Злочинність в УСРР та протидія їй у першій половині 1930-х років
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Право і безпека. – 2017. – № 4 (67). – С.88-94
Розглянуто причини й основні прояви злочинності в Українській СРР у першій половині
1930-х років. Основну увагу приділено сутності каральної політики радянської держави,
спробам влади протидіяти злочинності й ролі міліції в цьому процесі.
The development of the constitutional state in Ukraine, strengthening of the rule of law and order, as well as judicial reform and the creation of the National Police led to the need to rethink the experience of counteracting crime, the place and role of law enforcement agencies in these processes. This experience has positive and negative aspects. This especially concerns the Soviet era, in particular, the very controversial period of the early 1930s. Crime combating during this period was complicated by the low level of training of law enforcement officers. Law enforcement agencies were subjected to permanent cleansing by the committees of the Communist Party and various administrative agencies, and social origin was sufficient ground for dismissal. In the first half of 1930s there was a tendency to strengthen the punitive function of the state. This was clearly reflected in the law dated from August 7, 1932, which contributed to mass repression against the population, especially village inhabitants. One of the main tasks of law enforcement agencies was the fight against hooliganism. In the early 1930s, hooliganism was the main cause of murders, pushing out “jealousy” on the second place (although the total number of murders declined). Due to increased repression, the level of these crimes has been reduced. The militia also fought against banditism and street crime (robberies and plundering) during this period. Relatively new type of its activity was the counteraction to violations of traffic rules, accidents and road traffic events. Organization of voluntary militia assistance units was used among other things in order to counteract crime.
Рассмотрены причины и основные проявления преступности в Украинской ССР в первой половине 1930-х годов. Основное внимание уделено сущности карательной политики советского государства, попыткам власти противодействовать преступности и роли милиции в этом процессе.
The development of the constitutional state in Ukraine, strengthening of the rule of law and order, as well as judicial reform and the creation of the National Police led to the need to rethink the experience of counteracting crime, the place and role of law enforcement agencies in these processes. This experience has positive and negative aspects. This especially concerns the Soviet era, in particular, the very controversial period of the early 1930s. Crime combating during this period was complicated by the low level of training of law enforcement officers. Law enforcement agencies were subjected to permanent cleansing by the committees of the Communist Party and various administrative agencies, and social origin was sufficient ground for dismissal. In the first half of 1930s there was a tendency to strengthen the punitive function of the state. This was clearly reflected in the law dated from August 7, 1932, which contributed to mass repression against the population, especially village inhabitants. One of the main tasks of law enforcement agencies was the fight against hooliganism. In the early 1930s, hooliganism was the main cause of murders, pushing out “jealousy” on the second place (although the total number of murders declined). Due to increased repression, the level of these crimes has been reduced. The militia also fought against banditism and street crime (robberies and plundering) during this period. Relatively new type of its activity was the counteraction to violations of traffic rules, accidents and road traffic events. Organization of voluntary militia assistance units was used among other things in order to counteract crime.
Рассмотрены причины и основные проявления преступности в Украинской ССР в первой половине 1930-х годов. Основное внимание уделено сущности карательной политики советского государства, попыткам власти противодействовать преступности и роли милиции в этом процессе.
Греченко, В. А. Злочинність в УСРР та протидія їй у першій половині 1930-х років / В. А. Греченко, А. М. Клочко // Право і безпека. – 2017. – № 4 (67). – С.88-94.
Grechenko, V.A. and Klochko, A.M. (2017), “Crime in the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic and combating it in the first half of 1930s” [“Zlochynnist v USRR ta protydiia yii u pershii polovyni 1930-kh rokiv”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 4, pp. 88–94.
Grechenko, V.A. and Klochko, A.M. (2017), “Crime in the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic and combating it in the first half of 1930s” [“Zlochynnist v USRR ta protydiia yii u pershii polovyni 1930-kh rokiv”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 4, pp. 88–94.
Ключові слова
Кримінологія. Criminology. Криминология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, Історія. History. История, протидія злочинності, міліція, хуліганство, бандитизм, противодействие преступности, милиция, crime counteraction, militia, хулиганство, hooliganism, banditism