The system of counteracting crime: the concept and essence





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Журнал східноєвропейського права. – 2016. – № 30. - С. 17-21


Увага в цій статті приділена вивченню системи протидії злочинності, її основних характеристик, а також порівнянню з подібними категоріями. Визначено місце цього поняття серед кримінологічних категорій.
The authors point out that in the conditions of unprecedented worsening of the criminal situation in the country, which has caused a reduction in the level of security and increased the level of victimization of the society, preventive activities of the state are considered one of the major functions of the system that provides the achievements of real results in the sphere of crime deterrence, guaranteeing of keeping rights and freedoms of a man and citizen. It is stressed that organizational and legal models of guaranteeing security of individuals, society and the state become very important in case of the balance of interests of individuals, society and the state in the respective spheres of social life execution of basic constitutional duties, solving significant public problems in protecting the constitutional system, defense and security by the state. Thus, one of its most important responsibilities is to protect an individual against unlawful endeavors. At the same time, solving the related problems, is not confined solely to actions aimed at neutralizing criminals and reducing crime rate. It is highlighted that the above mentioned is not possible without purposeful work aimed at influencing various objective and subjective circumstances that somehow cause the commission of offenses, namely hard activities of the state to prevent violations and restrictions of rights and freedoms, development of the system of anticipating counteraction and provision of security. Thus, the authors of this paper have distinguished the essential features of the system for combating crime.
Внимание в данной статье уделяется изучению системы противодействия преступности, ее основным характеристикам, а также сравнению с подобными категориями. Определено место данного понятия среди криминологических категорий.


Lytvynov, O. M. The system of counteracting crime: the concept and essence / Oleksii M. Lytvynov, Anton V. Bailov // Журнал східноєвропейського права. – 2016. – № 30. - С. 17-21.

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