Правове регулювання забезпечення виборчих прав громадян в Україні та місце в ньому адміністративного законодавства
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Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2017. - № 2 (77). - С. 172-182
Досліджено сутність поняття «правове регулювання», його способи, типи та відмінність від правового впливу і правових основ. Визначено поняття та
складові механізму правового регулювання забезпечення виборчих прав громадян в
Україні, а також місце адміністративного законодавства в ньому.
The essence of the concept of “legal regulation”, its methods, types and differences from legal impact and legal bases have been researched. It has been emphasized that ensuring electoral rights of citizens in Ukraine requires the usage of appropriate ways out of the state and its authorities, mostly legal ones, which would assist to regulate social relations arising in the sphere of implementing these rights by citizens, as well as during the implementation of the powers by other subjects of the election process vested to them by the laws of Ukraine concerning its organization and conduction. The concept and components of the mechanism of legal regulation of ensuring electoral rights of citizens in Ukraine and the place of administrative law there have been determined. It has been emphasized that the legal regulation of electoral rights of citizens is carried out process through legal means of ordering social relations associated with the implementation of electoral rights by the citizens, enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine and in the current legislation, which is provided if necessary by the state coercion. It has been established that the legal regulation of ensuring electoral rights of the citizens has its own mechanism, covering the law norms that reinforce citizens’ electoral rights, mechanisms of their implementation and protection, acts of interpretation of the relevant regulation, acts of implementing legislation on elections (individual, normative) and public relations arising in the process of implementation of the citizens’ electoral rights. Special attention has been paid to the fact that administrative law occupies a key place within the mechanism of legal regulation of ensuring electoral rights of the citizens in Ukraine, because it is an integral component of its mechanism. Besides, many regulations contain administrative and legal norms regulating the management, imperious and regulatory relations concerning the organization and conduction of the electoral process and as for the protection of the electoral rights of the citizens.
Исследованы сущность понятия «правовое регулирование», его способы, типы и отличие от правового воздействия и правовых основ. Определено понятие и составляющие механизма правового регулирования обеспечения избирательных прав граждан в Украине, а также место административного законодательства в нём.
The essence of the concept of “legal regulation”, its methods, types and differences from legal impact and legal bases have been researched. It has been emphasized that ensuring electoral rights of citizens in Ukraine requires the usage of appropriate ways out of the state and its authorities, mostly legal ones, which would assist to regulate social relations arising in the sphere of implementing these rights by citizens, as well as during the implementation of the powers by other subjects of the election process vested to them by the laws of Ukraine concerning its organization and conduction. The concept and components of the mechanism of legal regulation of ensuring electoral rights of citizens in Ukraine and the place of administrative law there have been determined. It has been emphasized that the legal regulation of electoral rights of citizens is carried out process through legal means of ordering social relations associated with the implementation of electoral rights by the citizens, enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine and in the current legislation, which is provided if necessary by the state coercion. It has been established that the legal regulation of ensuring electoral rights of the citizens has its own mechanism, covering the law norms that reinforce citizens’ electoral rights, mechanisms of their implementation and protection, acts of interpretation of the relevant regulation, acts of implementing legislation on elections (individual, normative) and public relations arising in the process of implementation of the citizens’ electoral rights. Special attention has been paid to the fact that administrative law occupies a key place within the mechanism of legal regulation of ensuring electoral rights of the citizens in Ukraine, because it is an integral component of its mechanism. Besides, many regulations contain administrative and legal norms regulating the management, imperious and regulatory relations concerning the organization and conduction of the electoral process and as for the protection of the electoral rights of the citizens.
Исследованы сущность понятия «правовое регулирование», его способы, типы и отличие от правового воздействия и правовых основ. Определено понятие и составляющие механизма правового регулирования обеспечения избирательных прав граждан в Украине, а также место административного законодательства в нём.
Шорський, П. О. Правове регулювання забезпечення виборчих прав громадян в Україні та місце в ньому адміністративного законодавства / П. О. Шорський // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2017. - Вип. 2. - С. 172-182.
Шорський П. О. "Правове регулювання забезпечення виборчих прав громадян в Україні та місце в ньому адміністративного законодавства." Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ 2 (2017): 172-182.
Shorskyi, P.O. (2017), “Legal regulation of guaranteeing electoral rights of citizens in Ukraine and the place of administrative legislation” [Pravove rehuliuvannia zabezpechennia vyborchykh prav hromadian v Ukraini ta mistse v nomu administratyvnoho zakonodavstva], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 2, pp. 172–182.
Шорський П. О. "Правове регулювання забезпечення виборчих прав громадян в Україні та місце в ньому адміністративного законодавства." Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ 2 (2017): 172-182.
Shorskyi, P.O. (2017), “Legal regulation of guaranteeing electoral rights of citizens in Ukraine and the place of administrative legislation” [Pravove rehuliuvannia zabezpechennia vyborchykh prav hromadian v Ukraini ta mistse v nomu administratyvnoho zakonodavstva], Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Universytetu Vnutrishnikh Sprav, No. 2, pp. 172–182.
Ключові слова
Адміністративне право та процес. Адміністративна діяльність. Administrative Law and Procedure. Administrative Activity. Административное право и процесс. Административная деятельность, Держава і право. State and Law. Государство и право, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, правове регулювання, механізм правового регулювання, виборчі права, адміністративне законодавство, legal regulation, mechanism of legal regulation, electoral rights, administrative legislation, правовое регулирование, механизм правового регулирования, избирательные права, административное законодательство