Сімейне неблагополуччя та його наслідки: кримінологічний аспект
dc.contributor.author | Шевченко, О. В. | |
dc.contributor.author | Shevchenko, O. V. | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2016-01-25T12:00:04Z | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-05-07T08:07:52Z | |
dc.date.available | 2016-01-25T12:00:04Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-05-07T08:07:52Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2015 | |
dc.description | Шевченко, О. В. Сімейне неблагополуччя та його наслідки: кримінологічний аспект // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 2 (10). - С. 237-247. | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.description | Шевченко О. В. "Сімейне неблагополуччя та його наслідки: кримінологічний аспект." Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України 2 (2015): 237-247. | |
dc.description.abstract | Стаття присвячена проблемам сімейного неблагополуччя та його наслідків для українського суспільства. Вивчені різні терміни, які застосовуються для позначення цього явища: неблагополучна сім’я, деструктивна, дисфункційна, проблемна, кризова та сім’я, яка має ризики. Розглянуті типові наслідки сімейного неблагополуччя, акцентується на необхідності на державному рівні розробити програму подолання сімейного неблагополуччя та підтримати розвиток сімейної політики належним чином. | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.description.abstract | The topical problem for Ukrainian society is trouble families, besides this problem exists in the background of the family crisis as a basic social institution, existing progressive deterioration of the family state in all aspects – from family relations of a couple to parenting, from solving the housing and financial problems to the care of elderly parents. The problem of a trouble family requires a solution, because the family is the first factor of person’s socialization, the future of the society and individuals depends on the family. Studies of the problems of a family, family problems, as well as cultural and historical aspects of a family formation were the interest of the following scholars T. Alekseienko, T. Afanasieva, O. Bezpalko, Ye. Volkova, M. Halahuzova, I. Zvereva, A. Kapska, I. Semihina, P. Sorokina, I. Trubavina, O. Yankovich and others. Famous criminologists like Yu. Antonian, Ye. Kym, E. Pobehailo, D. Shestakov and others paid their attention to different aspects of violent crimes committed against family members. The objective of this article is the consideration of a trouble family and the consequences of this phenomenon for the Ukrainian society. The concept of family problems, in our opinion, covers many of the characteristics, the main of which is the failure of performing basic family functions related to different spheres of life: social and economic, socio-psychological, legal, financial, medical, educational, etc. The specific characteristics of a trouble family is the reflection of family problems, i.e. creation of deformed and distorted interpersonal relationships and behavior that many times are observed by individuals in their childhood in the family of their parents and are treated as normal, and then are transferred into the space of their own families, becoming the acquisition of future generations. All trouble families can be divided into two groups: 1) families with the explicit form of distress, where the forms of family problems have a striking character: families with alcohol / drug addiction, conflict families, trouble families, antisocial families, immoral and criminalized families; 2) families with a covert form of trouble – apparently respectable families, but their values and parents’ behavior differ from universal moral requirements that inevitably influences on parenting. It is clear that to identify families of the first group is much easier; it is them, first of all, come to the attention of law enforcement agencies and guardianship agencies. Regarding the second group of families, there is a possibility to identify them and overcome the negative effects of education in such families by using specialized agencies, NGOs and individual experts, such as school psyhologists and teachers, family counselors and others. We can say with confidence that the tendencies of trouble at intrafamily relationships have a significant threat both for the physical reproduction of the Ukrainian society (demographic aspect), and for its moral reproduction in terms of preserving the basic social values (moral and psychological aspect). Family problems have the most significant negative impact, as it is noted by sociologists, psychologists and educators, on children. Consequently, there is an obvious link between the increase of trouble families and the subsequent commission of a crime. The vast majority of criminals were brought up some time in trouble families, in adverse conditions, with improper upbringing by parents and insufficient attention. Examples of immoral and criminal behavior were learned as samples and norms, they were not the objects of critical and ethical understanding. Considering the family as one of the main sources of preserving cultural and spiritual values, it is necessary at the national level to develop a program of overcoming family problems and support properly the development of family policy. | en |
dc.description.abstract | Статья посвящена проблемам семейного неблагополучия и его последствиям для украинского общества. Изучены различные термины, которые употребляются для обозначения этого явления: неблагополучная семья, деструктивная, дисфункциональная, проблемная, кризисная и семья из группы риска. Рассмотрены типичные последствия семейного неблагополучия, акцентируется на необходимости на государственном уровне разработать программу преодоления семейного неблагополучия и поддержать развитие семейной политики надлежащим образом. | ru |
dc.identifier.uri | http://www.visnikkau.org/ | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dspace.univd.edu.ua/xmlui/handle/123456789/461 | |
dc.language.iso | other | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.publisher | Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 2 (10). - С. 237-247. | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | Кримінологія. Criminology. Криминология | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | Україна. Ukraine. Украина | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | неблагополучна сім’я | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | сімейні функції | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | родина | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | девіантна поведінка | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | криза інституту сім’ї | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | family | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | family functions | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | trouble family | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | crisis family | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | family violence | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | negative impact | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | classification of trouble families | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | неблагополучная семья | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | семейные функции | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | семья | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | девиантное поведение | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | кризис института семьи | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.subject | сім’я | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.title | Сімейне неблагополуччя та його наслідки: кримінологічний аспект | ru_RU.UTF8 |
dc.type | Article | ru_RU.UTF8 |
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