Mass Media as Crime Determinants





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Журнал східноєвропейського права. – 2016. – № 24. – С. 14-17


Проаналізовано криміногенність інформаційно-психологічного впливу телебачення на свідомість людини, охарактеризовано методи психологічного впливу, наприклад, такі як ефект праймінгу та культивація емоцій, розглянуто механізм впливу інформації від початку її сприйняття до завершального етапу – використання особою «отриманих знань» для формування моделей соціальної поведінки. Запропоновано заходи протидії криміногенного впливу телебачення на свідомість людини.
The authors have analyzed criminal situation of information and psychological impact of television, namely the influence of harmful information flow of the mass media on the mind of a person, which motivates him/her to criminal activity, or vice versa - raises a tendency to become a victim of a crime. Television in this article is considered as the mass media source, which disseminates information of various kinds, including criminogenic one. The problem nature of the article is criminogenic informational and psychological impact of television on the mind of a person and the possibility of negative effects of such an impact, as well as legal and organizational ways to address this issue. For revealing the content of criminogenic factor of information and psychological influence the authors of the article have characterized the methods of psychological influence, for example such as the effect of priming and cultivation of emotions; they have considered the mechanism of information influence from the beginning of its perception to the final stage – the use of “received knowledge” to form the models of social behavior. Perception by an individual of asocial models of behavior under the influence of television has been considered in the diverse way. So the person may not have intentions to commit a crime without specific preconditions (personal, economic, cultural), in this case it is impossible to state the degree of criminogenic influence of television on a person without individual characteristics. Existing mechanisms for combating criminogenic influence of television on a person have been studied in the article, basically a series of prohibitions consolidated at the level of legislation and control function of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting, which supervises over the compliance of broadcasting companies with laws in the field of protection of public morals. But considering the present situation such measures are not enough. Countering criminal situation of information and psychological impact should be organized in several ways, namely, - legal, social and cultural, scientific. It is necessary to develop a clear national strategy aimed at minimizing or eliminating the criminogenic factors of the mass media and the results of the impact on an individual and society.
Проанализировано криминогенность информационно-психологического влияния на сознание человека, охарактеризировано методы психологического влияния, например, такие как эффект прайминга и культивация эмоций, рассмотрен механизм влияния информации от начала её восприятия до завершающего этапа – использования лицом «полученных знаний» для формирования моделей социального поведения. Предложено меры противодействия криминогенному влиянию телевидения на сознание человека.


Bailov, A. V. Mass Media as Crime Determinants / Anton V. Bailov, Pavlo V. Sakhuta // Журнал східноєвропейського права: електронне науково-практичне фахове видання. – 2016. – № 24. – С. 14-17. – Режим доступу:

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