Principles of regulating atypical forms of hired workers’ employment





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Підприємництво, господарство і право. - 2022. - № 11. - С. 5-10


Здійснено класифікацію принципів правового регулювання нетипових форм зайнятості найманих працівників, які запропоновано поділити на три великі групи: загальноправові, міжгалузеві та спеціальні. Доведено, що важливим напрямом діяльності вітчизняного законодавця є внесення змін та доповнень до чинного законодавства з метою визначення кола та змісту принципів правового регулювання нетипових форм зайнятості найманих працівників.
The purpose of the article is to establish the scope and essence of the principles of regulating atypical forms of hired workers’ employment. Results. The article, relying on the analysis of scientific views of scholars and provisions of legislation in force, classifies the principles of regulating atypical forms of hired workers’ employment, which are proposed to group into: general, intersectoral and special. The author proves that an important area of activities of the national legislator is to amend and supplement the legislation in force with a view to defining the scope and content of the principles of regulating atypical forms of hired workers’ employment. It is determined that general legal principles are the principles which are inherent in regulating of social relations in all sectors of public life, and the sector of social relations under study is no exception. While general legal principles define only general aspects of the relevant regulatory mechanism, its content is more fully and qualitatively disclosed in sectoral and special principles. Unity and differentiation are considered in the labour law study in their interconnection and interaction, without opposition. Labour law in the aggregate of legal provisions that comprise it develops not towards unity, but towards the elimination of unjustified differences caused unreasonably; from general to special, from common principles to their specification for certain categories of employees and certain types of work (for example, for water transport workers). As for differentiation, it is carried out through the specification of general provisions of law, the establishment of additional benefits and privileges for employees compared to the legislation in force that does not contradict the idea of social equality, since the established differences in the content and scope of rights and duties of employees and employers are not aimed at creating privileges for the respective social groups, but at achieving compliance of labour law with the specifics of labour relations. Conclusions. It is concluded that today the principles of regulating atypical forms of hired workers’ employment are not legally defined, which significantly complicates scientific research in this area, as well as law enforcement activities. That is why we are convinced that an important area of activities of the national legislator is to amend and supplement the legislation in force in order to determine the scope and content of the principles of regulating atypical forms of hired workers’ employment.
Осуществлена ​​классификация принципов правового регулирования нетипичных форм занятости наемных работников, которые предложено разделить на три большие группы: общеправовые, межотраслевые и специальные. Доказано, что важным направлением деятельности отечественного законодателя является внесение изменений и дополнений в законодательство с целью определения круга и содержания принципов правового регулирования нетипичных форм занятости наемных работников.


Ключові слова

принципи, правове регулювання, нетипові форми зайнятості, трудові відносини, principles, legal regulation, atypical forms of employment, labor relations, принципы, правовое регулирование, нетипичные формы занятости, трудовые отношения

Бібліографічний опис

Husarov, O. Principles of regulating atypical forms of hired workers’ employment / Oleksandr Husarov // Підприємництво, господарство і право. - 2022. - № 11. - С. 5-10. - DOI:
Husarov, Oleksandr (2022). Principles of regulating atypical forms of hired workers’ employment. Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law, 11, 5–10, doi: