Інформація, що містить пропаганду війни: кримінально-правовий та кримінологічний аспекти













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Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2017. - № 1 (15). - С. 117-125


Удосконалено дефініцію поняття «публічні заклики до агресивної війни або до розв’язування воєнного конфлікту». З позицій кримінального права та кримінології визначено інформацію, що містить пропаганду війни. Здійснено її розподіл на прямі (кримінально карані) та опосередковані (не є кримінально караними) звернення.
There is no clear understanding of exact information that is related to the information containing propaganda of war in the context of criminal law and criminology. The definition of what should be considered as the propaganda of war has been the subject of the research of a considerable range of scholars. The authors have provided their own definition and components of the information war. The issue of the very actions are qualified as an aggression act has been revealed in the regulatory UN and Ukraine acts. The objective of this article is the attempt to determine information containing propaganda of war in the context of criminal law and criminology. Actions, which represent the armed aggression, are defined in the Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Defense of Ukraine”. The armed aggression against Ukraine is any of the following actions: 1) invasion or attack of the armed forces of another state or a group of states on the territory of Ukraine, and occupation or annexation of the territory of any part of Ukraine; 2) blockade of ports, coasts or airspace, damage of communications of Ukraine by the armed forces of another state or a group of states; 3) attack of the armed forces of another state or a group of states on military land, sea or air forces, or civilian marine or air fleets of Ukraine; 4) sending armed groups of regular or irregular forces of a state or on its behalf to commit acts of using armed force against Ukraine, which are so serious in nature that it is tantamount to the actions referred above including a significant participation of a third state in such actions; 5) actions of another state (s) that allows its territory, which was provided at the disposal of a third state, to be used by that third state (s) for the commission of the actions referred above; 6) the use of the armed forces of another state or a group of states that are on the territory of Ukraine in accordance with the concluded international agreements with Ukraine against a third state or a group of states, other violations of the conditions stipulated by such agreements or extension of staying these units on the territory of Ukraine after the termination of these agreements. In terms of criminology, direct and indirect appeals are related to the socially harmful information containing propaganda of war. The direct ones are punishable within criminal law, they include any at least one open appeal through a request or requirement for unspecified, but significant range of persons about: invasion or attack by the armed forces of a state or a group of states on the territory of another state, as well as the occupation or annexation of any part of the territory of a state; blockade of ports, coasts or airspace, damage of communications of a state by the armed forces of another state or a group of states; attack of the armed forces of a state or a group of states on military land, sea or air forces, or civilian marine or air fleets of another state; sending armed groups of regular or irregular forces of a state or on its behalf to commit an act of using armed force against another state;actions of another state (s) that allows its territory, which was provided at the disposal of a third state, to be used by that third state (s) for the commission of the actions referred above; the use of the armed forces of a state or a group of states that are on the territory of another state in accordance with the concluded international agreements against a third state or a group of states, other violations of the conditions stipulated by such agreements or extension of staying these units on the state’s territory after the termination of these agreements. Indirect ones are not punishable within criminal law, these include the collection of all or part of the following appeals (or close to them in meaning): “We do not want war”, “The other side is to blame for the war started”, “The enemy – is the face of the devil”, “We defend the noble purpose, not lucrative goals”, “The enemy systematically commits crimes and we make unintentional errors”, “The enemy is using prohibited weapons”, “We have small losses, the enemy losses are huge in number”, “We are supported by representatives of culture, intellectuals”, “Our goal – is holy”, “Anyone who doubts our propaganda – is a traitor”.
Усовершенствована дефиниция понятия «публичные призывы к агрессивной войне или к развязыванию военного конфликта». С позиций уголовного права и криминологии определена информация, содержащая пропаганду войны. Осуществлено ее деление на прямые (уголовно наказуемые) и косвенные (не являются уголовно наказуемыми) обращения.


Олішевський, О. В. Інформація, що містить пропаганду війни: кримінально-правовий та кримінологічний аспекти / Олександр Володимирович Олішевський // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2017. - № 1 (15). - С. 117-125.
Olishevskyi, O. V.(2017), “Information containing propaganda of war: criminological, criminal and legal aspects” [Informatsiia, shcho mistyt propahandu viiny: kryminalno-pravovyi ta kryminolohichnyi aspekty], Visnyk Kryminolohichnoi asotsiatsii Ukrainy, No. 1, pp. 117–125.

Ключові слова

Кримінальне право. Criminal Law. Уголовное право, Кримінологія. Criminology. Криминология, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, інформація, пропаганда війни, публічні заклики, агресивна війна, воєнний конфлікт, information, propaganda of war, public appeals to, aggressive war, military conflict, информация, пропаганда войны, публичные призывы, агрессивная война, военный конфликт

Бібліографічний опис



