Дискусійні аспекти впровадження ідей доктрин ЄСПЛ в національну кримінально-процесуальну діяльність в контексті доктрини позитивних зобов’язань держави та доктрини «плодів отруйного дерева»
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Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. - 2023. - № 3. - С. 596-599
Досліджено питання еволюції та сталого розвитку кримінально-процесуального законодавства України в контексті реалізації доктрини позитивних зобов’язань держави та доктрини «плодів отруйного дерева». Визначено та розкрито зміст реалізації ідей зазначених доктрин ЄСПЛ, як комплексного явища правової та нормотворчої
реальності в Україні в контексті наближення національного кримінально-процесуального законодавства до стандартів ЄС.
The article analyzes the main scientific approaches and practical aspects of understanding the legal nature, status and prospects of implementation of the doctrines of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) into national criminal procedure legislation, in particular, in the context of implementation of the doctrine of positive obligations of the State and the doctrine of «fruit of the poisonous tree». The author emphasizes that the implementation of the ECHR doctrines may become a positive factor contributing to the evolutionary development and implementation of the conceptual approaches and standards of the European Court of Human Rights in the criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine. Traditionally, domestic scholars have long focused on the precedent-setting nature of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, while the doctrinal aspects of the ECHR judgments and the causal relationship between the doctrine and precedent in the context of the Council of Europe judicial institution have been ignored. Like a significant amount of modern national legislation, the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine is largely based on the values and standards of European legal culture. It takes into account some ideas of certain doctrines of the ECHR that have been implemented in the national criminal procedure legislation. This allows us to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of implementation of the ideas of some doctrines of the European Court of Human Rights in the national legal system in general, both in criminal procedure legislation and in the practice of its implementation by national courts. The current conditions raise the issue of qualitative implementation of the idea of the doctrine of positive obligations of the State and the doctrine of «fruit of the poisonous tree» into the relevant national legislation, while the ongoing European integration processes and the policy of implementing Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic course actualize the relevant research, since the issue of implementing ECHR standards to ensure human rights, in particular in the field of criminal procedure law, together with the rule of law principle, is the fundamental basis of the rule of law. The current criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine generally takes into account the main judicial doctrines of the European Court of Human Rights, including those that promote the protection of human dignity, human rights and the rule of law. At the same time, in the context of actualization of the ideas and provisions of the ECHR judicial doctrines, it is important for Ukraine to monitor them and practically implement their ideas in the national lawmaking process.
Исследованы вопросы эволюции и устойчивого развития уголовно-процессуального законодательства Украины в контексте реализации доктрины положительных обязательств государства и доктрины «плодов ядовитого дерева». Определено и раскрыто содержание реализации идей указанных доктрин ЕСПЧ, как комплексного явления правовой и нормотворческой реальности в Украине в контексте приближения национального уголовно-процессуального законодательства к стандартам ЕС.
The article analyzes the main scientific approaches and practical aspects of understanding the legal nature, status and prospects of implementation of the doctrines of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) into national criminal procedure legislation, in particular, in the context of implementation of the doctrine of positive obligations of the State and the doctrine of «fruit of the poisonous tree». The author emphasizes that the implementation of the ECHR doctrines may become a positive factor contributing to the evolutionary development and implementation of the conceptual approaches and standards of the European Court of Human Rights in the criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine. Traditionally, domestic scholars have long focused on the precedent-setting nature of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, while the doctrinal aspects of the ECHR judgments and the causal relationship between the doctrine and precedent in the context of the Council of Europe judicial institution have been ignored. Like a significant amount of modern national legislation, the current Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine is largely based on the values and standards of European legal culture. It takes into account some ideas of certain doctrines of the ECHR that have been implemented in the national criminal procedure legislation. This allows us to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of implementation of the ideas of some doctrines of the European Court of Human Rights in the national legal system in general, both in criminal procedure legislation and in the practice of its implementation by national courts. The current conditions raise the issue of qualitative implementation of the idea of the doctrine of positive obligations of the State and the doctrine of «fruit of the poisonous tree» into the relevant national legislation, while the ongoing European integration processes and the policy of implementing Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic course actualize the relevant research, since the issue of implementing ECHR standards to ensure human rights, in particular in the field of criminal procedure law, together with the rule of law principle, is the fundamental basis of the rule of law. The current criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine generally takes into account the main judicial doctrines of the European Court of Human Rights, including those that promote the protection of human dignity, human rights and the rule of law. At the same time, in the context of actualization of the ideas and provisions of the ECHR judicial doctrines, it is important for Ukraine to monitor them and practically implement their ideas in the national lawmaking process.
Исследованы вопросы эволюции и устойчивого развития уголовно-процессуального законодательства Украины в контексте реализации доктрины положительных обязательств государства и доктрины «плодов ядовитого дерева». Определено и раскрыто содержание реализации идей указанных доктрин ЕСПЧ, как комплексного явления правовой и нормотворческой реальности в Украине в контексте приближения национального уголовно-процессуального законодательства к стандартам ЕС.
Ключові слова
кримінальне провадження, criminal proceedings, уголовное производство, Європейський суд з прав людини, European Court of Human Rights, Европейский суд по правам человека, кримінально-процесуальне право, criminal procedural law, уголовно-процессуальное право, доктрина «плодів отруйного дерева», doctrine of "fruits of the poisonous tree", доктрина «плодов ядовитого дерева», доктрина позитивних зобов’язань держави, doctrine of positive obligations of the state, доктрина положительных обязательств государства, міжнародні стандарти, international standards, международные стандарты, кримінально-процесуальне законодавство, criminal procedural legislation, уголовно-процессуальное законодательство
Бібліографічний опис
Брусакова, О. В. Дискусійні аспекти впровадження ідей доктрин ЄСПЛ в національну кримінально-процесуальну діяльність в контексті доктрини позитивних зобов’язань держави та доктрини «плодів отруйного дерева» [Електронний ресурс] / Брусакова О. В. // Юридичний науковий електронний журнал. - 2023. - № 3. - С. 596-599. - Режим доступу: http://www.lsej.org.ua/3_2023/137.pdf.