Розробка професором І. М. Собестіанським (друга половина ХІХ ст.) питання про кругову поруку в Київській Русі
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Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2017. – № 4 (79). - С.34-41
Проаналізовано творчий доробок історика права ХІХ ст. І. М. Собестіанського щодо деяких аспектів права Київської Русі. Основну увагу приділено
його науковим поглядам щодо розуміння кругової поруки в давньоруському праві.
The author has analyzed the creative work of the law historian of the XIX century I. M. Sobestiansky (1856–1895) in regard to some aspects of the law in Kievan Rus. The main attention has been paid to his scientific views on understanding the joint responsibility in the Old Russian law. The scholar stressed the need to study ancient Russian law in connection with other Slavic laws, believing that it could reveal many controversial issues of the ancient Russian law. However, he warned that three important conditions should be followed. First of all, we should use only such sources, the historical reliability of which is not subject to doubt. Secondly, reliable sights should be subjected to philological elaboration in advance. Thirdly, starting a comparative study of any ancient institution, one must be free from all biased ideas generated by the sense of national pride. It has been noted that under the institution of joint responsibility in the XIX century scholars understood the group responsibility of the ancient territorial communities for crimes committed in their district. I. M. Sobestiansky argued that the basis of the joint responsibility is not the commonality of origin, but the relations of neighborhood and public land tenure, since joint responsibility in Russia is mentioned in Russkaia Pravda concerning the responsibility of the rural territorial community (“verv”). The researcher drew attention to those cases when such a community freed from a fine (“vyra”). In his study on the joint responsibility I. M. Sobestiansky picked up homogeneous facts to the facts of Slavic history from the legislation of the Hindus, Jews, Old- German law, legal customs of Montenegro, Albanians and other peoples. As a result, he made a substantiated conclusion that the joint responsibility is inherent not only to Slavic people, but exists in many nations, being a product of a certain degree of social development.
Проанализирована творческая наработка историка права ХІХ в. И. М. Собестианского относительно некоторых аспектов права Киевской Руси. Основное внимание уделено его научным взглядам относительно понимания круговой поруки в древнерусском праве.
The author has analyzed the creative work of the law historian of the XIX century I. M. Sobestiansky (1856–1895) in regard to some aspects of the law in Kievan Rus. The main attention has been paid to his scientific views on understanding the joint responsibility in the Old Russian law. The scholar stressed the need to study ancient Russian law in connection with other Slavic laws, believing that it could reveal many controversial issues of the ancient Russian law. However, he warned that three important conditions should be followed. First of all, we should use only such sources, the historical reliability of which is not subject to doubt. Secondly, reliable sights should be subjected to philological elaboration in advance. Thirdly, starting a comparative study of any ancient institution, one must be free from all biased ideas generated by the sense of national pride. It has been noted that under the institution of joint responsibility in the XIX century scholars understood the group responsibility of the ancient territorial communities for crimes committed in their district. I. M. Sobestiansky argued that the basis of the joint responsibility is not the commonality of origin, but the relations of neighborhood and public land tenure, since joint responsibility in Russia is mentioned in Russkaia Pravda concerning the responsibility of the rural territorial community (“verv”). The researcher drew attention to those cases when such a community freed from a fine (“vyra”). In his study on the joint responsibility I. M. Sobestiansky picked up homogeneous facts to the facts of Slavic history from the legislation of the Hindus, Jews, Old- German law, legal customs of Montenegro, Albanians and other peoples. As a result, he made a substantiated conclusion that the joint responsibility is inherent not only to Slavic people, but exists in many nations, being a product of a certain degree of social development.
Проанализирована творческая наработка историка права ХІХ в. И. М. Собестианского относительно некоторых аспектов права Киевской Руси. Основное внимание уделено его научным взглядам относительно понимания круговой поруки в древнерусском праве.
Греченко, В. А. Розробка професором І. М. Собестіанським (друга половина ХІХ ст.) питання про кругову поруку в Київській Русі / В. А. Греченко // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2017. – № 4 (79). - С.34-41.
Grechenko, V.A. (2017), “Elaboration of the issue on joint responsibility in Kievan Rus by Professor I. M. Sobestiansky (second half of the XIX century)” [Rozrobka profesorom I. M. Sobestianskym (dryha polovyna XIX st.) pytannia pro kruhovu poruku v Kyivskii Rusi], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 4, pp. 34–41.
Grechenko, V.A. (2017), “Elaboration of the issue on joint responsibility in Kievan Rus by Professor I. M. Sobestiansky (second half of the XIX century)” [Rozrobka profesorom I. M. Sobestianskym (dryha polovyna XIX st.) pytannia pro kruhovu poruku v Kyivskii Rusi], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 4, pp. 34–41.
Ключові слова
Держава і право. State and Law. Государство и право, Історія. History. История, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, Собестіанський І. М., Київська Русь, Руська правда, кругова порука, Sobestiansky I. M., Russian Truth, joint responsibility, Kyiv Rus, Собестианский И. М., Киевская Русь, Русская правда, круговая порука