Криміналістична характеристика злочинів, що порушують порядок здійснення та забезпечення правосуддя
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Вісник Луганського держаного університету внутрішніх справ ім. Е. О. Дідоренка. – 2015. - № 3(71). - С. 287-294
Статтю присвячено криміналістичній характеристиці злочинів, що порушують порядок здійснення та забезпечення правосуддя. Визначено, що найчастіше досліджувані злочини вчиняються службовими особами чоловічої статі, яким притаманний високий інтелектуальний рівень, мають емоційну збалансованість та розвинені вольові якості, одружені й утримують одного та більше дітей, раніше не засуджувалися, за місцем роботи й проживання характеризуються позитивно. Потерпілими по вказаних злочинах можуть бути як фізичні, так і юридичні особи. Розроблено криміналістичну класифікацію способів злочинного порушення порядку здійснення та забезпечення правосуддя; досліджено обстановку таких злочинів. Визначено типові сліди досліджуваних злочинів.
The article is devoted to the methods of investigation of crimes that violate the order of administration of justice and. Defined typical methods investigated crimes and their structure. These crimes are most often committed by officials, which are subject to relatively high intellectual level, emotional balance and have developed strong-willed qualities, married and contain one or more children, have not condemned, at the place of work and residence are characterized positively. More than half of these crimes were committed by men who held positions of investigators, operatives, judges. Age people was 30 years of age or older. The property status of such persons is characterized by clear (or hidden) discrepancy level accommodation income. The victims of these crimes can be both physical and legal persons. Among the individuals most likely to be injured persons engaged in illegal activities. Among legal entities – companies with significant profits and become the object of hostile takeovers. The author developed the methods of criminal forensic classification of violations of the order and ensure justice, which includes: 1) typical ways of violations of the right to liberty and security of person; 2) typical ways violation of the presumption of innocence; 3) typical ways miscarriage judicial act; 4) the typical methods of coercion to testify; 5) typical ways of violations of the right to defense; 6) the typical ways of violation of the order of the safety measures in respect of persons taken under protection. Noting the fact that criminal violations of the order and ensure justice is characterized by long, are under preparation, fulfillment and concealment. Training often vyyavletsya in podyskivanii partners and the distribution of roles between them, the study of the personality of the victim, the selection of the means and instruments of the crime, the choice of the place and time of the crime. The means of concealment of crimes investigated are: the destruction of documents and instruments of the crime, staff movement, the destruction of the material traces of the crime. The situation investigated crimes is determined by the following factors: a) hypertrophic professional corporate colleagues to deviant behavior; b) the presence of corrupt relations; c) lack of appropriate institutional control; d) imperfection of the existing document management systems in law enforcement. The place of commission of such crimes is a criminal or location (or) the location of the victim. Most often it is - working offices of law enforcement officers. Defined typical traces of the crimes investigated. These include: 1) documents, including wholly or partially falsified (arrest report, other materials of pre-trial investigation or trial of criminal, civil and administrative proceedings); 2) the following instruments and means of crime; 3) the following injuries; 4) perfect marks.
Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам методики расследования преступлений, нарушающих порядок осуществления и обеспечения правосудия. Установлено, что указанные преступления чаще всего совершаются должностными лицами мужского рода, которым присущ высокий интеллектуальный уровень, имеют эмоциональную сбалансированность и развитые волевые качества, женаты, содержат одного и более детей, ранее не судимы, по месту работы и жительства характеризуются положительно. Потерпевшими по указанным преступлениям могут быть как физические, так и юридические лица. Автором разработана криминалистическая классификация способов преступного нарушения порядка осуществления и обеспечения правосудия, а также исследована обстановка их совершения. Определены типичные следы исследуемых преступлений.
The article is devoted to the methods of investigation of crimes that violate the order of administration of justice and. Defined typical methods investigated crimes and their structure. These crimes are most often committed by officials, which are subject to relatively high intellectual level, emotional balance and have developed strong-willed qualities, married and contain one or more children, have not condemned, at the place of work and residence are characterized positively. More than half of these crimes were committed by men who held positions of investigators, operatives, judges. Age people was 30 years of age or older. The property status of such persons is characterized by clear (or hidden) discrepancy level accommodation income. The victims of these crimes can be both physical and legal persons. Among the individuals most likely to be injured persons engaged in illegal activities. Among legal entities – companies with significant profits and become the object of hostile takeovers. The author developed the methods of criminal forensic classification of violations of the order and ensure justice, which includes: 1) typical ways of violations of the right to liberty and security of person; 2) typical ways violation of the presumption of innocence; 3) typical ways miscarriage judicial act; 4) the typical methods of coercion to testify; 5) typical ways of violations of the right to defense; 6) the typical ways of violation of the order of the safety measures in respect of persons taken under protection. Noting the fact that criminal violations of the order and ensure justice is characterized by long, are under preparation, fulfillment and concealment. Training often vyyavletsya in podyskivanii partners and the distribution of roles between them, the study of the personality of the victim, the selection of the means and instruments of the crime, the choice of the place and time of the crime. The means of concealment of crimes investigated are: the destruction of documents and instruments of the crime, staff movement, the destruction of the material traces of the crime. The situation investigated crimes is determined by the following factors: a) hypertrophic professional corporate colleagues to deviant behavior; b) the presence of corrupt relations; c) lack of appropriate institutional control; d) imperfection of the existing document management systems in law enforcement. The place of commission of such crimes is a criminal or location (or) the location of the victim. Most often it is - working offices of law enforcement officers. Defined typical traces of the crimes investigated. These include: 1) documents, including wholly or partially falsified (arrest report, other materials of pre-trial investigation or trial of criminal, civil and administrative proceedings); 2) the following instruments and means of crime; 3) the following injuries; 4) perfect marks.
Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам методики расследования преступлений, нарушающих порядок осуществления и обеспечения правосудия. Установлено, что указанные преступления чаще всего совершаются должностными лицами мужского рода, которым присущ высокий интеллектуальный уровень, имеют эмоциональную сбалансированность и развитые волевые качества, женаты, содержат одного и более детей, ранее не судимы, по месту работы и жительства характеризуются положительно. Потерпевшими по указанным преступлениям могут быть как физические, так и юридические лица. Автором разработана криминалистическая классификация способов преступного нарушения порядка осуществления и обеспечения правосудия, а также исследована обстановка их совершения. Определены типичные следы исследуемых преступлений.
Ключові слова
розслідування злочинів, криміналістична методика, злочини проти правосуддя, криміналістична характеристика, злочини, що порушують порядок здійснення та забезпечення правосуддя, investigation of offenses, criminalistical methods, сrimes against of justice, criminalistic characteristic, crimes disruptive of origin and ensure justice, расследование преступлений, криминалистическая методика, преступления против правосудия, криминалистическая характеристика, преступления, нарушающие порядок осуществления и обеспечения правосудия
Бібліографічний опис
Книженко, С. О. Криміналістична характеристика злочинів, що порушують порядок здійснення та забезпечення правосуддя / С. О. Книженко // Вісник Луганського держаного університету внутрішніх справ ім. Е. О. Дідоренка. – 2015. - № 3(71). - С. 287-294.