Організація взаємодії оперативного та слідчого підрозділу щодо закріплення доказів в процесі реалізації матеріалів оперативної розробки щодо злочинів, пов’язаних з незаконним відтворенням та розповсюдженням комп’ютерних програм
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Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. - 2022. - № 12. - С. 475-478
Висвітлено особливості організації взаємодії оперативного та слідчого підрозділу щодо закріплення доказів в процесі реалізації матеріалів оперативної розробки щодо злочинів, пов’язаних з незаконним відтворенням та розповсюдженням
комп’ютерних програм. Визначено комплекс слідчих (розшукових) дій, заходів оперативного (ініціативного) пошуку та інших організаційних заходів, які доцільно проводити на кожному етапі реалізації матеріалів оперативної розробки щодо злочинів, пов’язаних з незаконним відтворенням та розповсюдженням комп’ютерних програм. Аналіз планів реалізації матеріалів оперативної розробки щодо
діяльності, пов’язаної з незаконним відтворенням та розповсюдженням комп’ютерних програм показав, що реалізація матеріалів оперативної розробки може проходити як до, так і після початку кримінального провадження (у 95% ОРС, заведених підрозділами кіберполіції
та у 98% ОРС, заведених підрозділами захисту економіки, реалізація починалась в рамках ОРС, а закінчувалась в рамках кримінального
The article is devoted to highlighting the peculiarities of the organization of the interaction of the operational and investigative units regarding the consolidation of evidence in the process of implementation of operational development materials regarding crimes related to the illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs. A set of investigative (search) actions, measures of operational (initiative) search and other organizational measures, which are expedient to carry out at each stage of implementation of materials of operational development regarding crimes related to the illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs, have been defined. The analysis of plans for the implementation of operational development materials related to activities related to the illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs showed that the implementation of operational development materials can take place both before and after the initiation of criminal proceedings (in 95% of ODs established by cyber police units and in 98% of ORDs established by economic protection units, implementation began within ORDs and ended as part of criminal proceedings). It is noted that the choice of tactical techniques and specific measures aimed at the implementation of operational development materials regarding activities related to the illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs should be determined on the basis of an assessment of the initial information available at the disposal of the operational unit at the beginning of implementation about: object of intellectual property that is encroached upon; method of illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs; the facts of the criminal activity of the persons under investigation established in the process of operative investigative documentation; presence of accomplices, etc. It has been established that the process of organizing the interaction of the operational and investigative units to secure evidence in the process of implementing materials for operational development regarding crimes related to the illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs has its own characteristics, which are determined by the stages of implementation: 1) initial stage: involvement in the process of implementation of the investigator; joint analysis and evaluation of available operational development materials; 2) the preparatory stage, as a rule, includes the following activities from the joint planning with the investigator of additional operational and search activities, activities of operational (initiative) search and investigative (search) activities, as well as actions aimed at obtaining relevant permission documents for conducting separate operative and search measures and investigative (search) actions; 3) the stage of implementation, as a rule, includes the following joint or coordinated measures: carrying out operative and search measures and/or investigative (search) actions with the aim of recording the fact of the commission of a crime; initiating the possibility of starting criminal proceedings against the person involved or upon the fact of committing a crime; detention of the accused, as well as the distribution of forces that will participate in the detention; measures aimed at the rehabilitation of detainees (arrested) in the conditions of a temporary detention center or a remand center; conducting interrogations of persons involved, witnesses, victims, etc.; 4) the stage of consolidating the evidence base, as a rule, includes the following joint or coordinated measures: measures aimed at obtaining information on the amount of damage caused by the crime; carrying out examinations; planned actions aimed at overcoming opposition to the conduct of a pre-trial investigation; actions aimed at the legalization of operational development materials.
Отражены особенности организации взаимодействия оперативного и следственного подразделения по закреплению доказательств в процессе реализации материалов оперативной разработки по преступлениям, связанным с незаконным воспроизводством и распространением компьютерных программ. Определен комплекс следственных (розыскных) действий, мероприятий оперативного (инициативного) поиска и других организационных мероприятий, которые целесообразно проводить на каждом этапе реализации материалов оперативной разработки по преступлениям, связанным с незаконным воспроизводством и распространением компьютерных программ.
The article is devoted to highlighting the peculiarities of the organization of the interaction of the operational and investigative units regarding the consolidation of evidence in the process of implementation of operational development materials regarding crimes related to the illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs. A set of investigative (search) actions, measures of operational (initiative) search and other organizational measures, which are expedient to carry out at each stage of implementation of materials of operational development regarding crimes related to the illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs, have been defined. The analysis of plans for the implementation of operational development materials related to activities related to the illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs showed that the implementation of operational development materials can take place both before and after the initiation of criminal proceedings (in 95% of ODs established by cyber police units and in 98% of ORDs established by economic protection units, implementation began within ORDs and ended as part of criminal proceedings). It is noted that the choice of tactical techniques and specific measures aimed at the implementation of operational development materials regarding activities related to the illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs should be determined on the basis of an assessment of the initial information available at the disposal of the operational unit at the beginning of implementation about: object of intellectual property that is encroached upon; method of illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs; the facts of the criminal activity of the persons under investigation established in the process of operative investigative documentation; presence of accomplices, etc. It has been established that the process of organizing the interaction of the operational and investigative units to secure evidence in the process of implementing materials for operational development regarding crimes related to the illegal reproduction and distribution of computer programs has its own characteristics, which are determined by the stages of implementation: 1) initial stage: involvement in the process of implementation of the investigator; joint analysis and evaluation of available operational development materials; 2) the preparatory stage, as a rule, includes the following activities from the joint planning with the investigator of additional operational and search activities, activities of operational (initiative) search and investigative (search) activities, as well as actions aimed at obtaining relevant permission documents for conducting separate operative and search measures and investigative (search) actions; 3) the stage of implementation, as a rule, includes the following joint or coordinated measures: carrying out operative and search measures and/or investigative (search) actions with the aim of recording the fact of the commission of a crime; initiating the possibility of starting criminal proceedings against the person involved or upon the fact of committing a crime; detention of the accused, as well as the distribution of forces that will participate in the detention; measures aimed at the rehabilitation of detainees (arrested) in the conditions of a temporary detention center or a remand center; conducting interrogations of persons involved, witnesses, victims, etc.; 4) the stage of consolidating the evidence base, as a rule, includes the following joint or coordinated measures: measures aimed at obtaining information on the amount of damage caused by the crime; carrying out examinations; planned actions aimed at overcoming opposition to the conduct of a pre-trial investigation; actions aimed at the legalization of operational development materials.
Отражены особенности организации взаимодействия оперативного и следственного подразделения по закреплению доказательств в процессе реализации материалов оперативной разработки по преступлениям, связанным с незаконным воспроизводством и распространением компьютерных программ. Определен комплекс следственных (розыскных) действий, мероприятий оперативного (инициативного) поиска и других организационных мероприятий, которые целесообразно проводить на каждом этапе реализации материалов оперативной разработки по преступлениям, связанным с незаконным воспроизводством и распространением компьютерных программ.
Шендрик В. В. Організація взаємодії оперативного та слідчого підрозділу щодо закріплення доказів в процесі реалізації матеріалів оперативної розробки щодо злочинів, пов’язаних з незаконним відтворенням та розповсюдженням комп’ютерних програм [Електронний ресурс] / Шендрик В. В., Крищенко А. Є. // Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. - 2022. - № 12. - С. 475-478. - Режим доступу:
Ключові слова
Кримінально-процесуальне право. Criminal and Procedure Law. Уголовное процессуальное право, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, Оперативно-розшукова діяльність. Operative and search activity. Оперативно-розыскная деятельность, operative and search activity, оперативно-розыскная деятельность, кримінальне провадження, criminal proceedings, уголовное производство, слідчі (розшукові) дії, investigative (research) actions, следственные (розыскные) действия, заходи оперативного (ініціативного) пошуку, operational measures (initiative) search, мероприятия оперативного (инициативного) поиска, взаємодія, interaction, взаимодействие, інтелектуальна власність, intellectual property, интеллектуальная собственность, оперативна розробка, operational development, оперативная разработка, докази, evidence, доказательства, незаконне відтворення та розповсюдження комп’ютерних програм