Публікація: Сутність та значення стимулювання праці суддів в умовах воєнного стану
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Європейські перспективи. - 2024. - № 1. - С. 246-252
У статті, спираючись на аналіз наукових поглядів вчених, запропоновано авторське визначення поняття стимулювання праці суддів. Виділено чинники, які обумовлюють значення забезпечення належного рівня стимулювання праці досліджуваної категорії працівників. Акцентовано увагу на чинниках, які в
умовах воєнного стану перешкоджають належному стимулюванню праці суддів в Україні.
It is argued that the incentivization of judges is most effectively understood as a system of moral and material incentives, as defined by the norms of general and special labor legislation, the application of which is intended to ensure the efficiency and quality of judges’ official activities, thereby positively influencing the maintenance of the rule of law and order in the state. It is demonstrated that the significance of incentivizing judges manifests in the following ways: firstly, it ensures an increase in the efficiency indicators of judges’ work; secondly, it encourages intellectual and professional development among judges; thirdly, it motivates judges to improve their work ethic, especially in conditions of physical and psychological overload inherent in today’s judiciary; fourthly, it encourages judges to fully utilize their intellectual and physical potential in their work. In the conditions of full-scale war, incentivizing judges is of paramount importance for fostering their internal motivation to perform their duties effectively. Therefore, in modern economic, political, social, and security realities, legislators need to take consistent and balanced steps towards improving the mechanisms regulating judges’ work and adapting legislation in this area to European standards. Achieving this, it is believed, is practically impossible without substantial improvement in the mechanisms of material and moral incentivization of judges, within which it is expedient to: identify new incentives, interests, and motives, and propose new types of incentives for motivating judges. It is substantiated that the following problems hinder the incentivization of judges: firstly, fullscale military aggression, which limits the state’s financial capabilities to significantly increase the level of material incentives for judges; secondly, the absence of a system for analyzing the motives, needs, and interests of judges in the course of their work; thirdly, the lack in the Ukrainian Law “On Judicial System and Status of Judges” of a defined list of types of moral incentivization of judges; fourthly, inadequate organizational and technical support for the court apparatus and insufficient funding for the activities of court staff; fifthly, significant reduction in social benefits for judges and their families.
В статье, основываясь на анализе научных взглядов ученых, предложено авторское определение понятия стимулирования труда судей. Выделены факторы, обуславливающие значение обеспечения должного уровня стимулирования труда исследуемой категории работников. Акцентировано внимание на факторах, которые в условиях военного положения препятствуют надлежащему стимулированию труда судей в Украине.
It is argued that the incentivization of judges is most effectively understood as a system of moral and material incentives, as defined by the norms of general and special labor legislation, the application of which is intended to ensure the efficiency and quality of judges’ official activities, thereby positively influencing the maintenance of the rule of law and order in the state. It is demonstrated that the significance of incentivizing judges manifests in the following ways: firstly, it ensures an increase in the efficiency indicators of judges’ work; secondly, it encourages intellectual and professional development among judges; thirdly, it motivates judges to improve their work ethic, especially in conditions of physical and psychological overload inherent in today’s judiciary; fourthly, it encourages judges to fully utilize their intellectual and physical potential in their work. In the conditions of full-scale war, incentivizing judges is of paramount importance for fostering their internal motivation to perform their duties effectively. Therefore, in modern economic, political, social, and security realities, legislators need to take consistent and balanced steps towards improving the mechanisms regulating judges’ work and adapting legislation in this area to European standards. Achieving this, it is believed, is practically impossible without substantial improvement in the mechanisms of material and moral incentivization of judges, within which it is expedient to: identify new incentives, interests, and motives, and propose new types of incentives for motivating judges. It is substantiated that the following problems hinder the incentivization of judges: firstly, fullscale military aggression, which limits the state’s financial capabilities to significantly increase the level of material incentives for judges; secondly, the absence of a system for analyzing the motives, needs, and interests of judges in the course of their work; thirdly, the lack in the Ukrainian Law “On Judicial System and Status of Judges” of a defined list of types of moral incentivization of judges; fourthly, inadequate organizational and technical support for the court apparatus and insufficient funding for the activities of court staff; fifthly, significant reduction in social benefits for judges and their families.
В статье, основываясь на анализе научных взглядов ученых, предложено авторское определение понятия стимулирования труда судей. Выделены факторы, обуславливающие значение обеспечения должного уровня стимулирования труда исследуемой категории работников. Акцентировано внимание на факторах, которые в условиях военного положения препятствуют надлежащему стимулированию труда судей в Украине.
Бібліографічний опис
Подорожній, Є. Ю. Сутність та значення стимулювання праці суддів в умовах воєнного стану / Подорожній Євген Юрійович, Вінніков Сергій Валерійович // Європейські перспективи. - 2024. - № 1. - С. 246-252. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/ep.2024.1.36.