Кримінологічний аналіз стану протиправного впливу на результати офіційних спортивних змагань в Україні
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Європейські перспективи. - 2019. - № 3. – С. 114-120
Здійснено кримінологічний опис та пояснення стану протиправного
впливу на результати офіційних спортивних змагань в Україні. Встановлено надвисокий
рівень латентності злочинів, передбачених ст. 369-3 КК України, який становить не
менш як 99 % від фактично існуючого їх обсягу. Виявлено та проаналізовано структуру
матч-фіксингу в залежності від виду спорту, способу протиправного впливу на результати офіційних спортивних змагань, а також суб’єктів підкупу. Надано характеристику відповідним структурним одиницям.
The article is focused on the criminological description and explanation of the state of unlawful infl uence on the results of offi cial sports competitions in Ukraine. The only special legal norm, which provides criminal liability for the wrongful, in fact, corruption infl uence on the results of offi cial sports competitions, is the Art. 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides liability for the so-called match-fi xing – the organization of sports competitions with a previously known result. However, national sport has not received proper rectifi cation from this destructive, harmful infl uence. As a result of the carried out research, the author has revealed the super-high level of latency of crimes stipulated by the Art. 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which is not less than 99% of their actual existing volume. It has been established that the latter annually reaches the mark of about 300 crimes. The author has revealed and analyzed the structure of match-fi xing depending on the type of sport, the way of illegal infl uence on the results of offi cial sports competitions, as well as the subjects of bribery. The characteristic to the corresponding structural units has been provided. Thus, the most intense criminal match-fi xing is present in such sports as big football, indoor mini-football, basketball and volleyball. Bribing (75%) is dominating among the ways of encouraging athletes to commit unlawful acts. Such methods of infl uence on athletes as incitement (10%), entry into conspiracy (8%) and coercion (7%) are structurally placed approximately at the same level of prevalence with a slight variation of gravity. In general, the unlawful infl uence on the results of offi cial sports competitions related to bribery is directly oriented to athletes. The aggregate share of such infl uence is 78% with a slight predominance of bribing of several athletes (players) of one team (40%) over bribing of an individual player (38%). Bribing of members of the coaching staff (10%) is on second place by rank. The next one – is bribery of judges (5%), owners of sports clubs (5%), support club staff (2%).
Проведено криминологическое описание и объяснение состояния противоправного влияния на результаты официальных спортивных соревнований в Украине. Установлен сверхвысокий уровень латентности преступлений, предусмотренных ст. 369-3 УК Украины, который составляет не менее 99% фактически существующего их объема. Выявлена и проанализирована структура матч-фиксинга в зависимости от вида спорта, способа противоправного влияния на результаты официальных спортивных соревнований, а также субъектов подкупа. Дана характеристика соответствующим структурным единицам.
The article is focused on the criminological description and explanation of the state of unlawful infl uence on the results of offi cial sports competitions in Ukraine. The only special legal norm, which provides criminal liability for the wrongful, in fact, corruption infl uence on the results of offi cial sports competitions, is the Art. 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides liability for the so-called match-fi xing – the organization of sports competitions with a previously known result. However, national sport has not received proper rectifi cation from this destructive, harmful infl uence. As a result of the carried out research, the author has revealed the super-high level of latency of crimes stipulated by the Art. 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which is not less than 99% of their actual existing volume. It has been established that the latter annually reaches the mark of about 300 crimes. The author has revealed and analyzed the structure of match-fi xing depending on the type of sport, the way of illegal infl uence on the results of offi cial sports competitions, as well as the subjects of bribery. The characteristic to the corresponding structural units has been provided. Thus, the most intense criminal match-fi xing is present in such sports as big football, indoor mini-football, basketball and volleyball. Bribing (75%) is dominating among the ways of encouraging athletes to commit unlawful acts. Such methods of infl uence on athletes as incitement (10%), entry into conspiracy (8%) and coercion (7%) are structurally placed approximately at the same level of prevalence with a slight variation of gravity. In general, the unlawful infl uence on the results of offi cial sports competitions related to bribery is directly oriented to athletes. The aggregate share of such infl uence is 78% with a slight predominance of bribing of several athletes (players) of one team (40%) over bribing of an individual player (38%). Bribing of members of the coaching staff (10%) is on second place by rank. The next one – is bribery of judges (5%), owners of sports clubs (5%), support club staff (2%).
Проведено криминологическое описание и объяснение состояния противоправного влияния на результаты официальных спортивных соревнований в Украине. Установлен сверхвысокий уровень латентности преступлений, предусмотренных ст. 369-3 УК Украины, который составляет не менее 99% фактически существующего их объема. Выявлена и проанализирована структура матч-фиксинга в зависимости от вида спорта, способа противоправного влияния на результаты официальных спортивных соревнований, а также субъектов подкупа. Дана характеристика соответствующим структурным единицам.
Сокуренко, В. В. Кримінологічний аналіз стану протиправного впливу на результати офіційних спортивних змагань в Україні / Сокуренко Віталій Валерійович // Європейські перспективи. - 2019. - № 3. – С. 114-120.
Ключові слова
Кримінологія. Criminology. Криминология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, офіційні спортивні змагання, official sports competitions, официальные спортивные соревнования, корупція, corruption, коррупция, підкуп, bribe, подкуп, матч-фіксинг, match-fixing, матч-фиксинг, протиправний вплив на результати офіційних спортивних змагань, кримінологічний аналіз, criminological analysis, криминологический анализ, протидія, opposition, противодействие