Публічне адміністрування: теоретичні засади та підходи до визначення
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Право і безпека. – 2017. – № 3 (6). – С. 38-44
Досліджено теоретичні підходи до визначення сутності й ознак публічного адміністрування,
його співвідношення з державним і публічним управлінням, а також процесом менеджменту.
На підставі проведеного аналізу вітчизняних і закордонних праць із проблематики державного управління запропоновано авторське визначення терміна «публічне адміністрування» та
здійснено його відмежування від споріднених понять у галузі управлінської діяльності.
The author of the article has studied theoretical approaches to the definition of the essence and characteristics of public administration, its relationship with state and public administration, and the management process. Nowadays scientific literature does not have a single interpretation of the term «public administration (management)», which is related both to the general understanding of the meaning of this term, and to the problems of the implementation of its definition from international literature to domestic works. Theoretical approaches to the views on public administration can be reduced to the following: – public administration is an analogue of the concept of «state administration», but is aimed at satisfying the needs and interests of the entire society, also it may be related to the provision of public services; – public administration is a method of public administration or as its certain part (stage); – public administration is a separate activity of public administration, which is expressed, in addition to the provision of administrative services, in the implementation and enforcement of laws and bylaws of the normative and legal acts; – public administration includes internal management processes that take place in executive and local self-government agencies. In our opinion public administration is regulated by laws and other system organizing normative legal acts, power and regulatory activities of state authorities and local self-government, which is aimed at streamlining their organizational structure, planning, preparation, development and implementation of managerial decisions, organization of the management apparatus, the implementation of documentary, information, personnel, and psychological support of their daily activities in order to achieve socially useful goals and the creation and operation of the relevant entity of administration.
Исследованы теоретические подходы к определению сущности и признаков публичного администрирования, его соотношение с государственным и публичным управлением, а также процессом менеджмента. На основании проведённого анализа отечественных и зарубежных работ по проблематике государственного управления предложено авторское определение термина «публичное администрирование», а также осуществлено его отграничение от смежных понятий в области управленческой деятельности.
The author of the article has studied theoretical approaches to the definition of the essence and characteristics of public administration, its relationship with state and public administration, and the management process. Nowadays scientific literature does not have a single interpretation of the term «public administration (management)», which is related both to the general understanding of the meaning of this term, and to the problems of the implementation of its definition from international literature to domestic works. Theoretical approaches to the views on public administration can be reduced to the following: – public administration is an analogue of the concept of «state administration», but is aimed at satisfying the needs and interests of the entire society, also it may be related to the provision of public services; – public administration is a method of public administration or as its certain part (stage); – public administration is a separate activity of public administration, which is expressed, in addition to the provision of administrative services, in the implementation and enforcement of laws and bylaws of the normative and legal acts; – public administration includes internal management processes that take place in executive and local self-government agencies. In our opinion public administration is regulated by laws and other system organizing normative legal acts, power and regulatory activities of state authorities and local self-government, which is aimed at streamlining their organizational structure, planning, preparation, development and implementation of managerial decisions, organization of the management apparatus, the implementation of documentary, information, personnel, and psychological support of their daily activities in order to achieve socially useful goals and the creation and operation of the relevant entity of administration.
Исследованы теоретические подходы к определению сущности и признаков публичного администрирования, его соотношение с государственным и публичным управлением, а также процессом менеджмента. На основании проведённого анализа отечественных и зарубежных работ по проблематике государственного управления предложено авторское определение термина «публичное администрирование», а также осуществлено его отграничение от смежных понятий в области управленческой деятельности.
Бугайчук, К. Л. Публічне адміністрування: теоретичні засади та підходи до визначення / К. Л. Бугайчук // Право і безпека. – 2017. – № 3 (6). – С. 38-44.
Bugaychuk, K.L. (2017), “Public administration: theoretical basics and approaches to the definition” [“Publichne administruvannia: teoretychni zasady ta pidkhody do vyznachennia”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 3, pp. 38–44.
Bugaychuk, K.L. (2017), “Public administration: theoretical basics and approaches to the definition” [“Publichne administruvannia: teoretychni zasady ta pidkhody do vyznachennia”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 3, pp. 38–44.
Ключові слова
Адміністративне право та процес. Адміністративна діяльність. Administrative Law and Procedure. Administrative Activity. Административное право и процесс. Административная деятельность, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, публічне адміністрування, державне управління, публічне управління, менеджмент, public administration, state administration, public management, management, публичное администрирование, государственное управление, публичное управление, менеджмент