Регламентація умовно-дострокового звільнення від відбування покарання у законодавствах зарубіжних країн

dc.contributor.authorКазначеєва, Д. В.
dc.contributor.authorKaznacheieva, D. V.
dc.contributor.authorORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7596-294X
dc.descriptionКазначеєва, Д. В. Регламентація умовно-дострокового звільнення від відбування покарання у законодавствах зарубіжних країн / Дар’я Володимирівна Казначеєва // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2017. - № 1 (15). - С. 39-48.uk_UA.UTF8
dc.descriptionKaznacheieva, D. V. (2017), “Regulation of the parole from serving a sentence in the laws of foreign countries” [Rehlamentatsiia umovno-dostrokovoho zvilnennia vid vidbuvannia pokarannia u zakonodavstvakh zarubizhnykh krain], Visnyk Kryminolohichnoi asotsiatsii Ukrainy, No. 1, pp. 39–48.
dc.description.abstractАналіз законодавчого досвіду реалізації пенальної політики як України, так і зарубіжних країн свідчить, що її визначальною рисою на сьогодні є гуманізація кримінально-правової репресії. Встановлено, що загальними/спільними для законодавств усіх розглянутих держав є наявність дієвого механізму здійснення контролю за поведінкою умовно-достроково звільнених осіб, а також можливість покладання на них певних обов’язків під час невідбутої частини покарання.uk_UA.UTF8
dc.description.abstractAnalysis of legislative experience of realizing penal policy both in Ukraine and foreign countries demonstrates that its defining feature today is the humanization of criminal and legal repression. The general tendency is to reduce the number of convictions related to the punishment in the form of imprisonment, to improve the legal status of prisoners, etc. The study of international experience of different countries in the sphere of applying the parole will assist to improve national legislation by the way of possible implementation of some of its provisions. The greatest interest in terms of this study is the experience of implementing parole from serving a sentence in France, the Federal Republic of Germany as the countries, which have an established legal system for a long time and are representatives of Romano-Germanic law family; USA as a country – representative of the family of common law; Japan as a country that has its own specific way of developing the legislation; Belarus, Estonia and Latvia as countries having the same past with our country. Many scholars, such as O. M. Bandurka, O. P. Horokh, O. V. Dashchenko, H. V. Drovosiekov, Z. I. Zeldov, L. V. Kuznetsova, A. Z. Perelyhin, I. D. Perlov, L. Ye. Orel, V. V. Skybytskyi, Yu. M. Tkachevskyi, V. M. Trubnikov and others have researched the parole from serving a sentence in their scientific writings, however the relevance of studying this institution remains till nowadays. The article’s objective is to analyze the legal regulation of the institute of parole from serving a sentence in the laws of foreign countries. Analysis of criminal legislation of these countries demonstrates that they more prefer conditional discharge from serving a sentence, but not to other undisputed types. This can be explained by the fact that the conditional discharge has many advantages over the absolute one: enables the possibility to control released person for some period of time, to apply measures of the educational and correctional nature while having the opportunity to really take a penalty, when the person was released from it that in turn makes a person more disciplined. While studying the experience of applying parole from serving a sentence by foreign countries the author took into account the following aspects: formal and material grounds for this kind of release; content and types of obligations that may be imposed on a person under the parole during the unserved part of the sentence; the procedure for realizing control over a person under the parole during the unserved part of the punishment. The parole from serving a sentence is inherent to the laws and practice of criminal justice for countries of both Anglo-Saxon and Romano-Germanic systems of law. Common things for the legislations of all studied foreign countries are the provisions for the probation of a person under the parole during the test period, as well as a clear mechanism for realizing control over the behavior of persons under the parole during the unserved part of the punishment. Nowadays, despite some significant steps of implementing Probation Service in Ukraine, the issues of control over persons under the parole during the unserved part of the punishment remain unsolved. It must be emphasized on the lack of consolidation of the effective mechanism of control over this category of released from serving a sentence in the legislation. We believe that for the effective application of the parole from serving a sentence, it is advisable to adopt certain provisions of criminal law of foreign countries into national legislation concerning the possibility of laying certain obligations on a person under the parole ny the court during the unserved part of the punishment.en
dc.description.abstractАнализ законодательного опыта реализации пенальной политики как Украины, так и зарубежных стран свидетельствует, что ее определяющей чертой является гуманизация уголовно-правовой репрессии. В статье установлено, что общим для законодательств всех зарубежных стран, которые были рассмотрены, является наличие эффективного механизма контроля за поведением условно-досрочно освобожденных лиц.ru
dc.publisherВісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2017. - № 1 (15). - С. 39-48uk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectКримінальне право. Criminal Law. Уголовное правоuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectзарубіжний досвідuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectзарубежный опытuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectforeign experienceuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectумовно-дострокове звільненняuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectневідбута частина покаранняuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectinternational experienceuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectunserved part of the punishmentuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectусловно-досрочное освобождениеuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectнеотбытая часть наказанияuk_UA.UTF8
dc.titleРегламентація умовно-дострокового звільнення від відбування покарання у законодавствах зарубіжних країнuk_UA.UTF8
dc.title.alternativeRegulation of the parole from serving a sentence in the laws of foreign countriesuk_UA.UTF8
dc.title.alternativeРегламентация условно-досрочного освобождения от отбывания наказания в законодательствах зарубежных государствuk_UA.UTF8


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