Світові моделі протидії кримінальному радикалізму





Науковий ступінь

Рівень дисертації

Шифр та назва спеціальності

Рада захисту

Установа захисту

Науковий керівник

Члени комітету


Supremaţia Dreptului = Верховенство Права: междунар. науч. журн. – 2019. – № 3. – С. 150-157


Надано аналіз досвіду провідних країн Європи та світу в розробці і впровадженні стратегій протидії кримінальному радикалізму та його небезпечним проявам, якими є екстремізм і тероризм на предмет адаптації його для використання в нашій країні в запобіжній діяльності цим небезпечним явищам.
The article analyzes the experience of the leading countries of Europe and the world in the development and implementation of strategies to counter criminal radicalism and its dangerous manifestations, such as extremism and terrorism. The purpose of the analysis is to adapt foreign experience in the field of prevention activities for use in our country. Special attention paid to the analysis of strategies implemented in the UK, France, Germany, Finland and the Russian Federation has made it possible to find out that these strategies differ from each other by the main directions, subjects and goals they pursue. In the UK, there are three key directions of counteraction to criminal radicalism carried out by both state and local governments: realization of the ideological counteraction; support of the people vulnerable for radicalization; detection and relevant work with social sectors where the level of radicalization is highest. In France, duties to implementing the strategy is put on Ministry of the Internal Affairs. It develops instructions and recommendations for state representatives in its departments – prefects, who accordingly develop local action plans and involve in their work police, health care, education, and social workers. The German approach to reducing violent radicalization is characterized by a broad public-private partnership supported by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The participants of such activity are ramified public organizations on the ground, which are financed by the government of the country. In Finland, the strategy of countering criminal radicalism and extremism aims to create a safe and prosperous country whose inhabitants are directly involved in building a non-violent society. The strategy in Russia aims to protect the constitutional order of the Russian Federation, public security, citizens’ rights and freedoms from extremist threats. That is, it is not aimed at preventing criminal radicalism, but at the inevitability of punishment for committing these acts. It is emphasized that the main points of the strategies of counteraction to criminal radicalism in the developed countries of the world can serve as a basis for the development of a national strategy for counteracting this dangerous social and legal phenomenon. In particular, the following provisions are important: counteraction must be exercised against violent radicalism (radicalism without signs of violence is a normal feature of modern society); the strategy should prioritize the elimination of the causes and conditions of violent radicalism rather than combating its consequences (criminal and other liability of perpetrators); subjects should be directed to the fact that the direct cause of this phenomenon is the person, its nature, although the influence of situational factors is also significant; preventive action should be done after a proper assessment of the criminogenic factors of the phenomenon; counteraction will not be effective unless it is carried out with the involvement of the general public, public organizations that understand the dangers of criminal radicalism distribution.
Представлен анализ опыта ведущих стран Европы и мира в разработке и внедрении стратегий противодействия криминальному радикализму и его опасным проявлениям, как экстремизм и терроризм на предмет адаптации его для использования в нашей стране в предупреждающей деятельности этим опасным явлениям.


Ключові слова

кримінальний радикалізм, тероризм, екстремізм, зарубіжний досвід, насильницька радикалізація, протидія кримінальному радикалізму, criminal radicalism, extremism, terrorism, foreign experience, violent radicalization, countering criminal radicalism, криминальный радикализм, терроризм, экстремизм, зарубежный опыт, противодействие криминальному радикализму

Бібліографічний опис

Маслова, Н. Г. Світові моделі протидії кримінальному радикалізму / Маслова Наталія Григорівна // Supremaţia Dreptului = Верховенство Права: междунар. науч. журн. – 2019. – № 3. – С. 150-157.