Стан кадрового забезпечення міліції УРСР у середині 1950-х років
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Право і безпека. – 2023. – № 1 (88). – С. 56-65
Розглянуто актуальне та недостатньо досліджене в історико-правовій науці питання
про структурні зміни в МВС та їхній вплив на стан кадрового забезпечення міліції, що
діяла на території Української РСР у перший період після зміни влади в СРСР, в умовах
часткової лібералізації радянського тоталітарного режиму (1954–1955 рр.). Аналіз діяльності міліції в цей період свідчить, що ступінь протидії злочинності був пов’язаний із
рівнем кваліфікації працівників міліції. Їхній недостатній освітній рівень і стаж роботи
зменшували ефективність такої протидії. У роботі обласних та міських управлінь міліції
мали місце суттєві недоліки з підбору, розстановки та висунення керівних кадрів міліції,
– це питання недостатньо контролювалося з боку МВС республіки.
A topical and insufficiently studied issue in historical and legal science is the question of structural changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their impact on the state of staffing of the police operating in the Ukrainian SSR in the first period after the change of power in the USSR, in the context of partial liberalization of the Soviet totalitarian regime (1954–1955). An analysis of police activity during this period shows that the level of crime prevention was correlated with the level of qualification of police officers. There were significant shortcomings in the work of regional and city police departments in the selection, placement and promotion of police management personnel as this issue was not sufficiently controlled by the republic’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. It has been emphasized that in the mid-1950s, the staffing of the police of the Ukrainian SSR was at a low level. There was a significant turnover of personnel. This was due to mistakes in the selection of personnel to the ranks of this law enforcement body, insufficient verification of their business and moral qualities, and insufficient attractiveness of police service due to low material support and poor living conditions. Professional training for the police was clearly insufficient, and in 1953 a number of regional police schools were closed. The general educational level of police officers was also low, a significant number of them did not even have an incomplete secondary education. At the beginning of 1955, more than 16 % of the police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR, 7.5 % of the employees of the Department for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property had a secondary education and more than 60 % had incomplete secondary education, and 50 % of the heads of city police stations did not even have a secondary education. In 1955, the state of staffing became the subject of a special discussion at the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR. Specific shortcomings were identified in the work of personnel departments both in the republican MIA and in the regional departments of the republic. Many of them did not have an effective personnel reserve, which led to significant delays in staffing certain management positions. The resolution identified measures to improve the personnel situation, but they cannot be called sufficiently well-thought-out, however, this resolution of the board played a certain positive role in improving the level of work with personnel in the police of the republic.
Рассматрен актуальный и недостаточно исследованный в историко-правовой науке вопрос о структурных изменениях в МВД и их влиянии на состояние кадрового обеспечения милиции, действовавшей на территории РСФСР в первый период после смены власти в СССР, в условиях частичной либерализации советского тоталитарного режима (1954–1955 гг.). Анализ деятельности милиции в этот период показывает, что степень противодействия преступности напрямую была связана с уровнем квалификации работников милиции. Их недостаточный уровень образования и стаж работы уменьшали эффективность такого противодействия. В работе областных и городских управлений милиции имели место существенные недостатки по подбору, расстановке и выдвижению руководящих кадров милиции – этот вопрос недостаточно контролировался со стороны МВД республики.
A topical and insufficiently studied issue in historical and legal science is the question of structural changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their impact on the state of staffing of the police operating in the Ukrainian SSR in the first period after the change of power in the USSR, in the context of partial liberalization of the Soviet totalitarian regime (1954–1955). An analysis of police activity during this period shows that the level of crime prevention was correlated with the level of qualification of police officers. There were significant shortcomings in the work of regional and city police departments in the selection, placement and promotion of police management personnel as this issue was not sufficiently controlled by the republic’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. It has been emphasized that in the mid-1950s, the staffing of the police of the Ukrainian SSR was at a low level. There was a significant turnover of personnel. This was due to mistakes in the selection of personnel to the ranks of this law enforcement body, insufficient verification of their business and moral qualities, and insufficient attractiveness of police service due to low material support and poor living conditions. Professional training for the police was clearly insufficient, and in 1953 a number of regional police schools were closed. The general educational level of police officers was also low, a significant number of them did not even have an incomplete secondary education. At the beginning of 1955, more than 16 % of the police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR, 7.5 % of the employees of the Department for Combating the Theft of Socialist Property had a secondary education and more than 60 % had incomplete secondary education, and 50 % of the heads of city police stations did not even have a secondary education. In 1955, the state of staffing became the subject of a special discussion at the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR. Specific shortcomings were identified in the work of personnel departments both in the republican MIA and in the regional departments of the republic. Many of them did not have an effective personnel reserve, which led to significant delays in staffing certain management positions. The resolution identified measures to improve the personnel situation, but they cannot be called sufficiently well-thought-out, however, this resolution of the board played a certain positive role in improving the level of work with personnel in the police of the republic.
Рассматрен актуальный и недостаточно исследованный в историко-правовой науке вопрос о структурных изменениях в МВД и их влиянии на состояние кадрового обеспечения милиции, действовавшей на территории РСФСР в первый период после смены власти в СССР, в условиях частичной либерализации советского тоталитарного режима (1954–1955 гг.). Анализ деятельности милиции в этот период показывает, что степень противодействия преступности напрямую была связана с уровнем квалификации работников милиции. Их недостаточный уровень образования и стаж работы уменьшали эффективность такого противодействия. В работе областных и городских управлений милиции имели место существенные недостатки по подбору, расстановке и выдвижению руководящих кадров милиции – этот вопрос недостаточно контролировался со стороны МВД республики.
Греченко, В. А. Стан кадрового забезпечення міліції УРСР у середині 1950-х років // Володимир Анатолійович Греченко // Право і безпека. – 2023. – № 1 (88). – С. 56-65. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32631/pb.2023.1.05.
Греченко В. А. Стан кадрового забезпечення міліції УРСР у середині 1950-х років. Право і безпека. 2023. № 1 (88). С. 56–65. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32631/ pb.2023.1.05.
Grechenko, V. A. (2023). The state of police staffing in the Ukrainian SSR in the mid-1950s. Law and Safety, 1(88). 56–65. https://doi.org/10.32631/pb.2023.1.05.
Греченко В. А. Стан кадрового забезпечення міліції УРСР у середині 1950-х років. Право і безпека. 2023. № 1 (88). С. 56–65. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32631/ pb.2023.1.05.
Grechenko, V. A. (2023). The state of police staffing in the Ukrainian SSR in the mid-1950s. Law and Safety, 1(88). 56–65. https://doi.org/10.32631/pb.2023.1.05.
Ключові слова
Державне адміністративне управління. Адміністративна діяльність. State Administration. Administrative Activity. Государственное административное управление. Административная деятельность, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, Історія. History. История, історико-правовий аналіз, historical and legal analysis, историко-правовой анализ, Міністерство внутрішніх справ, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Министерство внутренних дел, Органи внутрішніх справ. Internal affairs agencies. Органы внутренних дел, Internal affairs agencies, органы внутренних дел, міліція, militia, милиция, кадрове забезпечення, personnel support, кадровое обеспечение