Особливості прийому на службу до прокуратури України
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Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Сер.: Юрид. науки. – 2013. – № 2, ч. 1. – С. 183-188
Проаналізовано особливості прийому на службу до прокуратури. Досліджено норми діючих законів та підзаконних нормативно-правових актів, які визначають вимоги до претендентів на посади в органах прокуратури і порядок їх прийому. Наголошено, що особливостями
прийому на службу до прокуратури є ціла низка вимог щодо рівня освіти, професійних,
морально-ділових, психічних та інших якостей претендентів, які пред’являються до них в
імперативному порядку.
The article analyzed the provisions of the law of Ukraine "On Prosecutor’s Office" and some other laws of Ukraine and by regulations in part settlement of their issues of recruitment to the prosecution, on the basis of which concluded its specificity. One of the priorities of the state is to defend and protect the rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens. A person, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value. To affirm and ensure human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the state. To do this the system of its organs is created and functions that have a duty of the practical implementation of the tasks and functions of law enforcement. Public authority – is a part of the state machinery – a group of people or one person with a legally defined state-government competence to perform the tasks and functions of the state. Public body is composed of civil servants. Civil servants are persons holding positions in government and their machinery and engaged in professional work of practical implementation of tasks and functions of the state who are paid from public funds. The efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of functionality of the state bodies largely depend on whether how well personnel work is carried out in them. Ensuring of proper selection, placement, professional training and education of personnel is considered as an effective means of successful fulfillment of prosecuting authorities` tasks of establishment of the rule of law, of strengthening of law, of protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, public and state interests. Reception of certain categories of workers has its specific. In particular this applies to recruitment to the public prosecutor's office. Administrative law, given the specificity of public service in general and in prosecutor's office as in its separate species, establishes more stringent requirements and criteria to be met by a person seeking to take up the post in the prosecutorial bodies. Citizens of Ukraine who have a law degree, necessary business and moral qualities can be prosecutors and investigators. Persons aged over 30 years who have work experience in the prosecutorial bodies or on judicial offices for at least seven years are appointed at the positions of prosecutors of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, of regions, of Kyiv and Sevastopol cities and at the positions of similar public prosecutors. Persons not younger than 25 years who have work experience in the prosecutorial bodies or on judicial offices for at least three years are appointed at the positions of district and municipal prosecutors. A number of requirements to persons who are accepted into the service of the prosecutor's office is established in the form of constraints. Specificity of service in the public prosecutor's office requires from persons the presence of a certain amount of necessary practical skills and experience in this field. For this purpose the current legislation is provided the passage of internships by persons without work experience. Thus, the peculiarities of recruitment to the public prosecutor's office are a number of requirements on the level of education, on professional, moral, business, psychic and other qualities of the candidates that are applied to them in the imperatively order.
Проанализированы особенности приема на службу в прокуратуру. Исследованы нормы действующих законов и подзаконных нормативно правовых актов, которые определяют требования к претендентам на должности в органах прокуратуры и порядок их приема. Отмечено, что особенностями приема на службу в прокуратуру является целый ряд требований относительно уровня образования, профессиональных, морально-деловых, психических и других качеств претендентов, предъявляемых к ним в императивном порядке.
The article analyzed the provisions of the law of Ukraine "On Prosecutor’s Office" and some other laws of Ukraine and by regulations in part settlement of their issues of recruitment to the prosecution, on the basis of which concluded its specificity. One of the priorities of the state is to defend and protect the rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens. A person, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value. To affirm and ensure human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the state. To do this the system of its organs is created and functions that have a duty of the practical implementation of the tasks and functions of law enforcement. Public authority – is a part of the state machinery – a group of people or one person with a legally defined state-government competence to perform the tasks and functions of the state. Public body is composed of civil servants. Civil servants are persons holding positions in government and their machinery and engaged in professional work of practical implementation of tasks and functions of the state who are paid from public funds. The efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of functionality of the state bodies largely depend on whether how well personnel work is carried out in them. Ensuring of proper selection, placement, professional training and education of personnel is considered as an effective means of successful fulfillment of prosecuting authorities` tasks of establishment of the rule of law, of strengthening of law, of protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, public and state interests. Reception of certain categories of workers has its specific. In particular this applies to recruitment to the public prosecutor's office. Administrative law, given the specificity of public service in general and in prosecutor's office as in its separate species, establishes more stringent requirements and criteria to be met by a person seeking to take up the post in the prosecutorial bodies. Citizens of Ukraine who have a law degree, necessary business and moral qualities can be prosecutors and investigators. Persons aged over 30 years who have work experience in the prosecutorial bodies or on judicial offices for at least seven years are appointed at the positions of prosecutors of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, of regions, of Kyiv and Sevastopol cities and at the positions of similar public prosecutors. Persons not younger than 25 years who have work experience in the prosecutorial bodies or on judicial offices for at least three years are appointed at the positions of district and municipal prosecutors. A number of requirements to persons who are accepted into the service of the prosecutor's office is established in the form of constraints. Specificity of service in the public prosecutor's office requires from persons the presence of a certain amount of necessary practical skills and experience in this field. For this purpose the current legislation is provided the passage of internships by persons without work experience. Thus, the peculiarities of recruitment to the public prosecutor's office are a number of requirements on the level of education, on professional, moral, business, psychic and other qualities of the candidates that are applied to them in the imperatively order.
Проанализированы особенности приема на службу в прокуратуру. Исследованы нормы действующих законов и подзаконных нормативно правовых актов, которые определяют требования к претендентам на должности в органах прокуратуры и порядок их приема. Отмечено, что особенностями приема на службу в прокуратуру является целый ряд требований относительно уровня образования, профессиональных, морально-деловых, психических и других качеств претендентов, предъявляемых к ним в императивном порядке.
Рибалка, Н. О. Особливості прийому на службу до прокуратури України / Рибалка Н. О. // Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Сер.: Юрид. науки. – 2013. – № 2, ч. 1. – С. 183-188.
Ключові слова
Держава і право. State and Law. Государство и право, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, прокуратура, prosecutor's office, державна служба, public service, государственная служба, державний орган, state agency, государственный орган, прийом на службу, recruitment, прием на службу, вимоги до кандидатів