Напрями діяльності НАТО у справі протидії кіберзлочинності
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Право і безпека. - 2014. - № 4 (55). - С. 119-123
Досліджено проблему протидії кіберзлочинності, що є загрозою міжнародній інформаційній
безпеці, у рамках Організації Північноатлантичного договору (НАТО), проаналізовано напрями
діяльності НАТО і організаційні форми співпраці з Україною у зазначеній сфері. Запропоновано
шляхи вирішення окремих питань проблеми.
The purpose of this paper is the comprehensive study of the problems related to the implementation of international partnership in the fight against the cybernetic crime in the framework of NATO, as well as the proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of the combating cybernetic attacks that has been developed on this study. The cybernetic protection has become one of the priorities of NATO activities because of the international information security vulnerability. For this purpose NATO was established NCIRC (NATO Computer Incident Response Capability) as the technical center of the Rapid Reaction Forces and this center is responsible for the cybernetic protection of all information resources of the Alliance. To develop the common position in the fight against the cybernetic crime the international conferences operate under NATO auspices; military and paramilitary activities in cyberspace are discussed at these conferences. According to the partnership between Ukraine and NATO the Organization began to work out common mechanisms to combat the cybernetic crime with the Security Service of Ukraine. For this purpose the expert consultations take place within the framework of the group «Ukraine – NATO». The coordinating work carried out in the framework of the Sub-Working Group of the high-level General working group Ukraine – NATO which was established in the Office of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. The individual members of the Alliance provide Ukraine the advisory, technical and material assistance. For example, for Ukrainian defense reform, NATO has created the trust funds. The fifth fund is designed to combat the cybernetic crime; it also aimed to develop the systems of cybernetic protection in accordance to the standards of NATO member countries. In conclusion, we note that Ukraine requires an adequate system of information security. The best option for Ukraine would be joining NATO and then the creation by the joint efforts the collective security system against cybernetic attacks and information warfare for its joint usage. Until the entry into NATO Ukraine has to become under the auspices of the UN the active participant in the process of elaboration of common approaches in the field of international information security and demilitarization of cyberspace.
Исследована проблема противодействия киберпреступности, являющейся угрозой международной информационной безопасности в рамках Организации Североатлантического договора (НАТО), проанализированы направления деятельности НАТО и организационные формы сотрудничества с Украиной в указанной сфере. Предложены пути решения отдельных вопросов проблемы.
The purpose of this paper is the comprehensive study of the problems related to the implementation of international partnership in the fight against the cybernetic crime in the framework of NATO, as well as the proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of the combating cybernetic attacks that has been developed on this study. The cybernetic protection has become one of the priorities of NATO activities because of the international information security vulnerability. For this purpose NATO was established NCIRC (NATO Computer Incident Response Capability) as the technical center of the Rapid Reaction Forces and this center is responsible for the cybernetic protection of all information resources of the Alliance. To develop the common position in the fight against the cybernetic crime the international conferences operate under NATO auspices; military and paramilitary activities in cyberspace are discussed at these conferences. According to the partnership between Ukraine and NATO the Organization began to work out common mechanisms to combat the cybernetic crime with the Security Service of Ukraine. For this purpose the expert consultations take place within the framework of the group «Ukraine – NATO». The coordinating work carried out in the framework of the Sub-Working Group of the high-level General working group Ukraine – NATO which was established in the Office of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. The individual members of the Alliance provide Ukraine the advisory, technical and material assistance. For example, for Ukrainian defense reform, NATO has created the trust funds. The fifth fund is designed to combat the cybernetic crime; it also aimed to develop the systems of cybernetic protection in accordance to the standards of NATO member countries. In conclusion, we note that Ukraine requires an adequate system of information security. The best option for Ukraine would be joining NATO and then the creation by the joint efforts the collective security system against cybernetic attacks and information warfare for its joint usage. Until the entry into NATO Ukraine has to become under the auspices of the UN the active participant in the process of elaboration of common approaches in the field of international information security and demilitarization of cyberspace.
Исследована проблема противодействия киберпреступности, являющейся угрозой международной информационной безопасности в рамках Организации Североатлантического договора (НАТО), проанализированы направления деятельности НАТО и организационные формы сотрудничества с Украиной в указанной сфере. Предложены пути решения отдельных вопросов проблемы.
Марков, В. В. Напрями діяльності НАТО у справі протидії кіберзлочинності / В. В. Марков, О. В. Караченцев // Право і безпека. - 2014. - № 4 (55). - С. 119-123.
Ключові слова
Міжнародне право .International Law. Международное право, Кримінологія. Criminology. Криминология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Організація Північноатлантичного договору, НАТО, кіберзлочинність, кіберпростір, міжнародна інформаційна безпека, хакери, кібератака, кіберзахист, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, cybercrime, cyberspace, international information security, hackers, cyber attacks, cyber defense, Организация Североатлантического договора, киберпреступность, киберпространство, международная информационная безопасность, хакеры, кибератака, киберзащита