Methods of financial control of the state financial inspection of Ukraine

dc.contributor.authorShulga, A.M.
dc.contributor.authorШульга, А.М.
dc.contributor.authorZharovska, I. M.
dc.contributor.authorЖаровська, І. М.
dc.descriptionShulha, A. Methods of financial control of the state financial inspection of Ukraine / Anatolii Shulha, Iryna Zharovska // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. - 2019. - Vol. 5, №. 1. - P. 245-249. - DOI: htps://
dc.descriptionShulha, A., and I. Zharovska. "Methods of Financial Control of the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine." Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 5.1 (2019): 245-49. Print.
dc.description.abstractПроаналізовано методи фінансового контролю Державної фінансової інспекції України. Вироблено рекомендації щодо вдосконалення процедури фінансового контролю Державної фінансової інспекції України, а також визначено проблемні питання, які потребують подальшого розгляду та дослідження.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the article is to determine the methods of fnancial control of the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine. The subject of the study is the methods of fnancial control of the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine. Methodology. The study is based on the use of general scientifc and special-scientifc methods and techniques of scientifc knowledge. The logic-semantic method was used to determine the content of the notions of “method”, “form”, and “concept”. The comparative legal method enabled to compare doctrinal approaches to this issue. The normative-dogmatic method enabled to interpret the content of legal regulations of the domestic legislation on the issue of determination of fnancial control methods of the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine. The systemstructural method enabled to analyse the most common methods of fnancial control. Methods of analysis and synthesis helped study certain methods of fnancial control to formulate further conclusions regarding the most optimal functioning of the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine. Practical implications. The determination of the methods of fnancial control of the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine enabled to make recommendations for improving the procedure of fnancial control of the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine, as well as identify problematic issues that require further consideration and research. Relevance/originality. The methods of fnancial control are defned and classifed. The absence of a check without linkage to the subject (public procurements) among the forms of control of the SFI of Ukraine is revealed so that independent coexistence of such a form of control as “public procurement check,” which methods are documentary and/or factual examination, can be asserted.en
dc.description.abstractПроанализированы методы финансового контроля Государственной финансовой инспекции Украины. Выработаны рекомендации по совершенствованию процедуры финансового контроля Государственной финансовой инспекции Украины, а также определены проблемные вопросы, требующие дальнейшего рассмотрения и исследования.ru
dc.publisherBaltic Journal of Economic Studies. - 2019. - Vol. 5, №. 1. - P. 245-249uk_UA
dc.subjectФінансове право. Бюджетне право. Банківське право. Financis Law. Budget Law. Banking Law. Финансовое право. Бюджетное право. Банковское правоuk_UA
dc.subjectНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииuk_UA
dc.subjectУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаuk_UA
dc.subjectfinancial controluk_UA
dc.subjectmethod of financial controluk_UA
dc.subjectState Financial Inspectionuk_UA
dc.subjectДержавна фінансова інспекція Україниuk_UA
dc.subjectфінансовий контрольuk_UA
dc.subjectpublikatsii u zarubizhnomu vydanniuk_UA
dc.subjectpublikatsii u WoSuk_UA
dc.subjectГосударственная финансовая инспекция Украиныuk_UA
dc.subjectфинансовый контрольuk_UA
dc.subjectперевірка державних закупівельuk_UA
dc.titleMethods of financial control of the state financial inspection of Ukraineuk_UA
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