Проблема розуміння засад та механізмів упровадження у національне законодавство норм міжнародного права
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Право і безпека. - 2014. - № 4 (55). - С. 28-33
Визначено причини виникнення проблеми розуміння засад та механізмів упровадження у національне законодавство норм міжнародного права, розкрито її основні елементи. Розглянуто питання співвідношення міжнародного і національного права. Проаналізовано основні концепції імплементації міжнародних норм у національне право. Запропоновано авторське бачення проблеми розуміння засад та механізмів упровадження у національне законодавство норм міжнародного права.
The article is devoted to the problem of understanding the grounds and mechanisms of implementation into national legislation with the rules of international law. The article covers the premises of this problem. The author comprehensively analyzes the nature and content of the problem of understanding the grounds and mechanisms of international law rules implementation into national law and determines the level of scientific development of mentioned topic. On the basis of the said complex analysis the author identifies the basic elements of the problem and formulates the immediate task of the article, which is to develop its own approach to understanding the system and content of the implementation into national legislation with international law mechanisms. In the process of solving this problem the author considers the relationship between international and domestic law, provides examples of some models of that relationship and conduct a comparative analysis of the legal regime of international law in domestic legal order classifications proposed by various researchers. The article also discusses the variety of theoretical concepts, defining mechanisms for implementation into national legislation with international law and conduct a comparative analysis of the main ones. On the grounds of said analysis the author identifies the reasons for the existing conflicts between concepts pointed in the article. In the end, the author offers his own vision of the problems understanding the principles and mechanisms for implementation into national legislation with international law, the ways to solve these problems, and outlines future directions and prospects of research on this subject.
Определены причины возникновения проблемы понимания основ и механизмов внедрения в национальное законодательство норм международного права, раскрыты её основные элементы. Рассмотрены вопросы соотношения международного и национального права. Проанализированы основные концепции имплементации международных норм в национальное право. Предложено авторское видение проблемы понимания основ и механизмов внедрения в национальное законодательство норм международного права.
The article is devoted to the problem of understanding the grounds and mechanisms of implementation into national legislation with the rules of international law. The article covers the premises of this problem. The author comprehensively analyzes the nature and content of the problem of understanding the grounds and mechanisms of international law rules implementation into national law and determines the level of scientific development of mentioned topic. On the basis of the said complex analysis the author identifies the basic elements of the problem and formulates the immediate task of the article, which is to develop its own approach to understanding the system and content of the implementation into national legislation with international law mechanisms. In the process of solving this problem the author considers the relationship between international and domestic law, provides examples of some models of that relationship and conduct a comparative analysis of the legal regime of international law in domestic legal order classifications proposed by various researchers. The article also discusses the variety of theoretical concepts, defining mechanisms for implementation into national legislation with international law and conduct a comparative analysis of the main ones. On the grounds of said analysis the author identifies the reasons for the existing conflicts between concepts pointed in the article. In the end, the author offers his own vision of the problems understanding the principles and mechanisms for implementation into national legislation with international law, the ways to solve these problems, and outlines future directions and prospects of research on this subject.
Определены причины возникновения проблемы понимания основ и механизмов внедрения в национальное законодательство норм международного права, раскрыты её основные элементы. Рассмотрены вопросы соотношения международного и национального права. Проанализированы основные концепции имплементации международных норм в национальное право. Предложено авторское видение проблемы понимания основ и механизмов внедрения в национальное законодательство норм международного права.
Бібліографічний опис
Тітов, Є. Б. Проблема розуміння засад та механізмів упровадження у національне законодавство норм міжнародного права / Є. Б. Тітов // Право і безпека. - 2014. - № 4 (55). - С. 28-33.