Митні правовідносини в Україні: поняття, ознаки та структура

dc.contributor.authorВасиленко, В. М.
dc.contributor.authorVasylenko, V. M.
dc.descriptionВасиленко, В. М. Митні правовідносини в Україні: поняття, ознаки та структура / В. М. Василенко // Право і безпека. - 2013. - № 3 (50). - С. 27-31.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто категорію «митні правовідносини». Сформульовано поняття митних правовідносин в Україні. Визначено характерні ознаки та специфіку структури митних правовідносин в Україні. Наголошено, що митні правовідносини мають цілий ряд рис і ознак, які відображають їх природу, характер, склад та зміст і завдяки яким вони виступають самостійним різновидом правових відносин.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the article the category of « customs legal relations « are considered. The concept of customs legal relations in Ukraine are formulated. Characteristic features and specific patterns of customs legal relations in Ukraine are defined. The public law nature of content of customs legal relations are established. However, according to their functionality customs legal relations are regulatory and enforcement, and by sectoral affiliation customs legal relations are considered as administrative and legal. Typical signs of custom relationships include: regulatory, public law nature, the existence of a special subject and protective nature. It is noted that customs legal relations in Ukraine are governed by different branches of the law, but by their nature are homogeneous. This is because customs legal relations directly related to the process of movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border of Ukraine. The structure of the customs legal relations are: object, subject, content, rule of law and the legal facts as the basis of their appearance. It is established that the nature of customs legal relations caused by regulation. The regulation of customs legal relations is mandatory method by which one side (individuals and legal entities crossing the customs border and move through it goods, objects and vehicles) is subject to another (customs). Customs legal relations in Ukraine identified as social relations regulated by rules of the various areas of law that are normative, public law and mandatory. Customs legal relations arise with the customs authorities on the movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border of Ukraine, in the organization of measures for customs clearance, and during the customs control. The customs legal relations are quite different in their subject composition, facilities and grounds of origin. Therefore customs legal relations allocated in a separate, relatively independent type relations. Customs legal relations predominate in the regulation of foreign economic relations and occupy a leading position among the other methods of forming the customs policy.en
dc.description.abstractРассмотрена категория «таможенные правоотношения». Сформулировано понятие таможенных правоотношений в Украине. Определены характерные признаки и специфика структуры таможенных правоотношений в Украине. Отмечено, что таможенные правоотношения имеют целый ряд черт и признаков, которые отражают их природу, характер, состав и содержание и благодаря которым они выступают самостоятельной разновидностью правовых отношений.ru
dc.publisherПраво і безпека. - 2013. - № 3 (50). - С. 27-31uk_UA
dc.subjectАдміністративне право та процес. Administrative Law and Procedure. Административное право и процессuk_UA
dc.subjectНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииuk_UA
dc.subjectУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаuk_UA
dc.subjectмитні правовідносиниuk_UA
dc.subjectтаможенные правоотношенияuk_UA
dc.subjectсustoms legal relationsuk_UA
dc.titleМитні правовідносини в Україні: поняття, ознаки та структураuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeCustoms legal relations in Ukraine: the concept, features and structureuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeТаможенные правоотношения в Украине: понятие, признаки и структураuk_UA


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