Правове регулювання впровадження телемедичних послуг в Україні
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Назва тому
Право і суспільство. - 2023. - № 3. - С. 96-101
Розглянуто сучасний стан надання телемедичної послуги з метою наближення допомоги кожному громадянину. Визначено недоліки та поблеми впровадження телемедицини в нашій країні. Проблемою є підготовка відповідних кадрів для її застосування. Також впровадження телемедичних послуг потребує спеціального технічного та інформаційно-програмного забезпечення, зокрема, засобів телеметрії, особливо програмного забезпечення відео зв’язку та аудіо зв’язку, технічних приладів, що зберігають
і передають дані та зображення у вигляді електронних повідомлень, а також спеціалізоване
програмне забезпечення. Не приділено також належної уваги питанням правового регулювання договірних
відносин, які опосередковують можливість здійснення електронних платежів з допомогою
коштів, внесених за телемедичну послугу.
The development of information technologies definitely affects all spheres of life, society, economy and medicine. Today, the implementation of telemedicine is extremely relevant. This type of modern medicine is very useful during the COVID-19 pandemic, and also, thanks to telemedicine, it was possible to provide timely medical assistance during the war in Ukraine. It became possible to conduct consultations of leading specialists regardless of their location, as well as to monitor the patient's treatment process, in particular, to manage the conduct of surgical operations, as well as to provide psychological assistance, etc. Telemedicine is a modern direction of the development of informatization of medicine, which involves the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies for remote diagnosis and treatment of diseases, providing assistance in emergency and emergency situations, improving the qualifications of medical workers. For a faster and more active introduction of innovations and to ensure the conditions for stimulating the flow of innovations to European countries, the European Commission, together with the European Union and WHO, initiated a project to create a network of information support in the field of health care (HIS) for the countries of Eastern Europe. As part of joint efforts, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are solving the issue of the possibility of creating and using a network of remote, that is, remote communication (telecommunications), which would connect national databases of health care and ensure their availability for international and local users. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 681 dated 19.10.2015 on the approval of normative documents regarding the use of telemedicine in the field of health care, the main tasks of telemedicine are to ensure the provision of medical care to the patient at a distance, the preservation of medical secrecy and confidentiality, the integrity of medical information about the patient's health, creating a single medical space, promoting the improvement of the quality of care and optimizing the processes of organization and management of health care, forming systemic approaches to the implementation and development of telemedicine in the health care system.
Рассмотрено современное состояние предоставления телемедицинской услуги для приближения помощи каждому гражданину. Определены недостатки и проблемы внедрения телемедицины в нашей стране.
The development of information technologies definitely affects all spheres of life, society, economy and medicine. Today, the implementation of telemedicine is extremely relevant. This type of modern medicine is very useful during the COVID-19 pandemic, and also, thanks to telemedicine, it was possible to provide timely medical assistance during the war in Ukraine. It became possible to conduct consultations of leading specialists regardless of their location, as well as to monitor the patient's treatment process, in particular, to manage the conduct of surgical operations, as well as to provide psychological assistance, etc. Telemedicine is a modern direction of the development of informatization of medicine, which involves the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies for remote diagnosis and treatment of diseases, providing assistance in emergency and emergency situations, improving the qualifications of medical workers. For a faster and more active introduction of innovations and to ensure the conditions for stimulating the flow of innovations to European countries, the European Commission, together with the European Union and WHO, initiated a project to create a network of information support in the field of health care (HIS) for the countries of Eastern Europe. As part of joint efforts, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are solving the issue of the possibility of creating and using a network of remote, that is, remote communication (telecommunications), which would connect national databases of health care and ensure their availability for international and local users. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 681 dated 19.10.2015 on the approval of normative documents regarding the use of telemedicine in the field of health care, the main tasks of telemedicine are to ensure the provision of medical care to the patient at a distance, the preservation of medical secrecy and confidentiality, the integrity of medical information about the patient's health, creating a single medical space, promoting the improvement of the quality of care and optimizing the processes of organization and management of health care, forming systemic approaches to the implementation and development of telemedicine in the health care system.
Рассмотрено современное состояние предоставления телемедицинской услуги для приближения помощи каждому гражданину. Определены недостатки и проблемы внедрения телемедицины в нашей стране.
Бібліографічний опис
Кириченко, В. В. Правове регулювання впровадження телемедичних послуг в Україні / Кириченко В. В. // Право і суспільство. - 2023. - № 3. - С. 96-101. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32842/2078-3736/2023.3.13.