Судова комп’ютерно-технічна експертиза: стан і перспективи розвитку
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Вісник Луганського держаного університету внутрішніх справ ім. Е. О. Дідоренка. – 2023. - № 2(102). - С. 289-305
Проаналізовано сучасний рівень теоретичного розвитку та практичної реалізації судової комп’ютерно-технічної експертизи у кримінальному провадженні. Визначено, що в Україні така експертиза є найбільш вагомим засобом дослідження цифрових доказів з метою вирішення питань, що виникають у кримінальному проваджені. Проте в цій галузі наявні проблеми, пов’язані з недосконалою внутрішньою класифікацією її різновидів, поширенням у правоохоронній практиці завдань, вирішення яких можливе лише в комплексі з іншими видами експертних досліджень, недоліками при підготовці слідчими об’єктів для експертного дослідження та формулюванні питань експертові.
The article analyzes the current level of theoretical development and practical implementation of forensic computer-technical expertise in criminal proceedings.This expertise is defined to be the most significant means of examining digital evidence in order to resolve issues arising in criminal proceedings in Ukraine. However, there are problems in this area related to the imperfect internal classification of its types, the spread in law enforcement practice of tasks that can only be solved in conjunction with other types of expert research, and shortcomings in the preparation of objects for expert research by investigators and the formulation of questions to the expert. The main factor that determines the effectiveness of a computer-technical expertise is the quality of the materials provided, since now, in addition to seizing electronic media directly, the investigator should obtain and record passwords to logical security systems. It is emphasized that new challenges have emerged in the field of computer science research related to the detection and investigation of crimes related to Russian armed aggression against Ukraine. These studies significantly help to establish facts important for the pre-trial investigation and identify digital evidence (computer data) confirming illegal acts manifested in treason, collaboration, violation of the laws and customs of war, war propaganda, etc. Ensuring an appropriate level of technical equipment for forensic computer and technical expertise primarily involves the use of specialized hardware and software, which can be classified into: universal expert software and hardware and software tools, special hardware record blocking devices and devices for making bit copies from original media, hardware and software mobile complexes and expert software for the study of mobile devices, data recovery software. In the field of scientific and methodological support of computer and technical expertise, it seems urgent to improve the procedure for certification and registration of expert methods in order to speed up these procedures, ensure their openness and accessibility of content to interested persons. Promising areas for the further development of forensic computer-technical expertise are the development of procedures and methods for extracting and examining remote (cloud) data, digital data from on-board computers of cars, memory and software of unmanned aerial vehicles.
Проанализирован современный уровень теоретического развития и практической реализации судебной компьютерно-технической экспертизы в уголовном производстве. Определено, что в Украине такая экспертиза является наиболее значимым средством исследования цифровых доказательств с целью решения вопросов, возникающих в уголовном производстве.
The article analyzes the current level of theoretical development and practical implementation of forensic computer-technical expertise in criminal proceedings.This expertise is defined to be the most significant means of examining digital evidence in order to resolve issues arising in criminal proceedings in Ukraine. However, there are problems in this area related to the imperfect internal classification of its types, the spread in law enforcement practice of tasks that can only be solved in conjunction with other types of expert research, and shortcomings in the preparation of objects for expert research by investigators and the formulation of questions to the expert. The main factor that determines the effectiveness of a computer-technical expertise is the quality of the materials provided, since now, in addition to seizing electronic media directly, the investigator should obtain and record passwords to logical security systems. It is emphasized that new challenges have emerged in the field of computer science research related to the detection and investigation of crimes related to Russian armed aggression against Ukraine. These studies significantly help to establish facts important for the pre-trial investigation and identify digital evidence (computer data) confirming illegal acts manifested in treason, collaboration, violation of the laws and customs of war, war propaganda, etc. Ensuring an appropriate level of technical equipment for forensic computer and technical expertise primarily involves the use of specialized hardware and software, which can be classified into: universal expert software and hardware and software tools, special hardware record blocking devices and devices for making bit copies from original media, hardware and software mobile complexes and expert software for the study of mobile devices, data recovery software. In the field of scientific and methodological support of computer and technical expertise, it seems urgent to improve the procedure for certification and registration of expert methods in order to speed up these procedures, ensure their openness and accessibility of content to interested persons. Promising areas for the further development of forensic computer-technical expertise are the development of procedures and methods for extracting and examining remote (cloud) data, digital data from on-board computers of cars, memory and software of unmanned aerial vehicles.
Проанализирован современный уровень теоретического развития и практической реализации судебной компьютерно-технической экспертизы в уголовном производстве. Определено, что в Украине такая экспертиза является наиболее значимым средством исследования цифровых доказательств с целью решения вопросов, возникающих в уголовном производстве.
Ключові слова
спеціальні знання, судова експертиза, кримінальне провадження, розслідування кримінальних правопорушень, електронні докази, комп’ютерно-технічна експертиза, цифрова криміналістика, specialized knowledge, forensic expertise, criminal proceedings, investigation of criminal offenses, electronic evidence, computer-technical expertise, digital forensics, специальные знания, судебная экспертиза, уголовное производство, расследование уголовных правонарушений, электронные доказательства, компьютерно-техническая экспертиза, цифровая криминалистика
Бібліографічний опис
Степанюк, Р. Л. Судова комп’ютерно-технічна експертиза: стан і перспективи розвитку / Степанюк Р. Л., Колесник В. Г. // Вісник Луганського держаного університету внутрішніх справ ім. Е. О. Дідоренка. – 2023. - № 2(102). - С. 289-305. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.33766/2524-0323.102.289-305.