Проблематика юридичної психології в структурі юрислінгвістики
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Право і безпека. – 2016. – № 4 (63). – С. 153–156
Презентовано нову междисціплінарну науку – юридичну лінгвістику (юрислінгвістику). Спираючись на логіку міждисциплінарних досліджень, проведено аналіз низки юрислінгвістичних робіт з метою пошуку синергії з юридичною психологією. Показано, що тематично найбільш близьким до юридичної психології є такий ґрунтовно розроблений напрямок юрислінгвістики, як лінгвістична конфліктологія. Наукові здобутки цього напрямку можуть
бути корисними в юридичній психології під час дослідження лінгвоправових конфліктів.
New interdisciplinary science – the legal linguistics has been presented. It has been noted that its subject is studying of a special independent phenomenon that is created by a specific operation of language in the law sphere. The appearance of legal linguistics was caused by the practical need to develop linguistic aspects of the law, studying of legal linguistics issues within the legal communication, mass media and some areas of politics and diplomacy. Legal linguistics establishes a direct link of socio-linguistics, and lingua conflict resolution studies both among themselves and with other related sciences. For professionals working in the field of legal psychology, there is a certain interest is in determining the following research achievements of legal linguistics that could enrich the research area of legal psychology. Their search is the objective of the paper. Based on the logic of interdisciplinary studies, the author of the paper has conducted the analysis of a number of works in the field of legal linguistics in order to seek the synergies with legal psychology. It has been demonstrated that such a thoroughly developed direction of legal linguistics as linguistic conflict resolution studies is thematically the closest to legal psychology. Thus, the concepts of a conflict, communicational behavior and communicational conflict that are discussed in psychology, are largely coincide with the term of “lingua legal conflict”, which is one of the key concepts of linguistic conflict resolution studies. The content of this concept in legal linguistics associate with the physical or verbal (verbal abuse) pressure, and the term of “violence” correlate with the concept of “aggression” that is well developed in psychology in general and in legal psychology in particular. An important for the analysis is also the fact that communicational conflict and verbal aggression in legal linguistics consider within the legal position as a lingua legal conflict, that is as a “linguistic crime”. The author argues that the scientific achievements of legal linguistics and in particular linguistic conflict resolution studies expand the space of legal psychology and may be useful in the research carried out by legal psychologists.
Представлена новая междисциплинарная наука – юридическая лингвистика (юрислингвистика). Опираясь на логику междисциплинарних исследований, проведён анализ ряда юрислингвистических работ с целью поиска синергии с юридической психологией. Показано, что тематически наиболее близким к юридической психологии является такое основательно разработанное направление юрислингвистики, как лингвистическая конфликтология. Научные достижения этого направления могут быть полезными в юридической психологии при исследовании лингвоправовых конфликтов.
New interdisciplinary science – the legal linguistics has been presented. It has been noted that its subject is studying of a special independent phenomenon that is created by a specific operation of language in the law sphere. The appearance of legal linguistics was caused by the practical need to develop linguistic aspects of the law, studying of legal linguistics issues within the legal communication, mass media and some areas of politics and diplomacy. Legal linguistics establishes a direct link of socio-linguistics, and lingua conflict resolution studies both among themselves and with other related sciences. For professionals working in the field of legal psychology, there is a certain interest is in determining the following research achievements of legal linguistics that could enrich the research area of legal psychology. Their search is the objective of the paper. Based on the logic of interdisciplinary studies, the author of the paper has conducted the analysis of a number of works in the field of legal linguistics in order to seek the synergies with legal psychology. It has been demonstrated that such a thoroughly developed direction of legal linguistics as linguistic conflict resolution studies is thematically the closest to legal psychology. Thus, the concepts of a conflict, communicational behavior and communicational conflict that are discussed in psychology, are largely coincide with the term of “lingua legal conflict”, which is one of the key concepts of linguistic conflict resolution studies. The content of this concept in legal linguistics associate with the physical or verbal (verbal abuse) pressure, and the term of “violence” correlate with the concept of “aggression” that is well developed in psychology in general and in legal psychology in particular. An important for the analysis is also the fact that communicational conflict and verbal aggression in legal linguistics consider within the legal position as a lingua legal conflict, that is as a “linguistic crime”. The author argues that the scientific achievements of legal linguistics and in particular linguistic conflict resolution studies expand the space of legal psychology and may be useful in the research carried out by legal psychologists.
Представлена новая междисциплинарная наука – юридическая лингвистика (юрислингвистика). Опираясь на логику междисциплинарних исследований, проведён анализ ряда юрислингвистических работ с целью поиска синергии с юридической психологией. Показано, что тематически наиболее близким к юридической психологии является такое основательно разработанное направление юрислингвистики, как лингвистическая конфликтология. Научные достижения этого направления могут быть полезными в юридической психологии при исследовании лингвоправовых конфликтов.
Саппа, М. М. Проблематика юридичної психології в структурі юрислінгвістики / М. М. Саппа // Право і безпека. – 2016. – № 4 (63). – С. 153–156.
Саппа М. М. "Проблематика юридичної психології в структурі юрислінгвістики." Право і Безпека 4 (2016): 153-156.
Sappa, M.M. (2016), “Agenda of legal psychology within the structure of legal linguistics” [“Problematyka yurydychnoi psykholohii v strukturi yuryslinhvistyky”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 4, pp. 153–156.
Саппа М. М. "Проблематика юридичної психології в структурі юрислінгвістики." Право і Безпека 4 (2016): 153-156.
Sappa, M.M. (2016), “Agenda of legal psychology within the structure of legal linguistics” [“Problematyka yurydychnoi psykholohii v strukturi yuryslinhvistyky”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 4, pp. 153–156.
Ключові слова
Держава і право. State and Law. Государство и право, Психологія. Рsychology. Психология, Юридична психологія. Legal psychology. Юридическая психология, юрислінгвістика, юридична лінгвістика, комунікаційний конфлікт, вербальна агресія, лінгвоправовий конфлікт, legal linguistics, legal psychology, communicational conflict, verbal aggression, lingua and legal conflict, юрислингвистика, юридическая лингвистика, коммуникационный конфликт, вербальная агрессия, лингвоправовой конфликт