Криміналістична характеристика злочинів, що вчиняються відносно осіб, діяльність яких пов’язана зі здійсненням правосуддя
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Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 2 (69). - С. 74-80.
Вивчено злочини, що вчиняються відносно осіб, діяльність яких пов’язана зі здійсненням правосуддя, та розроблено елементи їх криміналістичної характеристики. Визначено типові способи, обстановка та сліди таких злочинів. Розкрито характеристики особи злочинця та потерпілого, типові мотиви вчинення досліджуваних злочинів.
One of the types of crime against justice is crimes committed against persons whose activity is associated with administration of justice. The investigators when investigating indicated crimes face a number of problems, hence the need for forensic research and development of effective methods of investigation. The purpose of the article is to outline the elements of criminological characteristics of crimes committed against persons whose activities are linked to the administration of justice. Therefore the purpose of article is the disclosure of elements of criminalistic characteristic of crimes committed against persons whose activity is associated with administration of justice. These individuals tend to have been previously convicted ofviolent and acquisitive crime. Almost a one third of the investigated crime was committed while intoxicated. The nature of a person who commits crimes against individuals whose activities are linked to the administration of justice are not balanced, not tolerant, aggressive, violent. Motives such crimes are often revenge, intimidation. Victims of such crimes are persons whose activities are linked to the administration of justice: judges, people’s assessors, juries, advocates, representatives of people. The subject of a criminal assault crimes is specified as immovable or movable property belonging to victims. Most criminals are encroaching on property such as houses,apartments, vehicles. Typical ways of crimes against justice committed against persons whose activity is linked to administering of justice are: implementation of threats; infliction of bodily injuries; murder; destruction of or damage to property. The committing atmosphere of investigated crimes defined spot the offense, the time of the offense, relations between participants the crime. Among the such groups of traces allocated: intelligent track, track of bodily injuries, traces of human, traces instruments in crimes, traces of the vehicles, documents. The direction of future research is to develop an effective forensic investigation techniques investigated crimes.
Изучены преступления, совершаемые в отношении лиц, деятельность которых связана с отправлением правосудия, и разработаны элементы их криминалистической характеристики. Определены типичные способы, обстановка и следы таких преступлений. Расскрыты характеристики личности преступника и потерпевшего, типичные мотивы совершения исследуемых преступлений.
One of the types of crime against justice is crimes committed against persons whose activity is associated with administration of justice. The investigators when investigating indicated crimes face a number of problems, hence the need for forensic research and development of effective methods of investigation. The purpose of the article is to outline the elements of criminological characteristics of crimes committed against persons whose activities are linked to the administration of justice. Therefore the purpose of article is the disclosure of elements of criminalistic characteristic of crimes committed against persons whose activity is associated with administration of justice. These individuals tend to have been previously convicted ofviolent and acquisitive crime. Almost a one third of the investigated crime was committed while intoxicated. The nature of a person who commits crimes against individuals whose activities are linked to the administration of justice are not balanced, not tolerant, aggressive, violent. Motives such crimes are often revenge, intimidation. Victims of such crimes are persons whose activities are linked to the administration of justice: judges, people’s assessors, juries, advocates, representatives of people. The subject of a criminal assault crimes is specified as immovable or movable property belonging to victims. Most criminals are encroaching on property such as houses,apartments, vehicles. Typical ways of crimes against justice committed against persons whose activity is linked to administering of justice are: implementation of threats; infliction of bodily injuries; murder; destruction of or damage to property. The committing atmosphere of investigated crimes defined spot the offense, the time of the offense, relations between participants the crime. Among the such groups of traces allocated: intelligent track, track of bodily injuries, traces of human, traces instruments in crimes, traces of the vehicles, documents. The direction of future research is to develop an effective forensic investigation techniques investigated crimes.
Изучены преступления, совершаемые в отношении лиц, деятельность которых связана с отправлением правосудия, и разработаны элементы их криминалистической характеристики. Определены типичные способы, обстановка и следы таких преступлений. Расскрыты характеристики личности преступника и потерпевшего, типичные мотивы совершения исследуемых преступлений.
Knizhenko, S.O. (2015), “Criminalistic characteristics of crimes which are committed against persons whose activity is related with the administration of justice”, [“Kryminalistychna kharakterystyka zlochyniv, shcho vchyniaiutsia vidnosno osib, diialnist yakykh poviazana zi zdiisnenniam pravosuddia”], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 2, pp. 74-80.
Книженко, С. О. Криміналістична характеристика злочинів, що вчиняються відносно осіб, діяльність яких пов’язана зі здійсненням правосуддя // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 2 (69). - С. 74-80.
Книженко, С. О. Криміналістична характеристика злочинів, що вчиняються відносно осіб, діяльність яких пов’язана зі здійсненням правосуддя // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2015. - № 2 (69). - С. 74-80.
Ключові слова
Криміналістика. Criminalistics. Криминалистика, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, методика розслідування злочинів, methods of crime investigation, методика расследования преступлений, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, криміналістична характеристика злочинів, злочини проти правосуддя, здійснення правосуддя, criminalistic characteristics of crimes, crimes against justice, administration of justice, криминалистическая характеристика преступлений, преступления против правосудия, отправление правосудия