До характеристики об’єктивних критеріїв диференціації правового регулювання праці співробітників Служби судової охорони




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Юридичний бюлетень. - 2019. - Вип. 11, ч. 1. - С. 245-251


Визначено об’єктивні критерії диференціації правового регулювання праці співробітників Служби судової охорони, до яких зараховано: 1) галузь праці та характер зв’язків працівника та роботодавця; 2) особливості правового статусу Служби судової охорони.
In the article, based on the analysis of scientific views of scientists and norms of the current legislation of Ukraine, the objective criteria of differentiation of legal regulation of work of the employees of the Judicial Protection Service are defined, which include: first, the field of work and the nature of the employee and employer relations; second, the peculiarities of the legal status of the Judicial Protection Service. In addition, the optional criteria, such as: the procedure for admission, passage and termination of the service of employees of the Judicial Protection Service, were highlighted. It is proved that today the public service has become an important factor in stabilizing the government in Ukraine, becoming a powerful and effective means of ensuring the dominance of the public (general) interest over the interests of the local and the private. It is found that the following are attributed to the signs of a civil servant: 1) a civil servant is a natural person who is a citizen of Ukraine, not less than 18 years old, speaks a state language and has a professional education; 2) it must meet the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine on public service; 3) a civil servant occupies a paid public position of a civil service in accordance with the procedure established by law; 4) a civil servant is assigned a qualification grade (rank, rank, etc.) in accordance with the procedure established by law; 5) the activity of a civil servant is aimed at fulfilling state functions and solving state tasks in the economic, social and administrativepolitical spheres; 6) the activity of civil servants is usually non-productive in nature; 7) a civil servant takes the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people and the state. It is emphasized that a civil servant in the conditions of public administration reform must meet the established requirements, actively respond to all challenges of society, act in accordance with the current legislation, and constantly improve their level of professional competence. For devoted work in the state body and service of the people of Ukraine, he has the right to decent remuneration, depending on his position, the results of official activity, seniority of civil service and rank, as well as the proper working conditions and their logistical support.
Определены объективные критерии дифференциации правового регулирования труда сотрудников Службы судебной охраны, к которым отнесены: 1) отрасль труда и характер связей работника и работодателя; 2) особенности правового статуса Службы судебной охраны.


Бібліографічний опис

Бондар, В. І. До характеристики об’єктивних критеріїв диференціації правового регулювання праці співробітників Служби судової охорони / Бондар Валерій Іванович // Юридичний бюлетень. - 2019. - Вип. 11, ч. 1. - С. 245-251. - DOI : https://doi.org/10.32850/2414-4207.2019.11-1.31.



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