Пріоритетні напрямки вдосконалення законодавства, яке визначає правові засади застосування заохочень до працівників поліції
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Прикарпатський юридичний вісник. - 2019. - Вип. 1(26), т. 4.- С. 26-30
Актуальність статті полягає в тому, що заохочення поліцейських, як частина широкої системи стимулювання праці в органах та підрозділах Національної поліції України, мають ґрунтовну нормативно-правову основу, яка складається з юридичних
актів, законодавчого і підзаконного рівня, окрема частина яких стосується безпосередньо сфери роботи Національної поліції України. Акцентовано увагу на недоліках нормативно-правового регулювання застосування заохочень до працівників поліції, а також відсутності ґрунтовних загальнотрудових положень, які б закріплювали загальний механізм заохочення досліджуваної категорії службовців. Виділено необхідні, логічні та доцільні, з огляду на сучасні правові реалії, напрями удосконалення законодавчих положень присвячених заохоченням працівників поліції.
The relevance of the article is that the encouragement of police officers, as part of a broad system of incentives in the bodies and units of the National Police of Ukraine, have a solid legal framework, consisting of legal acts, legislative and bylaws, some of which relate directly to the National police of Ukraine. At the same time, in this issue, in our opinion, lies the imperfection of the procedure for applying the full range of legal incentives. Existing legislation, which defines the legal basis for the use of in- centives for police officers, contains inaccuracies, gaps, and sometimes excessive "layering" of legal material, as a result of which the same aspect is regulated by several legal norms. The article focuses on the shortcomings of the legal regulation of the use of incentives for police officers, as well as the lack of thorough general labor provisions that would establish a general mechanism for encouraging the studied category of employees. Necessary, logical and expedient, taking into account modern legal realities, directions of improvement of legislative provisions devoted to encouragement of police officers are allocated, namely: The provisions of the Labor Code today do not properly regulate the issue of incentives, so they should be supplemented by an article which should indicate: what is the incentive in the field of labor, the division of the latter into material and moral types, and outline the gen- eral procedure; 2) in the departmental legislative base of police work it is necessary to enshrine the requirement of the need to attract incentives of a material type, which will generally ensure compliance of the incentive mecha- nism for police to market requirements; 3) the procedure for applying incentives must be redesigned so that in the process of choosing one or another type of material in- centives, the management of the body or department of the National Police of Ukraine must take into account the material interests of the employee and his welfare; 4) the key type of material incentives should be determined by bonuses. At the same time, this type of incentive should not be one-time, but systematic. That is, it is advisable to introduce in the provisions of the legislation such types of bonuses as one-time bonus for exemplary performance of official duties, as well as quarterly and annual bonuses. The opportunity to receive this type of incentive will be an important motivation for a police officer to perform their duties qualitatively constantly, as well as continuously increase the level of work efficiency; 5) it is appropriate to introduce into the practice of work of bodies and subdivisions of the National Police of Ukraine monitoring of the level of motivation to work. Its essence should be to conduct a systematic analysis of the psychological and moral climate and the attitude of police officers to their duties, as well as to identify what they lack in their work and personal life in order to further partially meet the identified needs through incentives.
Актуальность статьи состоит в том, что поощрения полицейских как часть широкой системы стимулирования труда в органах и подразделениях Национальной полиции Украины имеют основательную нормативно-правовую основу, которая состоит из юридических актов, законодательного и подзаконного уровня, отдельная часть которых непосредственно касается сферы работы Национальной полиции Украины. Акцентировано внимание на недостатках нормативно-правового регулирования применения поощрений к работникам полиции, а также отсутствия основательных общетрудовых положений, закрепляющих общий механизм поощрения исследуемой категории служащих. Выделены необходимые, логические и целесообразные, учитывая современные правовые реалии, направления усовершенствования законодательных положений, посвященных поощрениям работников полиции.
The relevance of the article is that the encouragement of police officers, as part of a broad system of incentives in the bodies and units of the National Police of Ukraine, have a solid legal framework, consisting of legal acts, legislative and bylaws, some of which relate directly to the National police of Ukraine. At the same time, in this issue, in our opinion, lies the imperfection of the procedure for applying the full range of legal incentives. Existing legislation, which defines the legal basis for the use of in- centives for police officers, contains inaccuracies, gaps, and sometimes excessive "layering" of legal material, as a result of which the same aspect is regulated by several legal norms. The article focuses on the shortcomings of the legal regulation of the use of incentives for police officers, as well as the lack of thorough general labor provisions that would establish a general mechanism for encouraging the studied category of employees. Necessary, logical and expedient, taking into account modern legal realities, directions of improvement of legislative provisions devoted to encouragement of police officers are allocated, namely: The provisions of the Labor Code today do not properly regulate the issue of incentives, so they should be supplemented by an article which should indicate: what is the incentive in the field of labor, the division of the latter into material and moral types, and outline the gen- eral procedure; 2) in the departmental legislative base of police work it is necessary to enshrine the requirement of the need to attract incentives of a material type, which will generally ensure compliance of the incentive mecha- nism for police to market requirements; 3) the procedure for applying incentives must be redesigned so that in the process of choosing one or another type of material in- centives, the management of the body or department of the National Police of Ukraine must take into account the material interests of the employee and his welfare; 4) the key type of material incentives should be determined by bonuses. At the same time, this type of incentive should not be one-time, but systematic. That is, it is advisable to introduce in the provisions of the legislation such types of bonuses as one-time bonus for exemplary performance of official duties, as well as quarterly and annual bonuses. The opportunity to receive this type of incentive will be an important motivation for a police officer to perform their duties qualitatively constantly, as well as continuously increase the level of work efficiency; 5) it is appropriate to introduce into the practice of work of bodies and subdivisions of the National Police of Ukraine monitoring of the level of motivation to work. Its essence should be to conduct a systematic analysis of the psychological and moral climate and the attitude of police officers to their duties, as well as to identify what they lack in their work and personal life in order to further partially meet the identified needs through incentives.
Актуальность статьи состоит в том, что поощрения полицейских как часть широкой системы стимулирования труда в органах и подразделениях Национальной полиции Украины имеют основательную нормативно-правовую основу, которая состоит из юридических актов, законодательного и подзаконного уровня, отдельная часть которых непосредственно касается сферы работы Национальной полиции Украины. Акцентировано внимание на недостатках нормативно-правового регулирования применения поощрений к работникам полиции, а также отсутствия основательных общетрудовых положений, закрепляющих общий механизм поощрения исследуемой категории служащих. Выделены необходимые, логические и целесообразные, учитывая современные правовые реалии, направления усовершенствования законодательных положений, посвященных поощрениям работников полиции.
Бібліографічний опис
Балик, С. О. Пріоритетні напрямки вдосконалення законодавства, яке визначає правові засади застосування заохочень до працівників поліції / С. О. Балик // Прикарпатський юридичний вісник. - 2019. - Вип. 1(26), т. 4.- С. 26-30.