Криміналістична характеристика осіб, які вчиняють приховування злочинів
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Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 2 (57). - С. 139–143.
На підставі аналізу слідчо-судової практики надано характеристику особи злочинця як елемента криміналістичної характеристики приховування злочинів. Визначено основні криміналістично значущі ознаки якостей особи приховувача злочинів та розкрито їх зміст.
Scientific works of R. Belkin, V. Havlo, V. Yermolovich, O. Luzhetska have been analyzed. Viewpoint of O. Luzhetska has been endorsed, who by criminal personality as an element of forensic characteristic of crimes means a typical model of personality of the human, committed a crime, with its specific biological, psychological and social characteristics, features that take part in the process of determination of the crime’s mechanism, stipulate peculiarities of its reflective capabilities and the process of creation of traces and therewith feel and reflect an influence of other persons, things and processes interacting with them. On grounds of the analysis of investigation and forensic practice the characteristic of criminal personality as an element of forensic characteristic of covering up crimes is given. The root of following principal forensically important features of traits of the person covering up crimes has been determined and elaborated: sex, age, social standing, marriage status, education, occupation, criminal experience and skills, relations with causal crime (crime, which is covering up), motive, persuasion, physical well-being. It has been established by research that most of persons covering up crimes are males from 20 to 45 years old, having durable relations with the person, committed a causal crime, and are motivated by lucrative impulses and / or nihilistic motives.
На основании анализа следственно-судебной практики дана характеристика личности преступника как элемента криминалистической характеристики сокрытий преступлений. Определены основные криминалистически значимые признаки качеств личности укрывателя преступлений и раскрыто их содержание.
Scientific works of R. Belkin, V. Havlo, V. Yermolovich, O. Luzhetska have been analyzed. Viewpoint of O. Luzhetska has been endorsed, who by criminal personality as an element of forensic characteristic of crimes means a typical model of personality of the human, committed a crime, with its specific biological, psychological and social characteristics, features that take part in the process of determination of the crime’s mechanism, stipulate peculiarities of its reflective capabilities and the process of creation of traces and therewith feel and reflect an influence of other persons, things and processes interacting with them. On grounds of the analysis of investigation and forensic practice the characteristic of criminal personality as an element of forensic characteristic of covering up crimes is given. The root of following principal forensically important features of traits of the person covering up crimes has been determined and elaborated: sex, age, social standing, marriage status, education, occupation, criminal experience and skills, relations with causal crime (crime, which is covering up), motive, persuasion, physical well-being. It has been established by research that most of persons covering up crimes are males from 20 to 45 years old, having durable relations with the person, committed a causal crime, and are motivated by lucrative impulses and / or nihilistic motives.
На основании анализа следственно-судебной практики дана характеристика личности преступника как элемента криминалистической характеристики сокрытий преступлений. Определены основные криминалистически значимые признаки качеств личности укрывателя преступлений и раскрыто их содержание.
Chetvertak, D.Y. (2015), “Forensic characteristic of persons covering up crimes” [“Kryminalistychna
kharakterystyka osib, yaki vchyniaiut prykhovuvannia zlochyniv”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 2, pp. 139–143.
Четвертак, Д. Ю. Криміналістична характеристика осіб, які вчиняють приховування злочинів // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 2 (57). - С. 139–143.
Четвертак, Д. Ю. Криміналістична характеристика осіб, які вчиняють приховування злочинів // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 2 (57). - С. 139–143.
Ключові слова
Криміналістика. Criminalistics. Криминалистика, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, особа злочинця, приховування злочинів, характеристика особи приховувача злочинів, криміналістична характеристика злочинів, розслідування приховування злочинів, криміналістична методика, criminal personality, covering up crimes, characteristic of the person covering up crimes, forensic characteristic of crimes, investigation of covering up crimes, forensic methods, личность преступника, сокрытие преступлений, характеристика личности укрывателя преступлений, криминалистическая характеристика преступлений, расследование сокрытия преступлений, криминалистическая методика