Поняття громадської безпеки






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Члени комітету


Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 3 (11). - С. 236-243.


У статті проведено комплексне дослідження поняття «громадська безпека», здійснено критичний аналіз поглядів вчених щодо його визначення. Запропоновано авторську дефініцію поняття «громадська безпека».
Achievements of civilization in technical, humanitarian, natural and converting and other areas provide nowadays quite comfortable vital activity of a human in terms of developed infrastructure of localities, generally available natural resources, decisiveness of the state apparatus within the interaction with civil society institutions to regulate social contradictions, high-level political, contractual public and private, private and legal practice both within the state and at the international level. However, the dialectic of motion of materiality and energy in social space can not be described by linear laws, therefore, along with the more or less obvious benefits and opportunities of civilized, harmonious development of modern personality destructive patterns of human activity increasingly find their expression in recent decades. Their range and combinations are so wide multivariate that the need in their understanding dictates the primary need to use synthetic concept that would introduce these manifestations to the unified phenomenological discourse and would provide an opportunity to carry out scientific research at the system level. The category of “public safety” is usually used as such a concept in science. It is quite voluminous and, at the same time, unexplored. Theoretical developments of the nature and problems of guaranteeing public security were the interest of a number of lawyers specialized in administrative law, criminalistics, criminologists. However, despite the significant achievements of researchers in developing on the conceptual level the content and original aspects of public safety, a number of scientific provisions are incomplete, and some are controversial; there is a mix of related concepts (including internal, national, international, public, social security, etc.) implementation of terms-phantoms into doctrinal circulation is unjustified. These terms do not indicate the separate phenomenon of the objective reality, complicating understanding the phenomenological section of people safety. The article’s objective is a comprehensive study of the concept of “public safety”. At present time, there is no a unified vision of the content of public safety in the science. Existing views vary both in substantive and attributive traits. The author of the article provides a comprehensive study of the concept of “public safety”. The critical analysis of scientific views of scholars on the concept of “public safety” is accomplished. The author’s definition of the concept of “public safety” is offered. Public safety is a multi-level, multidirectional, dynamic phenomenon, which reflects functionally capable parameters of the system of specialized entities protecting the population from threats (their neutralization and prevention) of industrial, criminogenic, other anthropogenic and natural deterministic nature as well as the state of social and personal peace based on a balance between existing and potential threats and available and possible state of protection from them, which provides normal, progressive development of social groups and the population of the state as a whole, the realization of human potential.
В статье проведено комплексное исследование понятия «общественная безопасность», проведен критический анализ взглядов ученых относительно его определения. Предложена авторская дефиниция понятия «общественная безопасность».


Ярмиш, Н. О. Поняття громадської безпеки // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 3 (11). - С. 236-243.
Ярмиш Н. О. "Поняття громадської безпеки." Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України 3 (2015): 236-243.

Ключові слова

Кримінологія. Criminology. Криминология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, громадська безпека, громадський порядок, безпека, загальна захищеність, public safety, public order, security, total securit, общественная безопасность, общественный порядок, безопасность, общая защищенность

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