Ретроспективний аналіз звільнення засуджених від відбування покарання

dc.contributor.authorЖурова, І. І.
dc.contributor.authorZhurova, I. I.
dc.descriptionЖурова, І. І. Ретроспективний аналіз звільнення засуджених від відбування покарання / Журова І. І. // Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Сер.: Юрид. науки. – 2013. – № 1, ч. 1. – С. 183-189.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractЗдійснено історико-правовий аналіз становлення та розвитку інституту звільнення засуджених від відбування покарань у різні історичні періоди. Наголошено, що звільнення засуджених від відбування покарання за певних підстав - це прояв довіри до них з боку держави, надання їм певної пільги у виді звільнення від покарання раніше визначеного строку, а тому вони зобов’язані, не тільки не вчиняти новий злочин, але й дотримувати всіх умов визначених судом при їх звільненні.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article is dedicated to historical and legal analysis of the formation and development of the release of convicts from serving punishments in different historical periods. It is shown that the development of the state and society leads to changes in the law in accordance with the priorities inherent in a given historical period. The analysis of scientific works of domestic and foreign scholars on the above issue is given. It is noted that the rules that define the grounds, conditions and procedure for release from punishment, its legal consequences, under current criminal law contained in the General Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in section XII «Release from punishment and its serving». It is determined that release of prisoners from punishment originated in 1842, when at first was applied to the Australian prison system in English exile. In the ХІХ century, the Russian Empire, there are various forms of release of prisoners from punishment. Thus, the first attempts to implement ideas from the release of prisoners serving a sentence found in regulations on the organization and hard labor sentence, appointed by a court sentence in correctional institutions, such as the Charter of the exiles in 1822. The Russian Empire criminal legislation contained the idea of the inevitability of punishment for the crime as the most effective measures to prevent new crimes and promote lawful behavior. Retrospective analysis of that time in the field of prison policy objective was the development and implementation of new measures, forms and methods of influence on prisoners and not reduced solely to punishment. Institute of the release of prisoners from punishment continued to operate after the 1917 revolution. The history of this release in the post-revolutionary period is characterized, above all, the declaration of humanistic principles, which in the first years of Soviet power actually widely implemented in the appointment and execution punishments. In 1954, legislation was first settled the question of the order of parole sentence juvenile offenders. Early release of juveniles was unconditional, so no requirement to conduct exempt person during unserved term was not installed. Other reform of release occurred with the adoption of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in 2001. The law abolished any restrictions when using this type of release, separated it from the institute replace the unserved part of the sentence more lenient view, indicating the realization of the principles of humanism and differentiation of criminal liability under the law. The article concludes that the release of convicts serving sentences for certain reasons is a manifestation of confidence in the state, giving them certain privileges in the form of release from punishment before a certain period, and therefore they must not only commit a new crime but also comply with all conditions set by the court at their release.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractОсуществлен историко-правовой анализ становления и развития института освобождения осужденных от отбывания наказаний в разные исторические периоды.uk_UA
dc.publisherВісник Запорізького національного університету. Сер.: Юрид. науки. – 2013. – № 1, ч. 1. – С. 183-189uk_UA
dc.subjectКримінально-виконавче право. Criminal and Executive Law. Уголовно-исполнительное правоuk_UA
dc.subjectНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииuk_UA
dc.subjectУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаuk_UA
dc.subjectІсторія. History. Историяuk_UA
dc.subjectісторико-правовий аналізuk_UA
dc.subjecthistorical and legal analysisuk_UA
dc.subjectисторико-правовой анализuk_UA
dc.subjectзвільнення засуджених від відбування покараньuk_UA
dc.subjectrelease convicts from serving sentencesuk_UA
dc.subjectосвобождение осужденных от отбывания наказанийuk_UA
dc.subjectумовно-дострокове звільненняuk_UA
dc.subjectусловно-досрочное освобождениеuk_UA
dc.titleРетроспективний аналіз звільнення засуджених від відбування покаранняuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeRetrospective analysis of convicts’ release from punishmentuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeРетроспективный анализ освобождения осужденных от отбывания наказанийuk_UA


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