Згода одного з подружжя на вчинення правочинів щодо спільного майна

dc.contributor.authorД’ячкова, Н. А.
dc.contributor.authorDyachkova, N. A.
dc.contributor.authorORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4117-5432
dc.contributor.authorТучин, Ф. А.
dc.contributor.authorTuchyn, F. A.
dc.descriptionDyachkova, N.A. and Tuchin, F.A. (2015), “The spousal consent to commit transactions concerning the joint property” [“Zhoda odnoho z podruzhzhia na vchynennia pravochyniv shchodo spilnoho maina”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 2, pp. 160–165.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.descriptionД’ячкова, Н. А. Згода одного з подружжя на вчинення правочинів щодо спільного майна / Н. А. Д’ячкова, Ф. А. Тучин // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 2 (57). - С. 160-165.
dc.description.abstractДосліджено питання правової природи згоди одного з подружжя на вчинення правочинів щодо спільного майна другим із подружжя. Розглянуто проблеми надання такої згоди у різних видах договорів. Надано пропозиції щодо удосконалення практики застовування чинного законодавства.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.description.abstractThe issue of the legal nature of the consent provided by another spouse to commit a transaction by another spouse concerning the joint property is one of the least studied matters in jurisprudence. Nowadays, there is no research on the legal nature of consent in the modern science of family, which significantly complicates the correct understanding of the consent as a family and legal category. The authors of the article deal with the issue concerning the legal nature of the consent within family law as a way to implement the subjective rights unilaterally belonging to a person and how to protect the rights of the spouse who is not a title holder and is not directly involved in the contract. The authors have analyzed difference of parental consent to commit a transaction by their minor child from the consent of a spouse to commit a transaction by another spouse concerning the joint property. It is proved that by providing prior consent to commit a transaction concerning the joint property by one of the spouses the law protects the rights of the spouse who is not a title holder and is not directly involved in the contract. The concept «valuable marital property», which includes also money, is studied; and it is offered to consider agreements to acquire things having significant value as transactions on valuable marital property. The authors have grounded the conclusion that small household transaction committed by one of the spouses without the consent of another one, can also be contested in a court. To determine the legal consequences of an agreement on joint property disposal must establish «the fact of disagreement» of one of the spouses on concluding the agreement by another spouse, and not «the fact of presence or absence» of such a consent; notarized consent of another spouse is required for agreements of free property disposal, etc.en
dc.description.abstractИсследованы вопросы правовой природы согласия одного из супругов на совершение сделок в отношении общего имущества другим супругом. Рассмотрены проблемы предоставления такого согласия в разных видах договоров. Даны предложения по усовершенствованию практики применения действующего законодательства.ru
dc.publisherПраво і безпека. - 2015. - № 2 (57). - С. 160-165.ru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectЦивільне право. Civil Law. Гражданское правоru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectНаукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикацииru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectУкраїна. Ukraine. Украинаru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectзгода одного з подружжяru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectспільне майно подружжяru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectправочини подружжяru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectцінне майноru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectдрібний побутовий правочинru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectspousal consentru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectjoint property of the spousesru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjecttransactions of spousesru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectvaluable propertyru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectsmall household transactionru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectсогласие одного из супруговru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectобщее имущество супруговru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectсделки супруговru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectценное имуществоru_RU.UTF8
dc.subjectмелкая бытовая сделкаru_RU.UTF8
dc.titleЗгода одного з подружжя на вчинення правочинів щодо спільного майнаru_RU.UTF8


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