership, active and meaningful dialogue between the participants of relations that mediate the production process, that is one of the key tools of influencing the above-mentioned flexibility, determining its reasonable limits. In such conditions, at the institutional level, a special role is assigned to professional associations that protect the rights and legitimate interests of workers, and at the regulatory and legal level, contractual regulation of labor relations; – introduction of an effective strategy for overcoming unemployment both at the national and regional levels; – guaranteeing proper financial support of the economically inactive population. However, at the same time, such provision should not compete with a person's labor income. That is, the state is obliged to protect a person's income in the event of his temporary incapacity for work or due to his loss of work for other reasons, at the same time, this guaranteed income should not undermine the motivation to work; – giving priority to long-term employment, regardless of the forms of implementation of the latter; – creation of conditions for accessible and unhindered professional training, retraining, and advanced training of the working population.
Обращается внимание на ключевые аспекты, которые следует учитывать при внедрении идеи концепции флексикъюрити для улучшения использования нетипичных форм занятости в Украине. Обозначены шаги, которые необходимо предпринять законодателю для того, чтобы обеспечить надлежащую реализацию тех идей концепции гибкости, которые предусматривают социальную защиту работающего населения, в частности тех граждан, которые реализуют свою трудоспособность через нетипичные формы занятости.
Ключові слова
зайнятість населення, employment, занятость населения, концепція флексік’юріті, concept of flexicurity, концепция флексикъюрити, нетипові форми зайнятості, atypical forms of employment, нетипичные формы занятости, правове регулювання, legal regulation, правовое регулирование, працівники, employees, работники
Бібліографічний опис
Гусаров, О. С. Проблеми запровадження концепції флексік’юріті при використанні нетипових форм зайнятості / Гусаров О. С. // Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. - 2023. - Вип. 5. - С. 50-54. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32844/2618-1258.2023.5.7.