Кримінально-правова характеристика предмета злочину, передбаченого статтею 330 Кримінального кодексу України, за чинним кримінальним законодавством
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Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 2 (10). - С. 65-74.
Проаналізовано предмет злочину, передбаченого
ст. 330 Кримінального кодексу України. Визначено поняття «відомості, що становлять службову інформацію, зібрану у процесі оперативно-розшукової, контррозвідувальної діяльності, у сфері оборони країни».
Внесено пропозиції щодо вдосконалення законодавства
України щодо досліджуваного складу злочину.
The problem of studying the object of a crime in criminal law is always in the spotlight. But still there are ongoing disputes concerning the definition of the crime’s object. One of the criminal and legal norms, where the object of a crime is mandatory feature of the offence is the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which is called transfer or collection of knowledge that constitutes official information gathered in the course of operative and search, counter-intelligence activities in the field of the national defense. The article’s objective is the analysis of the object of a crime under the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the definition of the concept knowledge that constitutes official information gathered in the course of operative and search, counter-intelligence activities in the field of the national defense. The object of the crime under the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is recognized first, the information collected in the course of operative and search activity; secondly, the information collected in the course of counter-intelligence activity; thirdly, the information in the field of the national defense. The information gathered in the course of operative and search activity can be determined the information collected in the process of finding and fixing of evidence about illegal acts of individuals and groups, liability for which is under the Criminal Code of Ukraine, intelligence and subversive activities of foreign special services and organizations aiming at suppression of offences and in the interests of criminal proceedings, as well as obtaining information in the security interests of citizens, society and the state. The information gathered in the course of counter-intelligence activity can be determined information collected first, in the process of extraction, analytical processing and use of information that has features or evidence of intelligence, terrorism and other activities of foreign special services and organizations, some groups and individuals harming the national security of Ukraine; secondly, in the process of counteracting counter-intelligence, terrorism and other activities of special services of foreign states and organizations, some groups and individuals harming the national security of Ukraine; thirdly, in the process of developing and implementing the measures to prevent, eliminate and neutralize threats to the interests of the state, society and the rights of citizens. Information in the field of defense is the information collected in the course of political, economic, social, military, scientific, scientific and technical, IT, legal, organizational and other measures of the state concerning preparation for armed defense and its protection in case of military aggression or armed conflict. Solving the issue of classifying information to the crime’s object under the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, we should obligatory pay attention to the fact that this information must be of the state secret. Conclusions. The crime’s object under the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is knowledge that constitute official information gathered in the course of operative and search, counter-intelligence activities in the field of the national defense. The object of the crime is information itself, but not a document, which is marked “for official use only”. It is offered to amend the disposition of the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, namely the words “knowledge that constitutes official information gathered in the course of operative and search, counter-intelligence activities in the field of the national defense” with the words “which are not classified as the state secrets”.
Представлен анализ предмета преступления, предусмотренного ст. 330 Уголовного кодекса Украины. Приведено определение понятия «сведения, составляющие служебную информацию, собранную в процессе оперативно-розыскной, контрразведывательной деятельности, в сфере обороны страны. Внесены предложения по совершенствованию законодательства Украины относительно исследуемого состава преступления.
The problem of studying the object of a crime in criminal law is always in the spotlight. But still there are ongoing disputes concerning the definition of the crime’s object. One of the criminal and legal norms, where the object of a crime is mandatory feature of the offence is the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which is called transfer or collection of knowledge that constitutes official information gathered in the course of operative and search, counter-intelligence activities in the field of the national defense. The article’s objective is the analysis of the object of a crime under the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the definition of the concept knowledge that constitutes official information gathered in the course of operative and search, counter-intelligence activities in the field of the national defense. The object of the crime under the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is recognized first, the information collected in the course of operative and search activity; secondly, the information collected in the course of counter-intelligence activity; thirdly, the information in the field of the national defense. The information gathered in the course of operative and search activity can be determined the information collected in the process of finding and fixing of evidence about illegal acts of individuals and groups, liability for which is under the Criminal Code of Ukraine, intelligence and subversive activities of foreign special services and organizations aiming at suppression of offences and in the interests of criminal proceedings, as well as obtaining information in the security interests of citizens, society and the state. The information gathered in the course of counter-intelligence activity can be determined information collected first, in the process of extraction, analytical processing and use of information that has features or evidence of intelligence, terrorism and other activities of foreign special services and organizations, some groups and individuals harming the national security of Ukraine; secondly, in the process of counteracting counter-intelligence, terrorism and other activities of special services of foreign states and organizations, some groups and individuals harming the national security of Ukraine; thirdly, in the process of developing and implementing the measures to prevent, eliminate and neutralize threats to the interests of the state, society and the rights of citizens. Information in the field of defense is the information collected in the course of political, economic, social, military, scientific, scientific and technical, IT, legal, organizational and other measures of the state concerning preparation for armed defense and its protection in case of military aggression or armed conflict. Solving the issue of classifying information to the crime’s object under the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, we should obligatory pay attention to the fact that this information must be of the state secret. Conclusions. The crime’s object under the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is knowledge that constitute official information gathered in the course of operative and search, counter-intelligence activities in the field of the national defense. The object of the crime is information itself, but not a document, which is marked “for official use only”. It is offered to amend the disposition of the Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, namely the words “knowledge that constitutes official information gathered in the course of operative and search, counter-intelligence activities in the field of the national defense” with the words “which are not classified as the state secrets”.
Представлен анализ предмета преступления, предусмотренного ст. 330 Уголовного кодекса Украины. Приведено определение понятия «сведения, составляющие служебную информацию, собранную в процессе оперативно-розыскной, контрразведывательной деятельности, в сфере обороны страны. Внесены предложения по совершенствованию законодательства Украины относительно исследуемого состава преступления.
Володавська, О. С. Кримінально-правова характеристика
предмета злочину, передбаченого статтею 330
Кримінального кодексу України, за чинним
кримінальним законодавством / О. С. Володавська // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2015. - № 2 (10). - С. 65-74.
Володавська О. С. "Кримінально-правова характеристика предмета злочину, передбаченого статтею 330 Кримінального кодексу України, за чинним кримінальним законодавством." Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України 2 (2015): 65-74.
Володавська О. С. "Кримінально-правова характеристика предмета злочину, передбаченого статтею 330 Кримінального кодексу України, за чинним кримінальним законодавством." Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України 2 (2015): 65-74.
Ключові слова
Кримінальне право. Criminal Law. Уголовное право, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, службова інформація, предмет злочину, Оперативно-розшукова діяльність. Operative and search activity. Оперативно-розыскная деятельность, контррозвідувальна діяльність, оборона країни, official information, object of a crime, operative and search activity, counter-intelligence activity, defense of the country, служебная информация, предмет преступления, оперативно-розыскная деятельность, контрразведывательная деятельность, оборона страны