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Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2017. - № 2 (16). - С. 81-91


Аналізуються проблеми функцій норм кримінального права через зіставлення їх змісту з правовою природою методу кримінально-правового регулювання. Робиться висновок, що функції норм кримінального права не можливо вивчати без урахування завдань галузі права і методу правового регулювання. Констатується, що норми кримінального права, що встановлюють покарання за вчинення кримінального правопорушення, виконують дві головні функції – запобіжну та відновлювальну.
Particularly acute today is the issue of the social purpose of criminal law, which occupies the most important place in the system of Ukrainian law. This is due to its hierarchy in this system and to the performed functions, as if the regulation of other branches of law stops, then the criminal and legal regulation begins. However, today there are a number of unresolved aporia, through which the science of criminal law can not exist without the ideology of the Soviet legal tradition. Approaches to determining the definition of the function and their types, attributing criminal law with the ideological, educational and other functions, can not get rid of the Soviet past. The problems of determining the function are under the scope of such scholars in the field of forensic science as: D. I. Anisimov, M. I. Baitin, V. K. Duiunov, I. E. Zvecharovskyi, M. I. Kovalov, S. V. Maksymov, V. V. Maltsev, R. I. Mykhieiev, A. V. Naumov, P. P. Osypov, A. S. Otsiatsia, M. I. Panov, A. A. Piontkovskyi, V. S. Prokhorov, B. T. Razhildiiev, V. H. Smyrnov, V. Ya. Tatsii, P. A. Fefelov, V. D. Fylymonov, V. V. Shablystyi and others. However, the overall degree of discussions has not been decreased, but otherwise, the problems of functions of the criminal law norms continue to cause great interest among scholars in the field of forensic science, expanding the range of discussed issues and increasing the breadth of the discussion field. The objective of this study is to outline the approach to study the functions of the criminal law norms on the foundation of the tasks of the law branch and the method of criminal and legal regulation. The author has analyzed the problems of criminal law functions through the comparison of their content with the legal nature of the method of criminal and legal regulation. The problem is in the compliance with the requirements of formal logic in determining the definition of regulatory (regulating) function of criminal law, which is applied together with the definition of criminal and legal regulation. Therefore, considering the mechanism of criminal and legal regulation while allocating the regulatory function is meaningless, as there is unwanted contamination of these criminal and legal phenomena. However, the functions of law should be regarded as independent main areas of criminal and legal regulation. That’s why the name “regulatory” for the function makes it impossible to understand the content of the definition of legal regulation, but only gets a researcher to a dead-end of the cognition of criminal and legal matter. The specificity, nature and character of performing the functions of criminal and legal regulation are defined by the method. The latter enables the accomplishment of the tasks of criminal law, ensuring the appropriate level of the implementation of the rights and execution of the duties by the subjects of criminal law. The action of criminal and legal method is associated with such special means of influence, when the main legal consequence is imposing prohibitions and obligations, but not giving a certain right to the subjects. In other words, the legal prohibiting orientation and and influence – are the most significant characteristics of criminal law and its method. The duty of the subjects of criminal law not to commit acts prescribed by the norm of the Special Part of the Law on criminal liability is the result of the legal prohibition by the will of the state; this duty derives from the constitutional one – to observe the regulations of the laws and the Constitution of Ukraine. Thus, the specificity of the method of criminal and legal regulation allows the statement about the diversity of the concepts of the function and method in the context of criminal law and in any case, they can not be identified, because it would lead to an incorrect understanding of the mechanism of criminal and legal regulation. Thus: 1. The norms of criminal law establishing the punishment for a criminal offense, perform two main functions – preventive and restorative. 2. Allocation of other functions has an additional nature, but the main one we have to admit the accomplishment of the tasks of criminal law and the nature of criminal and legal regulation while clarifying them. Otherwise, this approach may lead to the allocation of the functions that are not inherent to the norms of criminal law. 3. Further scientific developments of the theory of functions of criminal law norms are possible through a broad scientific discussion of the outlined by us problems. However, in our opinion, we should consider civilized approach, rather than to “pull” out of the Soviet past by the ideological communist regime, providing the criminal law with the functions that were not performed and could not be implemented either under the current conditions or under the conditions of the country’s development in the ХХ century.
Анализируются проблемы функций норм уголовного права через сопоставление их содержания с правовой природой метода уголовно-правового регулирования. Делается вывод, что функции норм уголовного права невозможно изучать без учёта задач отрасли права и метода правового регулирования. Констатируется, что нормы уголовного права, устанавливающие наказание за совершение уголовного правонарушения, выполняют две главные функции – предупредительную и восстановительную.


Литвинов, О. М. Методологічні підходи до вирішення проблем функцій норм кримінального права / Олексій Миколайович Литвинов, Ігор Іванович Митрофанов // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2017. - № 2 (16). - С. 81-91.
Lytvynov, O. M. and Mytrofanov, I. I. (2017), “Methodological Approaches to Solving Problems of the Functions of the Criminal Law Norms” [Metodolohichni pidkhody do vyrishennia problem funktsii norm kryminalnoho prava], Visnyk Kryminolohichnoi asotsiatsii Ukrainy, No. 2 (16), pp. 81–91.

Ключові слова

Кримінальне право. Criminal Law. Уголовное право, Наукові публікації. Scientific publications. Научные публикации, Україна. Ukraine. Украина, правнича функція, метод правового регулювання, кримінально-правове регулювання, запобіжна функція, кримінально-правові відносини, відновлювальна функція, legal function, method of legal regulation, criminal regulation, preventive function, criminal and legal relations, restorative function, правовая функция, метод правового регулирования, уголовно-правовое регулирование, предупредительная функция, уголовно-правовые отношения, восстановительная функция

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