Генезис тимчасового доступу до речей і документів

dc.contributor.authorКузубова, Т. О.
dc.contributor.authorKuzubova, T. O.
dc.contributor.authorORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6488-4971
dc.descriptionКузубова, Т. О. Генезис тимчасового доступу до речей і документів / Т. О. Кузубова // Право і безпека. – 2017. – № 3 (66). – С. 74–80.uk_UA.UTF8
dc.descriptionKuzubova, T.O. (2017), “Genesis of temporary access to items and documents” [“Henezys tymchasovoho dostupu do rechei i dokumentiv”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 3, pp. 74–80.
dc.description.abstractДосліджено зародження та розвиток правового інституту тимчасового доступу до речей і документів, який об’єднав у собі виїмку, огляд, копіювання документів. Проаналізовано положення Законів про судочинство у справах про злочини та проступки 1857 р., Статуту кримінального судочинства 1864 р., КПК УСРР 1922 р. та 1927 р., КПК України 1960 р., що регламентували порядок застосування виїмки. Запропоновано періодизацію процесу формування тимчасового доступу до речей і документів.uk_UA.UTF8
dc.description.abstractThe author has emphasized on a novelty for the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine of such a measure to ensure criminal proceedings, as temporary access to items and documents. It has been stressed that temporal access to items and documents combines seizure, review, and copying of documents. The author has singled out the seizure as the main procedural action under the Criminal and Procedural Code of Ukraine of 1960, which is transformed into the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine into the temporary access to items and documents. The author has analyzed the provisions of the laws on the judiciary in cases on crimes and misdemeanors of 1857, the Statute of the Criminal Procedure of 1864, the Criminal and Procedural Code of Ukrainian SSR of 1922 and 1927, the Criminal and Procedural Code of Ukraine of 1960, which regulated the procedure of applying the seizure. The author has provided scientific definition of the seizure that was formed during the times of the Criminal and Procedural Code of Ukraine of 1960. The author has singled out the initial general rule for conducting the seizure by the decree of an investigator, that is, the person who conducted the pre-trial investigation. It has been determined that from 2001 to 2011 the judicial control over the conduction of the seizure of items and documents was extended to the following types of documents and items: material carriers of secret information; documents of executive proceedings; documents containing bank secrecy; originals of primary financial and economic documents; originals of accounting documents; correspondence; information extracted from communication channels. Besides, judicial control was imposed on using the forced seizure from the housing or other property of a person, that is, on the basis of the location of the premises, where there were any items and documents that were subject to the seizure. The emphasis has been paid on the positive rules of applying the seizure, including the balance between judicial control regarding the seizure of the types of items and documents determined by the legislation and the procedural independence of an investigator while seizing all other items and documents. The author has offered the periodization of the process of forming the temporary access to items and documents. Some propositions have been made to improve the provisions of the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, which regulate the use of the temporary access to items and documents.en
dc.description.abstractИсследовано зарождение и развитие правого института временного доступа к вещам и документам, который объединил в себе выемку, осмотр, копирование документов. Проанализированы положения Законов о судопроизводстве по делам о преступлениях и проступках 1857 г., Устава уголовного судопроизводства 1864 г., УПК УССР 1922 г. и 1927 г., УПК Украины 1960 г., регламентировавших порядок производства выемки. Предложена периодизация процесса формирования временного доступа к вещам и документам.ru
dc.publisherПраво і безпека. – 2017. – № 3 (66). – С. 74–80uk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectКримінально-процесуальне право. Criminal and Procedure Law. Уголовное процессуальное правоuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectІсторія. History. Историяuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectтимчасовий доступ до речей і документівuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectслідчі діїuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectсудовий контрольuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectпроцесуальна незалежність слідчогоuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjecttemporary access to items and documentsuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectinvestigative actionsuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectjudicial controluk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectprocedural independence of an investigatoruk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectвременный доступ к вещам и документамuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectследственные действияuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectсудебный контрольuk_UA.UTF8
dc.subjectпроцессуальная независимость следователяuk_UA.UTF8
dc.titleГенезис тимчасового доступу до речей і документівuk_UA.UTF8
dc.title.alternativeГенезис временного доступа к вещам и документамuk_UA.UTF8
dc.title.alternativeGenesis of temporary access to items and documentsuk_UA.UTF8


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