Адміністративно-правове забезпечення діяльності сектору безпеки і оборони України : автореферат дисертації
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Назва тому
У дисертації здійснено теоретичне узагальнення і нове вирішення наукової
проблеми щодо визначення сутності й особливостей адміністративно-правового
забезпечення сектору безпеки і оборони України, з’ясування кола публічно-правових відносин, які виникають у процесі цього регулювання; на цій основі
вироблено відповідну концепцію, а також пропозиції та рекомендації щодо
вдосконалення зазначених засад.
У дослідженні викладено сучасне розуміння адміністративно-правових засад
функціонування сектору безпеки і оборони України. Доведено, що відносини,
пов’язані з державним регулюванням сектору безпеки і оборони, є предметом
адміністративного права, оскільки виникають між суб’єктами публічної влади,
регламентуються адміністративно-правими нормами і мають управлінський,
правоохоронний та публічно-сервісний характер. З’ясовано, що адміністративно-правові основи функціонування сектору безпеки і оборони реалізуються як форма
державної політики та реальних дій держави, спрямованих на забезпечення
національної безпеки, визначення політичних, соціальних, правових та фінансово-економічних основ діяльності суб`єктів сектору безпеки і оборони. Особливу увагу приділено розкриттю організації діяльності загальних та
спеціальних суб’єктів забезпечення сектору безпеки і оборони України.
Запропоновано конкретні пропозиції правового та організаційного характеру,
спрямовані на перспективи реформування сектору безпеки і оборони України.
The author of the dissertation has accomplished theoretical generalization and a new solution of the scientific problem in regard to determining the essence and peculiarities of administrative and legal provision of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, to clarifying the range of public and legal relations that arise in the process of this regulation, and on this basis developing the corresponding concept, as well as suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of these principles of activities. The author of the research has provided a modern understanding of administrative and legal principles for functioning of the security and defense sector of Ukraine. The author has suggested to consider the security sector of Ukraine as an aggregate of state agencies and organizations that are called upon to ensure the security of an individual, society and the country. Theoretical and methodological bases of the security and defense sector as an object of administrative and legal regulation have been researched. It has been proved that relations connected to the state regulation of the security and defense sector are the subject matter of administrative law, since they arise between the subjects of public authority, are regulated by administrative and legal norms and have administrative, law enforcement, public and service nature. The author has found out that administrative and legal bases of functioning of the security and defense sector are realized as a form of state politics and real actions of the country aimed at ensuring national security, determining political, social, legal, financial and economical bases of the activities of the subjects of the security and defense sector. The author has offered own classification of the principles of functioning of the security and defense sector, namely: 1) the principles, which are enshrined in the Law of Ukraine “On National Security of Ukraine”; 2) the principles, which are enshrined in the Law of Ukraine “On the Defense of Ukraine”; 3) the principles that characterize the activities of certain law enforcement agencies and are enshrined in the regulatory acts that regulate their activities. The key issue of the research was the determination of administrative and legal status of the subject of the security and defense sector. Thus, administrative and legal status of the subject of the security and defense sector is the status of the subject in the hierarchy of public authorities regulated by administrative and legal norms, and which is determined through the purpose of their creation (ensuring security and defense), which is grounded by the tasks and functions of these agencies, and is characterized by a set of the rights, responsibilities and liability of the relevant subjects. Administrative and legal status of the subjects of security and defense is characterized by such basic elements as: competence and authority; purpose of creation; tasks, functions and principles of activity; liability; legal and social guarantees of the activities of these subjects. The author has paid а particular attention to revealing the organization of the activities of general and special subjects of ensuring the security and defense sector of Ukraine. It has been noted that the security and defense sector requires a unified centralized leadership. Centralization consists in such a property of the system of security and defense, when it is controlled from a single center, when all its elements are used in advance by the rights and powers. The author has offered specific propositions of legal and organizational nature aimed at the perspectives of reforming the security and defense sector of Ukraine.
В диссертации осуществлено теоретическое обобщение и новое научное решение проблемы по определению сущности и особенностей административно-правового обеспечение сектора безопасности и обороны Украины, выяснение круга публично-правовых отношений, возникающих в процессе этого регулирования; на этой основе выработана соответствующая концепция, а также предложения и рекомендации по совершенствование указанных основ.
The author of the dissertation has accomplished theoretical generalization and a new solution of the scientific problem in regard to determining the essence and peculiarities of administrative and legal provision of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, to clarifying the range of public and legal relations that arise in the process of this regulation, and on this basis developing the corresponding concept, as well as suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of these principles of activities. The author of the research has provided a modern understanding of administrative and legal principles for functioning of the security and defense sector of Ukraine. The author has suggested to consider the security sector of Ukraine as an aggregate of state agencies and organizations that are called upon to ensure the security of an individual, society and the country. Theoretical and methodological bases of the security and defense sector as an object of administrative and legal regulation have been researched. It has been proved that relations connected to the state regulation of the security and defense sector are the subject matter of administrative law, since they arise between the subjects of public authority, are regulated by administrative and legal norms and have administrative, law enforcement, public and service nature. The author has found out that administrative and legal bases of functioning of the security and defense sector are realized as a form of state politics and real actions of the country aimed at ensuring national security, determining political, social, legal, financial and economical bases of the activities of the subjects of the security and defense sector. The author has offered own classification of the principles of functioning of the security and defense sector, namely: 1) the principles, which are enshrined in the Law of Ukraine “On National Security of Ukraine”; 2) the principles, which are enshrined in the Law of Ukraine “On the Defense of Ukraine”; 3) the principles that characterize the activities of certain law enforcement agencies and are enshrined in the regulatory acts that regulate their activities. The key issue of the research was the determination of administrative and legal status of the subject of the security and defense sector. Thus, administrative and legal status of the subject of the security and defense sector is the status of the subject in the hierarchy of public authorities regulated by administrative and legal norms, and which is determined through the purpose of their creation (ensuring security and defense), which is grounded by the tasks and functions of these agencies, and is characterized by a set of the rights, responsibilities and liability of the relevant subjects. Administrative and legal status of the subjects of security and defense is characterized by such basic elements as: competence and authority; purpose of creation; tasks, functions and principles of activity; liability; legal and social guarantees of the activities of these subjects. The author has paid а particular attention to revealing the organization of the activities of general and special subjects of ensuring the security and defense sector of Ukraine. It has been noted that the security and defense sector requires a unified centralized leadership. Centralization consists in such a property of the system of security and defense, when it is controlled from a single center, when all its elements are used in advance by the rights and powers. The author has offered specific propositions of legal and organizational nature aimed at the perspectives of reforming the security and defense sector of Ukraine.
В диссертации осуществлено теоретическое обобщение и новое научное решение проблемы по определению сущности и особенностей административно-правового обеспечение сектора безопасности и обороны Украины, выяснение круга публично-правовых отношений, возникающих в процессе этого регулирования; на этой основе выработана соответствующая концепция, а также предложения и рекомендации по совершенствование указанных основ.
Ключові слова
Автореферати дисертацій. Abstracts of Theses. Авторефераты диссертаций, 12.00.07, сектор безпеки і оборони України, security and defense sector of Ukraine, сектор безопасности и обороны Украины, національна безпека, national security, национальная безопасность, адміністративно-правове регулювання, administrative and legal regulation, административно-правовое регулирование, адміністративно-правове забезпечення, administrative and legal support, административно-правовое обеспечение
Бібліографічний опис
Пономарьов, С. П. Адміністративно-правове забезпечення діяльності сектору безпеки і оборони України : автореф. дис. ... д-ра юрид. наук : 12.00.07 / Пономарьов Сергій Павлович; МВС України, Дніпр. держ. ун-т внутр. справ. - Дніпро, 2018. - 32 с.