Держава як суб’єкт податкових правовідносин

dc.contributor.authorМіщенко, Л. В.
dc.contributor.authorMishchenko, L. V.
dc.contributor.authorORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4906-8287
dc.descriptionMishchenko, L.V. (2015), “State as a subject of tax legal relations” [“Derzhava yak subiekt podatkovykh pravovidnosyn”], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 3, pp. 114-120.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.descriptionМіщенко, Л. В. Держава як суб’єкт податкових правовідносин // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 3 (70). - С. 114-120.
dc.descriptionМіщенко Л. В. "Держава як суб’єкт податкових правовідносин." Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ 3 (2015): 114-120.
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто суб’єктів податкових правовідносин та їх повноваження в сучасних умовах реформування податкового законодавства. Проаналізовано особливості правового становища держави як суб’єкта податкових правовідносин.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.description.abstractThe subjects of tax legal relations in modern conditions of market economy and reform of tax legislation in Ukraine are studied. The concept of «tax obligation» as a criterion for differentiation of legal status of tax legal relations bearers is analyzed. In view of the theory of law and considering the tax obligation as a criterion of the division of tax legal relations, the author proves that they include the power and obligation entities. It is determined that the power objects oftax legal relations include the state represented by the legislative and executive authorities, local councils and their executive agencies as well as control subjects in taxation, and the officials of these authorities. Obligation entities within the tax legal relations include taxpayers and persons equated to them (tax agents, representatives of taxpayers). With the development of market economy the state’s powers in taxation are not limited to powerful functions, but increased as an economic entity. The state as a member of the corporate legal relations can also be considered as a taxpayer. The state as the subject of tax legal relations has a special legal position because it is the owner of revenues, organizer, manager and controller of tax relations. State participation in the tax legal relations is a specific characteristic of these relations, wherever the development of tax legal relations depends on the detail and fixing of tax obligation prescribed by the current legislation for each subject of these legal relations. In terms of the development of market economy the state’s powers in taxation are not limited to powerful functions and are spread as an economic entity. The state as a participant of the corporate legal relations can also be considered as a taxpayer. In terms of the orientation of Ukraine to join the EU and the formation of a developed market economy, there is a need to develop legal forms of interaction between the state and taxpayers as equal partners, where the latter voluntarily pay taxes and charges defined by the state.en
dc.description.abstractРассмотрены субъекты налоговых правоотношений и их полномочия в современных условиях реформирования налогового законодательства в Украине. Проанализированы особенности правового положения государства как субъекта налоговых правоотношений.ru
dc.publisherВісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 3 (70). - С. 114-120.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectФінансове право. Бюджетне право. Банківське право. Financis Law. Budget Law. Banking Law. Финансовое право. Бюджетное право. Банковское правоru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectподаткові правовідносиниru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectсуб’єкт податкових правовідносинru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectподатковий обов’язокru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectвладні повноваженняru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjecttax legal relationsru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectsubject of tax legal relationsru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjecttax liabilitiesru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectauthoritative powersru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectплатники податківru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectналоговые правоотношенияru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectсубъект налоговых правоотношенийru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectналоговое обязательствоru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectвластные полномочияru_RU.UTF8
dc.titleДержава як суб’єкт податкових правовідносинru_RU.UTF8


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