Кримінальна субкультура як фактор призонізації
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Право і безпека. - 2013. - № 4 (51). - С. 112-117
Досліджено роль кримінальної субкультури в процесі детермінації призонізації. Обґрунтовано, що кримінальна субкультура несе в собі деструктивний потенціал як на індивідуальному рівні деформації особистості, так і в контексті загальносоціального розвитку. Зазначено, що сприйняття засудженим субкультурних елементів, їх відображення у структурі диспозицій, а також у практичній діяльності є одним з найбільш суттєвих компонентів призонізації.
This article is devoted to the problem of researching the role of the criminal subculture in the determination process of prisoning. It is grounded that criminal subculture has a destructive potential both at the individual level of individual’s deformation and in the context of general and social development. The object of the process of normalization of relations among prisoners is the «values» of cohabitation in the following areas: a) the content of professional or other criminal activity; b) the ratio to the law-enforcement agencies, including the administration of correctional institutions; c) attitude to persons of opposite sex, the family institution, social, legal work and other socially useful activities, including performances organized by prisoners; d) ideological orientations that reflect the meaning of life, substitute personal, collective and intersubjective (with some attribute elements of the Christian Orthodox religion) metaphysical values. Analysis of the caste, hierarchical system of status fixed in the criminal environment indicates that it is based on the submission of the force of an abstract authority, which is combined to the rank of general predictor considering personal physical strength, mental stability, endurance, communication skills, competence in criminal and subcultural traditions and customs, strict adherence to them. Perception of subcultural elements by a convicted, their reflection in the structure of their dispositions and in practice compose the content of prisoning and serve as a significant obstructive factor towards successful re-socialization of individuals in the process of serving the sentence, its adaptation after being released from prison and a powerful criminogenic factor. Thus, the criminal subculture is the basic unit of prisoning, its main complex factor, where diverse factors of traumatic, physical and destructive and nihilistic character are intertwined.
Исследована роль криминальной субкультуры в процессе детерминации призонизации. Обосновано, что криминальная субкультура несет в себе деструктивный потенциал как на индивидуальном уровне деформации личности, так и в контексте общесоциального развития. Указано, что восприятие осуждённым субкультурных элементов, их отражения в структуре диспозиций, а также в практической деятельности является одним из наиболее существенных компонентов призонизации.
This article is devoted to the problem of researching the role of the criminal subculture in the determination process of prisoning. It is grounded that criminal subculture has a destructive potential both at the individual level of individual’s deformation and in the context of general and social development. The object of the process of normalization of relations among prisoners is the «values» of cohabitation in the following areas: a) the content of professional or other criminal activity; b) the ratio to the law-enforcement agencies, including the administration of correctional institutions; c) attitude to persons of opposite sex, the family institution, social, legal work and other socially useful activities, including performances organized by prisoners; d) ideological orientations that reflect the meaning of life, substitute personal, collective and intersubjective (with some attribute elements of the Christian Orthodox religion) metaphysical values. Analysis of the caste, hierarchical system of status fixed in the criminal environment indicates that it is based on the submission of the force of an abstract authority, which is combined to the rank of general predictor considering personal physical strength, mental stability, endurance, communication skills, competence in criminal and subcultural traditions and customs, strict adherence to them. Perception of subcultural elements by a convicted, their reflection in the structure of their dispositions and in practice compose the content of prisoning and serve as a significant obstructive factor towards successful re-socialization of individuals in the process of serving the sentence, its adaptation after being released from prison and a powerful criminogenic factor. Thus, the criminal subculture is the basic unit of prisoning, its main complex factor, where diverse factors of traumatic, physical and destructive and nihilistic character are intertwined.
Исследована роль криминальной субкультуры в процессе детерминации призонизации. Обосновано, что криминальная субкультура несет в себе деструктивный потенциал как на индивидуальном уровне деформации личности, так и в контексте общесоциального развития. Указано, что восприятие осуждённым субкультурных элементов, их отражения в структуре диспозиций, а также в практической деятельности является одним из наиболее существенных компонентов призонизации.
Бібліографічний опис
Перепелиця, Д. І. Кримінальна субкультура як фактор призонізації / Д. І. Перепелиця // Право і безпека. - 2013. - № 4 (51). - С. 112-117.