Методологічні засади дослідження проблем кримінально-правової охорони земельних ресурсів України
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Право і суспільство. – 2020. - № 1, ч. 2. – С. 136-142
Метою статті є встановлення можливих методів під час дослідження проблем, пов’язаних із правовою охороною земельних ресурсів України кримінально-правовими засобами, для оптимального вирішення питання щодо протидії злочинності у цій сфері.
Problems related to ensuring proper protection of land resources have been formed
in Ukraine for many decades. They are caused by the unrestrained development
of scientifc and technological progress, the general growth of the population
of the Earth, as well as the nihilistic attitude of people to this object of the environment.
At all stages of its existence, man was closely connected with the surrounding world,
which is a component of land resources. Recently, due to the formation of a highly
industrial society in which man creates technological civilization, the load on
individual objects of the environment and on the whole environment has sharply
increased, which has had a negative impact on man, society and the state. This requires
developing appropriate state legal mechanisms to protect both the environment as
a whole and its individual elements, in particular land resources.
In the article, frst of all, the classifcation of methods of providing scientifc search
is carried out. This classifcation showed that it is advisable to rely on the dialectical
method of cognition in accordance with the chosen subject of scientifc work. The logic
of research activity is in using general scientifc and special scientifc methods of criminal
law, researching protection of Ukrainian land resources by means of criminal law.
Any phenomenon is subject of comprehension, understanding, study, research to
fnd out its essence and peculiarities. The purpose of this should be to conclude that it
is possible to coexist with such a phenomenon in a positive aspect, or vice versa – to
counteract the means of legal influence. In the latter case, we must talk about negative
socially harmful or dangerous manifestations of human behavior. This study is not
haphazard, but according to the existing algorithm with using of scientifc methods,
which together represent the methodology. Problems related to the types, content,
number of methods of detection of general laws and the most rational approaches
to counteracting and preventing crime are recognized as one of the defning for
the science of criminal law. Taking into account the current conditions of its
development, the solution of these problems is of particular relevance, since it is
impossible to build a law state and to increase the effectiveness of legal regulation
of social relations without their proper methodological support.
Целью статьи является установление возможных методов при исследовании проблем, связанных с правовой охраной земельных ресурсов Украины уголовно-правовыми средствами, для оптимального решения вопроса по противодействию преступности в этой сфере.
Шульга, А. М. Методологічні засади дослідження проблем кримінально-правової охорони земельних ресурсів України / Шульга А. М. // Право і суспільство. – 2020. - № 1, ч. 2. – С. 136-142. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32842/2078-3736/2020.1-2.23.
Ключові слова
Кримінальне право. Criminal Law. Уголовное право, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, земельні ресурси, земельные ресурсы, land resources, охорона земельних ресурсів, охрана земельных ресурсов, protection of land resources, кримінальна відповідальність, уголовная ответственность, criminal liability, методологія, методология, methodology, кримінально-правова охорона, уголовно-правовая охрана, criminal law protection