Саморегуляція як контекст критичного мислення у працівників кіберполіції
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Право і безпека. - 2021. - № 3 (82). - С. 173-183
Подано результати дослідження саморегуляції в контексті критичного мислення у кіберполіцейських. Теоретично доведено, що саморегуляція виступає однією із центральних складових критичного мислення, а взаємодія цих феноменів посилює ефективність функціонування кожного з них. Зазначено, що особливого значення розвинуті критичне мислення та саморегуляція набувають у професійній діяльності поліції. Емпірично виявлено, що кіберполіцейські демонструють вірогідно більшу вираженість самомотивації, афективного
самоконтролю, здатності до концентрації, інтеграції суперечностей і фокуса профілактики та вірогідно менші показники самовизначення, саморелаксації та фокуса просування.
The results of a study of self-regulation in the context of critical thinking in cyberpolice are presented. It is theoretically proven that self-regulation is one of the central components of critical thinking, and the interaction of these phenomena enhances the effectiveness of each of them. It is noted that the developed critical thinking and self-regulation acquire special significance in the professional activity of the police. The following methodological tools were used: test of critical thinking, methods of selfmanagement research, methods of diagnostics of regulation focus. The sample: the first group consisted of 47 cyber police officers, the second - 51 civilian IT specialists. It has been empirically found that cyber police officers are more action-oriented in anticipation of success in difficult situations involving overcoming strong pressure; they are characterized by a better ability to maintain a positive emotional mood and not lose motivation in routine activities, and can better concentrate on the process of activity and ignore external and internal stimuli that interfere with the tasks. Cyberpolice officers show a greater focus on action, hoping for success in dealing with situations of strong external pressure, greater ability to maintain the optimal functioning of all parts of self-regulation in extreme conditions, overcome anxiety and remain focused in stressful situations. These subjects are more successful in integrating contradictions, which allows them to realistically evaluate various contradictory information and perceive contradictory experiences as a sign of real existence, to critically connect it with their own values and meanings. Representatives of this group are more characterized by the focus of prevention in self-regulation, which cyber police consider the best way to achieve the goal, which necessitates awareness, criticality and vigilance in decision-making, systematic evaluation, verification and prevention of errors, which are subjectively significant conditions . Actualization of the focus of prevention in the system of self-regulation of cyberprofessional workers causes a positive emotional coloration of the results of actions in the absence of negative results, and in case of negative consequences becomes a source of negative affective feelings, which initiates vigilance to neutralize probable losses. It is noted that the deployment of further research in the chosen direction will not only enrich the theoretical understanding of the problem, but also provide an opportunity to use the obtained empirical data in the applied psychology of policing.
Представлены результаты исследования саморегуляции в контексте критического мышления у киберполицейских. Теоретически доказано, что саморегуляция выступает одной из центральных составляющих критического мышления, а взаимодействие этих феноменов усиливает эффективность функционирования каждого из них. Отмечено, что особое значение развитые критическое мышление и саморегуляция приобретают в профессиональной деятельности полиции. Эмпирически установлено, что киберполицейские демонстрируют достоверно большую выраженность самомотивации, аффективного самоконтроля, способности к концентрации, интеграции противоречий и фокуса профилактики и достоверно меньшие показатели самоопределения, саморелаксации и фокуса продвижения.
The results of a study of self-regulation in the context of critical thinking in cyberpolice are presented. It is theoretically proven that self-regulation is one of the central components of critical thinking, and the interaction of these phenomena enhances the effectiveness of each of them. It is noted that the developed critical thinking and self-regulation acquire special significance in the professional activity of the police. The following methodological tools were used: test of critical thinking, methods of selfmanagement research, methods of diagnostics of regulation focus. The sample: the first group consisted of 47 cyber police officers, the second - 51 civilian IT specialists. It has been empirically found that cyber police officers are more action-oriented in anticipation of success in difficult situations involving overcoming strong pressure; they are characterized by a better ability to maintain a positive emotional mood and not lose motivation in routine activities, and can better concentrate on the process of activity and ignore external and internal stimuli that interfere with the tasks. Cyberpolice officers show a greater focus on action, hoping for success in dealing with situations of strong external pressure, greater ability to maintain the optimal functioning of all parts of self-regulation in extreme conditions, overcome anxiety and remain focused in stressful situations. These subjects are more successful in integrating contradictions, which allows them to realistically evaluate various contradictory information and perceive contradictory experiences as a sign of real existence, to critically connect it with their own values and meanings. Representatives of this group are more characterized by the focus of prevention in self-regulation, which cyber police consider the best way to achieve the goal, which necessitates awareness, criticality and vigilance in decision-making, systematic evaluation, verification and prevention of errors, which are subjectively significant conditions . Actualization of the focus of prevention in the system of self-regulation of cyberprofessional workers causes a positive emotional coloration of the results of actions in the absence of negative results, and in case of negative consequences becomes a source of negative affective feelings, which initiates vigilance to neutralize probable losses. It is noted that the deployment of further research in the chosen direction will not only enrich the theoretical understanding of the problem, but also provide an opportunity to use the obtained empirical data in the applied psychology of policing.
Представлены результаты исследования саморегуляции в контексте критического мышления у киберполицейских. Теоретически доказано, что саморегуляция выступает одной из центральных составляющих критического мышления, а взаимодействие этих феноменов усиливает эффективность функционирования каждого из них. Отмечено, что особое значение развитые критическое мышление и саморегуляция приобретают в профессиональной деятельности полиции. Эмпирически установлено, что киберполицейские демонстрируют достоверно большую выраженность самомотивации, аффективного самоконтроля, способности к концентрации, интеграции противоречий и фокуса профилактики и достоверно меньшие показатели самоопределения, саморелаксации и фокуса продвижения.
Медведєва, О. В. Саморегуляція як контекст критичного мислення у працівників кіберполіції / Ольга Вікторівна Медведєва // Право і безпека. - 2021. - № 3 (82). - С. 173-183. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32631/pb.2021.3.20.
Ключові слова
Психологія. Рsychology. Психология, Юридична психологія. Legal psychology. Юридическая психология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, поліція, полиция, police, кіберполіцейські, киберполицейские, cyber police, критичне мислення, критическое мышление, critical thinking, саморегуляція, саморегуляция, self-regulation, фокус регуляції, фокус регуляции, focus of regulation