Правова природа, сутність та зміст дисциплінарних стягнень, що застосовуються до працівників поліції
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Юридична наука. - 2019. - № 11 (101), т. 2. - С. 175-182
Розкрито зміст дисциплінарних стягнень, які застосовуються до працівників поліції. Проаналізовано правову природу та поняття дисциплінарних стягнень в трудовому праві в цілому. Окреслено головні особливості дисциплінарних стягнень, що застосовуються до працівників поліції. Визначено, що за своєю природою ознаки змісту
дисциплінарних стягнень є трудоправовим явищем та невід’ємним
елементом загального процесу забезпечення дисципліни праці на
підприємстві, установі чи організації будь-якої форми власності.
The central place in the structure of disciplinary responsibility of police officers, as well as any other employees, is occupied by disciplinary sanctions, the imposition of which actually serves the purpose of this category. However, the purpose and nature of these penalties do not focus solely on punishing police officers for misconduct. They provide a multifaceted impact on the police officer, as well as the implementation of the basic functions and tasks of disciplinary liability of these entities, in connection with which it is important to understand their concept and legal and organizational purpose. The purpose of the article is to disclose the content of disciplinary sanctions applied to police officers. Its achievement involves the following tasks: to analyze the legal nature and the concept of disciplinary action in labor law in general; outline the main features of disciplinary sanctions applied to police officers. It is concluded that by their nature the features of the content of disciplinary sanctions are a labor law phenomenon and an integral part of the overall process of ensuring labor discipline at the enterprise, institution or organization of any form of ownership. At the same time, having studied the content of disciplinary sanctions in terms of ensuring official discipline in the bodies and units of the National Police of Ukraine, we found that integral and key factors of their internal nature are: first, the inviolable relationship with disciplinary offenses, if any which the existence and application of disciplinary sanctions against a police officer is possible; secondly, the educational role of disciplinary sanctions, the application of which leads to the development of police ideas and moral beliefs about the need to comply with the order and rules of service in the police; prevention of any other violations of official discipline in their work in the future, etc .; thirdly, the protective role of disciplinary sanctions, as aspects of ensuring the compensation of negative consequences for the commission of a disciplinary offense and ensuring the inviolability of official discipline by other police officers; fourth, the impact of disciplinary action on the employment status of police officers.
Раскрыто содержание дисциплинарных взысканий, применяемых к работникам полиции. Проанализирована правовая природа и понятие дисциплинарных взысканий в трудовом праве в целом. Обозначены главные особенности дисциплинарных взысканий, применяемых к работникам полиции. Определено, что по своей природе признаки содержания дисциплинарных взысканий являются трудоправовым явлением и неотъемлемым элементом общего процесса обеспечения дисциплины труда на предприятии, учреждении или организации любой формы собственности.
The central place in the structure of disciplinary responsibility of police officers, as well as any other employees, is occupied by disciplinary sanctions, the imposition of which actually serves the purpose of this category. However, the purpose and nature of these penalties do not focus solely on punishing police officers for misconduct. They provide a multifaceted impact on the police officer, as well as the implementation of the basic functions and tasks of disciplinary liability of these entities, in connection with which it is important to understand their concept and legal and organizational purpose. The purpose of the article is to disclose the content of disciplinary sanctions applied to police officers. Its achievement involves the following tasks: to analyze the legal nature and the concept of disciplinary action in labor law in general; outline the main features of disciplinary sanctions applied to police officers. It is concluded that by their nature the features of the content of disciplinary sanctions are a labor law phenomenon and an integral part of the overall process of ensuring labor discipline at the enterprise, institution or organization of any form of ownership. At the same time, having studied the content of disciplinary sanctions in terms of ensuring official discipline in the bodies and units of the National Police of Ukraine, we found that integral and key factors of their internal nature are: first, the inviolable relationship with disciplinary offenses, if any which the existence and application of disciplinary sanctions against a police officer is possible; secondly, the educational role of disciplinary sanctions, the application of which leads to the development of police ideas and moral beliefs about the need to comply with the order and rules of service in the police; prevention of any other violations of official discipline in their work in the future, etc .; thirdly, the protective role of disciplinary sanctions, as aspects of ensuring the compensation of negative consequences for the commission of a disciplinary offense and ensuring the inviolability of official discipline by other police officers; fourth, the impact of disciplinary action on the employment status of police officers.
Раскрыто содержание дисциплинарных взысканий, применяемых к работникам полиции. Проанализирована правовая природа и понятие дисциплинарных взысканий в трудовом праве в целом. Обозначены главные особенности дисциплинарных взысканий, применяемых к работникам полиции. Определено, что по своей природе признаки содержания дисциплинарных взысканий являются трудоправовым явлением и неотъемлемым элементом общего процесса обеспечения дисциплины труда на предприятии, учреждении или организации любой формы собственности.
Панов, О. І. Правова природа, сутність та зміст дисциплінарних стягнень, що застосовуються до працівників поліції / Панов О. І. // Юридична наука. - 2019. - № 11 (101), т. 2. - С. 175-182.
Ключові слова
Трудове право. Право соціального забезпечення. Labor law. Law of social guaranteeing. Трудовое право. Право социального обеспечения, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, працівники поліції, police officers, работники полиции, дисциплінарні стягнення, disciplinary action, дисциплинарные взыскания, трудоправовий статус, labor law status, трудоправовой статус, правова природа, legal nature, правовая природа