Фізичне насильство в контексті визначення суспільно небезпечної інформації

dc.contributor.authorОлішевський, О. В.
dc.contributor.authorOlishevskyi, O. V.
dc.contributor.authorORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1102-0675
dc.descriptionОлішевський, О. В. Фізичне насильство в контексті визначення суспільно небезпечної інформації / О. В. Олішевський // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 1 (9). - С. 124-134.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.description.abstractПроаналізовано такі категорії, як «насильство» та «фізичне насильство». Удосконалено розуміння фізичного насильства. Останнє розглянуто в контексті визначення суспільно небезпечної інформації.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.description.abstractThe study of problems related to the import, production or distribution of products that promote violence and cruelty was the interest of a large number of domestic and foreign scholars. However, there is no single approach to understanding the violence and its type – physical one. There is a need in improving of the studied issue. The issue of understanding the physical violence in the context of defining socially dangerous information remains unexplored. Thus, the objective of this paper is an attempt to eliminate these doctrinal gaps. First of all, some scholars mistakenly believe that only person’s physical force is capable to cause bodily harm. For example, the use of animals, equipment, affecting factors and properties of other objects of the material world or various natural phenomena can also be used for this purpose. Secondly, in terms of the etymology of the studied concept even legitimate use of force is the violence. However, the latter is justified from the standpoint of religion, morality and the law by imposing the benefit for mankind, people or an individual. Third, not all researchers took into account the fact that a person can not understand the nature exerted on him actions due to mental illness, childhood, influence of drugs or alcohol, sleep, etc. Fourth, the use by some authors of word combinations like “energy impact” is not fully understood. Fifth, there are cases (mental or physical conditions or diseases) when a victim fully reveals a desire that an effect until death is committed against him. All this is fully covered by the studied category. Thus, the physical violence, in terms of the etymology of words should include the influence on bodily integrity, health or life of an individual against, and in some cases according to his will through the use of physical force of people or animals, equipment, affecting factors and properties of other objects of the material world or various natural phenomena. But not any physical impact from the standpoint of religion, morality and law is prohibited. The use of force is justified in exercising enforcement penalties by the state in sports sphere, under necessary and imaginary defense, emergency, arrest of a person, who committed a crime, committed as a result of physical or mental coercion, execution of an order, action related to risk, executing a special tasks on preventing or disclosure of criminal activities of an organized group or criminal organization, etc. In criminological aspects, physical violence is unlawful influence on bodily integrity, health or life of an individual against and in some cases, by his will through the use of physical force of people or animals, equipment, affecting factors and properties of other objects of the material world or various natural phenomena. According to the stated conclusions there is the fact that not any information that contains violence is socially harmful, but only that one consisting of information or data about illegal impact on a person and by the conditions of selfish or cultivating such a behavior goal. That is, it is necessary to evaluate a particular object in terms of the theme, set of events and actions that determine the nature of depicted (the plot).en
dc.description.abstractПроанализированы такие категории, как «насилие» и «физическое насилие». Усовершенствовано понимание физического насилия. Последнее рассмотрено в контексте определения общественно опасной информации.ru
dc.publisherВісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 1 (9). - С. 124-134.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectКримінальне право. Criminal Law. Уголовное правоru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectфізичне насильствоru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectсуспільно небезпечна інформаціяru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectphysical violenceru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectsocially dangerous informationru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectфизическое насилиеru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectобщественно опасная информацияru_RU.UTF8
dc.titleФізичне насильство в контексті визначення суспільно небезпечної інформаціїru_RU.UTF8


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