Особливості об’єктного складу земельних злочинів

dc.contributor.authorШульга, А. М.
dc.contributor.authorShulga, A. M.
dc.contributor.authorORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3745-4869
dc.descriptionШульга, А. М. Особливості об’єктного складу земельних злочинів / А. М. Шульга // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 1 (9). - С. 186-199.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.description.abstractСтаття присвячена особливостям об’єктного складу земельних злочинів. У ній наводиться визначення «земельних злочинів». Пропонується новітнє визначення об’єкта земельних злочинів. Також пропонується поділ об’єкта земельних злочинів на чотири види: загальний, родовий, видовий та безпосередній. У статті робиться висновок про прийнятність існування саме «чотирьохступеневої» класифікації об’єкта земельних злочинів.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.description.abstractThe current state of land resources in Ukraine is characterized by extremely negative indicators. To change the situation is possibleby the way of mobilizing efforts of the entire society and the state. The state has taken steps towards ensuring adequate protection of land resources by guaranteeing compliance with established regulations in this area. One of these steps is to establish criminal liability for crimes in the sphere of land legal relations. The issues of legal protection of natural resources, including land resources have been the interest of the following scholars: V.I. Andreitsev, Yu.S. Bohomiakov, M.M. Brynchuk, T.D. Bushuiev, V.P. Vladymyrov, S.B. Havrysh, N.S. Gavrysh, P.S. Dahel, O.V. Dubovyk, O.O. Dudorov, Ye.N. Zhevlakov, O.S. Kolbasov, Z.H. Korcheva, S.M. Kravchenko, U.Ya. Krastynysh, B.M. Leontiev, N.O. Lopashenko, Yu.M. Liapunov, V.K. Matviichuk, V.L. Muntian, P.S. Matyshevskyi, V.O. Navrotskyi, V.V. Petrov, L.F. Povelitsina, B.H. Rozovskyi, N.I. Titov, Yu.S. Shemshuchenko, N.H. Shymbareva, M.V. Shulha and other experts in criminal, environmental law and criminology. The objective of the research is establishment of the system of the object of land crimes and its defining in the criminal law.The problem of defining and establishing the crime object in the theory of criminal law is relevant at the present day. The crime object affects the severity of the crime, determines its place in the system of the Special Part of the Criminal Code, etc. Land crimes also have their object, which is specified for these crimes. The object of land crimes is defined primarily by those functions that are performed by land resources in objective reality: environmental element that interacts with other natural resources and ensures the existence of all live on the Earth; territorial location of production objects, infrastructure, housing, etc; object of land property; object of agricultural and forestry, etc. An important point in the issue of crime object is to define its system. The point of view about the “three-level” classification of crime object dominates in the modern theory of criminal law. But analysis of existing thoughts about the possibility of using “four-level” classification of the crime object allows to admit such a classification. The most appropriate classification of the object for the land crimes is “four-level”. At the end it is necessary to make the following conclusions: “Land crimes” within the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine should be recognized socially dangerous, guilty (intentional) acts (action or omission), provided by the relevant articles of the Section VIII of the Special Part that are committed by the relevant crime subject against social relations in the sphere of protection, rational use and reproduction of land resources; Considering the object of corpus delicti of land crimes we should take into account the “four-level” classification of the crime object that includes the specific object of such crimes. As a general object of land crimes we should recognize environmental safety; as a generic object – environment; as a specific object – social relations in the sphere of protection, rational use and reproduction of land resources; as the main direct object – relations in the sphere of protection, rational use and reproduction of individual components of land resources; as an additional direct object – human life and health, property relations, relations in the sphere of protection, rational use and restoration of related natural resources and systems.en
dc.description.abstractСтатья посвящена особенностям объектного состава земельных преступлений. В ней приводится определение «земельных преступлений». Предлагается новое определение объекта земельных преступлений. Также предлагается деление объекта земельных преступлений на четыре вида: общий, родовой, видовой и непосредственный. В статье делается вывод о приемлемости существования именно «четырехступенчатой» классификации объекта земельных преступлений.ru
dc.publisherВісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 1 (9). - С. 186-199.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectКримінальне право. Criminal Law. Уголовное правоru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectземельні злочиниru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectземельні ресурсиru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectоб’єкт злочинуru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectland crimesru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectland resourcesru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectcrime’s objectru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectobject of a crimeru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectземельные преступленияru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectземельные ресурсыru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectобъект преступленияru_RU.UTF8
dc.titleОсобливості об’єктного складу земельних злочинівru_RU.UTF8


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